There are tricks (2)

“Who is the loser! … … But, what are their skills? yo. This."

Drox was angry because his self-esteem had been damaged, but he seemed a little anxious.

He was a grand master-class craftsman who had created legendary-grade equipment, and his skills improved by the time he was used by Lokan, but in retrospect, he has just crossed the line.

“At least there is no Grand Master level.”

“Huh, then… … .”

Still, a Grand Master is a Grand Master. Besides, doesn't he have heavenly skills?

Even at the same level, it was only a matter of time to win the position of the Dwarf King, as they would produce products that were qualitatively different from those made on the ground.

“Give me a full moon. To become a dwarf king within it.”

So Lokan gave him plenty of time. Since he has no contact with the ground other than Rokhan, he must start from the bottom to ascend to the position of the Dwarf King.

Considering that, even though the full moon is ridiculously short, I thought it would be possible because I was a Dwarf.

If it's his skill, he'll get attention even if he just lays out the seats right now, and it won't take long for the news to reach the dwarf craftsmen.

Maybe he will be able to compete with the Dwarf King in just a week.

Lokan, who gave Droxh a map, various materials, tools, and gold, ordered the soldiers to lead him to the teleport magic circle.

And he sent him directly to the capital of the dwarven kingdom without ever having to go back.

After that, you'll be fine.

Because he wasn't just a crafty craftsman, he made a name for himself as a battle dwarf who was once called the Red Axe.

“Your Majesty, the knights have arrived. Will you take it?”

“Fast. Come on in.”

Meanwhile, Lokan interviewed the knights in turn. Since it was a decree issued by the prime minister at the command of the emperor, he was running with a teleport magic circle as if he was competing for loyalty.

Maybe a full moon is not enough just to meet them.

“Hey, this is taking quite a bit of time. From next time on, ask them to come in at once.”

In particular, the lack of time was even worse when interviewing one person at a time.

In the beginning, it was just an oath of allegiance that had nothing to do with an interview, but it takes time to set up an example.

So Lokan made a decision.

Don't set an example.

And collect them and enter them at once.

Don't even do the troublesome task of leaving your weapon and going to it.

By doing this, the time was drastically reduced.

‘Was there so many?’Nevertheless, it was the same that the people who gathered did not decrease.

While Lokan went to heaven, the NPCs also developed. Many were sacrificed in the Second Race War, but when a hero disappears, a new one is born.

If it's short, it's a short time, but it's really a great development. The master level alone has already exceeded 3,000, and the high master has reached three hundred.

‘It’s probably a patch rather than a development or growth.’

Did a number like this suddenly rise to the heights at the same time? it doesn't make sense So this was supposed to be a patch.

The most likely thing is that the level and number of strong NPCs are determined according to the level of the users. Otherwise, it would be very easy for users to overthrow the country.

And it was also a proof that the level of users had increased by that much.

‘I don’t know about the high masters, but there are definitely more masters.’

According to the information Lokan gathered, there are quite a few cases where they now have a master level even if they are not a higher guild. That is why it has become popular up to the master level.

They must have gotten stronger during the war, and there were those who stayed in the hunting grounds during the war and worked hard to level up.


Lokan was very pleased with it. It took a few days to receive the oath of allegiance from all human NPCs above level 300, but it means that there are still many people who will fulfill the quest completion condition for free.

“Quest activated.”

As soon as the oath of allegiance was over, Lokan triggered another quest.

The target is the heads of all races and all guilds.

He once again summoned people to the imperial palace on the very simple condition of giving a title or dropping an item if he swore an oath of allegiance.

However, only one guild leader can receive a title or item, but the oath of allegiance was a condition that all guild members had to do.

“Heh heh, that’s easy.”

The continent was turned upside down in one quest. There were many people who had the title after a long time, and there were many who had risen to the top of the Count, but the item Rokan proposed was very valuable.

“Actually, it’s nothing.”

High-master exclusive items with a whopping 350 level limit.

They were common enough to be stung in heaven, but they were valuable enough to be called on the ground where it was difficult to find even a level 350 monster, let alone a level 350 item.

There has been no sound of those who have reached the sky yet, and those who reached the Sky Island may have been saved, but there was a clear gap between the Sky Island and the Heavens.

Also, for the extra large guilds, some unique items made by Drox were hung, so it was natural to turn on the lights and run.

If you have this item, you will think that you can be the next to reach heaven after Lokan.

Even if it wasn't for that, he would have been able to rule almost like a king on earth and be able to call the king.

“This is the beauty of monopoly.”


There are some powerful weapons, but Rokan knew best than anyone that it would be impossible to fight against him with only that.

So he easily unlocked the item, and the quest completion condition quickly rose.

[Proof of Value: King of Violence] [Quest]

You who have the qualifications of the Transcendent, prove your worth.

-Completion condition

1. Submission of beings below level 300 6,826,436 / 1,000,000

2. Submission of beings above level 300 4,753 / 100,000

3. Submission of beings above level 350 321 / 10,000

4. Submission of beings above level 400 3 / 10

-Completion Reward: 1 level increase, promotion to Grand Master

Wouldn't you be proud of yourself when you become a High Master? No way. Since these items are what they need the most, I rather took the lead than anyone else and bowed my head.

Thanks to this, there are rumors circulating online that Rokan is trying to unify the world by starting a war again, but it is unknown.

As long as Rokhan exists, the Black Dragonflight will not move first, and even if it goes to war, it will only fulfill Rokhan's quests.

“It’s good to have a good emperor.”

The most meaningful thing is that more than half of the conditions to subdue beings of level 300 or higher have been fulfilled.

In fact, it was filled the moment Lokan sat on the throne of the emperor. This is because all human race NPCs are automatically subject to the emperor.

It's about level 300 or less, and it's dead even if you pass it by, but there's a limit to the number you can catch at once even with a sheepdog, so it wasn't a very pleasant thing.

“Does it seem like the time has come for the news to come?”

But it doesn't end there. As soon as Lokan came to Earth, Droxie was dispatched to the Dwarf Kingdom. The time has come for him to bring the news.

[The owner of the Dwarf Kingdom has changed.]

Just in time, the full notification delivered the news instead.

Although it is not a user, the fact that the owner of the kingdom has changed is important to all races, so the system has issued a full notice.

“You did it in the end.”

And although it was temporary, Droxie was a slave to Rokhan. Since there is still about a month left on the contract, it means that the Dwarf NPCs belonging to him must also obey Rokan.

[One. 1,000,000 / 1,000,000 (completed) to subdue beings below level 300]

As proof of that, the quest's value was changed in real time.

A completion mark appeared on the first condition.

In my mind, I want to invade the Dwarf Kingdom right away and receive the subjugation of other Dwarf NPCs, but the situation is a little different for ordinary subjects and those with more than masters.

In the first place, since they are of different races, I don't know if it's their approval, but I did not take such an action because accepting submission could escalate into a diplomatic issue between the races.

“I’d rather hunt faster than that.”

And it was faster to hunt in the heavens overflowing with beings of level 300 or higher than to receive their obedience.

“Then shall we go back soon?”

That's why Lokan didn't have any regrets on the ground.It was obvious what Droxie would take when the three-month contract period was over, so I decided to focus on completing the Grand Master Quest for the remaining about one month.

“What? How already... … .”

But that didn't mean he left Drox on the ground.

He already said that he had fulfilled his role, but wasn't he also a great resource for a grand master?

Since he is useful in many ways, Lokan who pulled him out of the Dwarf Kingdom went to heaven with him again.

“I, hey, can’t I stay here… … yo. This?"

There was some resistance as to whether they liked the short life of the king, but as long as the power of the contract worked, refusal was not allowed.

The two returned to heaven.

What awaited them was none other than the army of the heavenly gods.

"Five? Did you wait?”

It must have been a long wait, but it was none other than the Elyos who filled the neutral area, the border village.

Pure Elyos are also mixed, probably because they were considering taking damage from Lokan, but most of the other races transferred to the Elyos camp.

“He has appeared!”

“Tell the temple!”

At first glance, it seems that there are hundreds or thousands, but even that is not enough power. As soon as Rokan appeared, he spread the news with a fuss, and Rokan watched what they were doing with relaxed eyes.

There was no reason at all to run away because he was an existence that would raise the quest conditions that were difficult to raise on the ground.

“How long do you want to come?”

“Hey, this has to run away… … .”

Even though he had become a Grand Master, Drox, who looked terrified, tried to move away from Rokhan, but even that was quickly blocked.

[Drox, the Creator of Vengeance, has been disqualified from the Elyos.]

"100 million!"

Because he had already been with Rokan several times, he had been suspicious of him, and he was chosen as an Elyos.

The angel's wings, which symbolize the Elyos, dwindled and twisted at once, lost their effectiveness, and fell off Drox's back with great pain.

“Hey, this… … !”

Drox is confused. But there was no excuse. They say they're going together according to the slave contract, but they don't seem to care about that.

When he was unable to do this or that because of his contract, Lokan poured a pile of gear on him.

“Wear it. You can't fight barefoot, can you?"

Drox's eyes flickered. As he said, it was pitiful, but he couldn't just let him die.

If you are a master craftsman like a grand master, you will be able to rely on yourself somewhere if you just survive.

Although the power of the Elyos and Asmodians is great, there were certainly people in the neutral area who could not treat anyone like the Lion King Gaokan.

The determination in the eyes of De Roxie, who was wearing his gear, was determined.

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