Transcendental Qualifications (2)

Whirrik! 👌👌👌👌👌

Lokan easily avoided the whip that flew faster than the sound.


But when I regained my composure and looked again, something strange happened.

It was definitely incredibly fast and strong, but is that really powerful enough to blow me away? It was difficult to accept.

It's fast enough to dodge if you're prepared, and the level at which the land hit by the whip is destroyed was not great.

‘That’s it.’

It was likely to cause confusion, but Lokan knew it from his experience. That there is a secret hidden in the whip that he wields.

‘You don’t have to be caught.’

The same goes for strategy. I focused on not being caught by the whip, after realizing that the power of the 'caught' by the whip increased rapidly.

“Get behind. A slaughter blow!”

In that sense, Rokhan's skills and control were suitable for making fun of him. Because I completely ignored the Mortar bullet.

‘There’s no reason to force yourself to catch him.’

His whip was dangerous, but that was all.

He gave up the thought of catching him, so he became more comfortable with him.

The moment the whip was about to hit the back, it returned to the enemy's back and took the attack instead, and inserted a lethal blow while staggering from the unexpected blow.

He cut his spine and cut off his spine and nerves.

“Lions are rampant!”

It even included the flame of a golden lion, making it impossible to even recover.

It means that the mortar played a wonderful side-attack play like an ally.

Lokan took the opportunity without hesitation and took it.

“Kyaaaah! The whip of obedience!”

The same goes for the attacks of Gmortan, which run wild enough to lose reason. Lokan not only watched the movement carefully and avoided it, but also used it to attack intermediate demons and pet beasts. The incoming experience was a little slashed, but nonetheless, it was confirmed that it was filled up to the full, and the mortar was devastated.


And when the experience bar reached a certain point, he finally instructed Sharak and Kirito to retreat and ran towards the mortar.

“Ugh! I will fight too!”

"let's go."

Kirito, who exploded his ferocity, declared that he would fight to the death, but Sharak stopped him.

By activating the blood magic, he constrained his actions and forcibly carried him back to Tourby.

The same goes for other vampires, werewolves, and demon soldiers.

After a fierce battle, the number had already decreased sharply, but they stopped the pursuit as much as possible and began to retreat quickly.

“Only you can’t run away!”

Fortunately, Gmortan didn't care about them. He just pours all his energy towards Lokan, who is running towards him with great momentum.

They're the ones who run away now, because they can subdue and make fun of them in the future.

He said that he would surely capture him and make him a slave, and he poured all his energy into Lokan.


However, Lokan did not deal with him until the very end.

Even as the duration of the transcendental awakening approached, he focused on inflicting fatal wounds by attracting the attention of the beasts and taking the damage instead of colliding with him with all his might.“Super dramatic.”

And the moment the gap was created, it poured a blow that contained everything.

The power of the Grand Master and the power of blood awakening were added to the blow that originally killed the Grand Master.

Woo woo woo woo!

“Ani, how could such a transcendent… … !”

The immense energy that gathers in Battle Axe. It wasn't just destructive power.

'This… … ?'

It was a new kind of power.

Even Lokan couldn't know where it came from or how it was made, but it was clear that the power contained in that blow was far beyond the scope of the Grand Master.

“Blood, avoid it!”


The super-geek engulfed the whole area. It's not just an explosion. It was the power of 'annihilation'.

A thrilling power that destroys everything.

It devoured the enemy and devoured space.


And the moment the skill's recoil was over, the aftereffects came to Lokan as well. As the duration of Transcendental Awakening ends, it returns to its original state.


That's not all. Perhaps it was due to the use of excessive force, and even though there was still a little time left, Rise of the Wind was automatically canceled.

[You have leveled up.]

And at that moment, a refreshing beep sound was heard that calmed the mind.

It was the achievement of level 399.

[You have reached level 399.]

[The promotion quest is in progress.]

[Based on the past play record, a reasonable promotion quest is given.]

A strong light enveloped Lokan.

All the beings, who had been fascinated by the formidable power, came to their senses and began to attack, but the light surrounding Lokan did not allow outside intrusion.

[You who have the qualifications of the Transcendent, tell me a name that can be used to describe you.]

The voice that came with him.

It demanded something from Lokan.

right name. Or what is called a modifier.

Lokan thought for a moment about what this means, and then thought of something.

'Red ax? No, no.’

The first thing that came to mind was Drox. Wasn't he also known by the alias of the red ax more than his name?

But he soon realized that he wasn't. Drox wasn't even a Grand Master, and the word "Transcendent" was too heavy for a name of just that.

'Giant Slayer.'

And he could soon come up with another name. That's the name it was used when the wind was making a name for itself in heaven.

It seems that he is now called the god of massacre, but it was too grandiose to be the modifier of the Grand Master.

So the giant slayer was probably correct.

‘That’s right… … .'

Lokan, who remembered the name, was able to understand the meaning of this modifier and the power contained within it.

‘It is said that language has power. It seems to be the case this time as well.’

The name required by the unknown.

It was not just a decorative word, but a word to express oneself and give strength.

It must have been for this reason that the storm was especially strong against the Titans.

‘I’m curious about Gaokan’s modifier.’

As before, I had a feeling that it might be the Lion King, but it might not be.

And at that moment, Lokan decided his modifier.

Or maybe he didn't know that it was decided from the beginning.

“The King of Violence. I am the king of violence.”

A name that has been passed down from a previous life. No matter how much he thought about it, he decided that no name could describe him better than that.

[Rokan, the king of violence. that's a good name Then prove your worth now.]

[Proof of Value: King of Violence] [Quest]

You who have the qualifications of the Transcendent, prove your worth.

-Completion condition

1. Submission of beings below level 300 0 / 1,000,000

2. Submission of existences above level 300 0 / 100,000

3. Submission of beings above level 350 0 / 10,000

4. Submission of beings above level 400 0 / 10

-Completion Reward: 1 level increase, promotion to Grand Master


Saying the name, a quest was created.

But this time, there was neither retroactive nor automatic promotion.

It seems that the contents of the quest change according to the name suggested.

However, the condition of the quest completion condition was different.

"crazy… … .”

I don't know exactly what surrender means, but the number was huge.

Do you have to subdue 100,000 for the Master level, 10,000 for the High Master level, and 10 more for the Grand Master level? In addition, there were 1 million people below level 300.

Killing may be included, but it was clear that this alone would take an enormous amount of time.

‘It’s good that the level doesn’t drop, but… … .'

Lokan's eyes fluttered at the embarrassing quest.

However, there is no way to change the content.

With a flash of light once again, the shield that surrounded Rokhan disappeared, and Gmortan and his forces showed their malice toward the weakened Rokhan.

“Heh heh, everything will be alright if we break it all down.”

Not only the transcendental awakening has ended, but also the duration of the Frenzy Manifestation has expired. But Rokhan did not despair or succumb.

He stretched out his chest and revealed his madness once more.


The final clash began.

* * *“Ugh.”

When Lokan, who was running wild, opened his closed eyes, an unfamiliar ceiling greeted him.


I was not familiar with the phenomenon that I had been feeling for a long time, but there was nothing to panic about.

Because it was already expected.

[The Demon Realm Territory Trubi has been destroyed.]

[The authority for the Demon Realm Territory Touruby has been taken away.]

[The authority of the middle class demon has been deprived.]

Soon after, a push notification found him. As expected, the territory was destroyed and the authority of the middle class demons was deprived.

But Lokan didn't care and looked at his condition first.

Fortunately, the dropped item was just a japtem, and the level was the same.


This is an excellent achievement of the original goal. Because from the beginning, I did not intend to destroy the Beast Trainer, who had a different level of difference between the two stages.

"wait a moment."

But it's not that I'm not angry. If you don't pay it back, you're not Rokan.

But now is just not the time.

Moreover, did you not have a glimpse of the possibility through the ultimate strike, which was used in the transcendental state? Even at level 450, it would be difficult to guarantee that you would be able to survive if you hit it authentically.

Rokhan, who rose from his seat easily, focused on the newly acquired promotion quest instead of paying attention to the things he had lost.

“Fortunately, killing seems to be included.”

At the end, the completion conditions written in the quest were somewhat achieved thanks to the use of the Berserk and running wild.

But even so, it's not long enough. There was a long way to go.

[Beast Master Gmortan has placed a bounty on you.]

"Huh? You’re doing everything.”

Then, another notification appeared.

The enraged Gmortan killed Rokhan, stole his territories and trampled them on, placing a bounty on Mozara Rokhan.

Suddenly, he was in the same condition as a wanted monster caught in the village, but Lokan smiled. because it doesn't mean much.

The wanted bounty of the demon realm was only valid in the demon realm, and in the neutral zone or in the heavenly realm, you can use the village as much as you want.

“Ah, do you want the heavens too?”

Come to think of it, the time has come to slowly complete the investigation and start moving in heaven.

After all, it was because he was doing this to deal with the troops coming from heaven.

But Lokan didn't care either. There was still a neutral zone, and from his point of view, who had to hunt a huge number, the pursuit of both heaven and hell was rather sweet.

“You’ll find out who’s being fucked.”

And one thought came to mind.

As a result, although they took the victory, what will happen to the position of the higher-level demons who were robbed and lost a lot of power by the visitors who had only gained the status of “intermediate” demons?

If he was a demon, he wouldn't leave him alone. Do the demons who are united with selfishness and opportunism have similar thoughts?

Of course, it's best to take it down by yourself, but he decided that he could be overthrown by himself before he even became Grandmaster.

“By the way, it’s subjugation… … . It's fun.”

And one more thing, Lokan thought of a way to solve this quest surprisingly easily.

He stopped thinking and immediately began to move.

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