The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

"Chief Yamamoto, in this action plan, our Special Section 1 was originally prepared to alert the enemy and let the personnel of Special Section 1 and the Special High Section set up an ambush outside the puppet army headquarters!"

"In this way, we only need to approach the puppet army headquarters step by step, and the agents in Shancheng will inevitably be desperate and take the initiative to show up!"

Sumu, who represented the military police headquarters, was also approaching Yamamoto Benlang with a look of bullying!

"If we follow this plan, the Special High Section only needs to guard the east exit to catch the turtle in the jar!" Sumu said, and then glanced at Hechuan Valley on the side!

"Unfortunately, Hechuan ignored the order and took people to the puppet army headquarters for investigation, thus letting the Yamashiro agents escape!"

"So, the Special High Section needs to take full responsibility for the failure of this operation!"

As Sumu finished describing the action plan, Yoshikawa Yuya and Akamatsu Do, who attended the meeting, nodded with satisfaction!

Sumu's plan can be said to be under the situation of insufficient manpower!

It is indeed the most effective way!

Instead of investigating one by one!

Giving the other party a chance to escape!

Why not!

Deploy defenses directly on the periphery and force the other party to jump into the trap!

Even Okamoto Shin frowned at such an action plan and couldn't find any faults!

If it were his Mei Agency!

It is estimated that this method would also be adopted!

Yamamoto Jiro, who was standing in the field, glanced at Hechuan Valley. He didn't expect that his men were such a waste!

The plan of the Special Section 1 has been perfected to this extent!

His Special High Section actually made mistakes in execution!


Yamamoto Benjiro was furious as he cursed at Hechuantani!

Such an idiot!

How do you do things!

"Section Chief, stab..."


Hearing that Hechuantani, this idiot, actually wanted to talk about sashimi, Yamamoto Benjiro immediately cursed angrily!

Thought: idiot, sashimi is related to the arrest of the intelligence department personnel of the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station, you idiot, actually said it in such an occasion!

Thought: This kind of extreme idiot must be kicked out of the Special High Section!

Yamamoto Benjiro cursed in his heart, while Sumu on the other side was shocked and stared at Yamamoto Benjiro!

Military Control Commission Shanghai Station Intelligence Department? !

Damn it!

This little devil's sashimi can actually get the intelligence department personnel!

You know!

Military Control Commission Shanghai Station Intelligence Department!

It is the most important department!

Among them, there is not only the intelligence department chief who knows his identity!

The most important thing is!

The secret code book!

If the Japanese got that thing!

It would be really troublesome!

"Damn it, this old thief Yamamoto didn't say anything!"

After eavesdropping halfway, he heard that the old thief Yamamoto just cursed and didn't continue to mention sashimi, and Su Mu's eyebrows raised slightly!

In this case!

He can't eavesdrop on the information about sashimi!


We have to fight!

"Section Chief Yamamoto, what did Hechuantani just say, assassination?"

Pretending to be confused, Su Mu also asked Yamamoto Jiro again!

Taking advantage of the fact that he now represents the Military Police Headquarters and has the right to hold the Special High Section accountable, Su Mu must force Yamamoto Jiro again!

"Susan, this kind of thing is not something you can understand!"

With a cold look in his eyes, Yamamoto Jiro's heart was full of anger!

In his heart: Damn Yoshikawa Yuya, he actually let a lackey hold me accountable!

Heart: The plan of the sashimi operation is related to the next secret arrest operation. What qualifications does this lackey have to ask!

Eavesdropping on the other party's thoughts, the secret arrest operation shocked Su Mu's heart!

Secret arrest? !

Damn it!

Whose traces did the other party have!

As a hidden agent, Su Mu knew it very well!

It seems that arrest and secret arrest are only one word apart!

But the two are completely different!

The difficulty of secret arrest is undoubtedly greater!

Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to grasp the traces of the other party before it can be completed!

"Commander Yoshikawa, this........."

Shocked in his heart, Su Mu remained calm, with an embarrassed look, and asked Yoshikawa Yuya behind him!

Yoshikawa Yuya frowned slightly, and before he spoke, he saw Uemoto Jiro whispering to Okamoto Jin!

Heart: What, it is related to the arrest of the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station Intelligence Station, and it can also

To get the secret codebook?

For a moment, Okamoto Jin's face changed!

"Yoshikawa-kun, let Susan leave first!"

Okamoto Jin spoke, and Yoshikawa Yuya also noticed something was wrong!

"Nakano-kun, take Susan out first!" After ordering Nakano Osamu, Yoshikawa Yuya also let Sumu leave first!

Since Okamoto Jin spoke!

Then it means the next conversation!

It is no longer something that a small character like Sumu can participate in!

"Damn it!"

Swearing in his heart, Sumu followed Nakano Osamu respectfully on the surface!

He just overheard the key part!

He was asked to leave!

This undoubtedly made Sumu very uncomfortable!

After this meeting!

He only overheard that the Special High Section was going to attack the intelligence department personnel!

But who exactly was it and how the Special High Section would do it!

He knew nothing!

Under this situation!

If he didn't know the specific situation!

I didn't even dare to report it!

"Susan, let's go to the office and sit for a while!"

Holding Sumu's shoulders, Nakano Osamu looked like a good brother, and Sumu also smiled and greeted him with a smile!


Sumu knew very well!

Yoshikawa Yuya asked Nakano Osamu to come out to accompany him!

It was just to monitor him!

You can't spread it even if you know a little bit!

In the meeting room

"Yamamoto-kun, you didn't report such an important action!"

At this moment, Yoshikawa Yuya learned about Yamamoto Jiro's plan, and he couldn't help but say angrily!

If this action goes smoothly!

Then the Shanghai Military Control Station can definitely be wiped out!

"Commander Yoshikawa, our Special High Section can do this independently!" Yamamoto Jiro glanced at Yoshikawa Yuya, and said with a firm face, "Moreover, we have not found the hidden agent "Yamauchi" of the Military Control Commission so far!"

As the word "Yamauchi" was spoken, everyone in the huge venue fell silent!

News about the agent codenamed "Yamauchi" of the Military Control Commission!

They knew it a long time ago!

But they didn't know where this person was and in which department!

After being confronted by Yamamoto Jiro, Yoshikawa Yuya's face was also a little ugly!

Especially with the action of the Special High Section this time!

Okamoto Susumu also spoke out to protect the Special High Section!

Yoshikawa Yuya's accountability was also temporarily postponed!


At the entrance of the Military Police Headquarters

"Commander Yoshikawa, Commander Okamoto, Commander Akamatsu!"

At this moment, with the end of the meeting, Sumu and Nakano Osamu were once again familiar with each other at the door. Sumu came, of course, for intelligence!

"Susan, send Chief Yamamoto off for me!"

Yoshikawa Yuya spoke coldly with an unhappy tone!

"No need for you, Commander Yoshikawa!"

Yamamoto Benjiro said, and then strode out with Aikawatani!

Thoughts: Damn it, Yamamoto Benjiro, he has such an attitude before he catches the intelligence chief of the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station!

Thoughts: If he catches him, how can I control the Special High Section!

Yoshikawa Yuya cursed in his heart, while Sumu, who was standing beside him, was beating wildly!


"The Special High Section's target is the intelligence chief?!"

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