Demon King (2)


Rokan received the blow from Carupa.

And, surprisingly, Lokan's body, which had collided with it, was pushed back.

It is because the power amplified by the power of anger was also power, and even the energy of ???


Fortunately, his weapon is a halberd.

A heavy weapon that looks like a mix of a spear, an axe, and a warpike.

It had to be a very difficult weapon in that it was more difficult to operate, but also capable of stronger and anomalous attacks.

Rokhan was also well aware of that, as he had once obtained a decent halberd and used it as his main weapon.

It is strong and anomalous, but its speed is its weakness.


Ibulian let out a scream of warning, but Rokhan's eyes were staring straight at his attack.

He was covering his weakness, speed, with ridiculous strength, but it was already well within Lokan's expected range.

The whole process of pulling, stabbing, and whipping the halberd was clearly depicted in both eyes.


Being able to predict the opponent's movements in the battle of masters is a huge advantage.

That is why those who use unique deformed weapons at the same level have an advantage.

In that respect, the fight between Rokan and Carupa was different from the fight between Ibulian and the other demigods.

Unlike those who pounded on the divine to fill in the missing information, the battle between the two was thoroughly fought and performed so fervently that it was hard to believe that both of them used the power that came from anger and madness.


whistleblower tax.

When Lokan, who suddenly intervened, appeared in a whirlwind with the Carupa they had been struggling with, Yibulian became impatient.

If Lokan wins again like this, even Carupa's divinity will be stolen.

None of the divinities of the Archduke of the Demon Realm were taken by him, and rather, he might have reached level 499 first.

Because while they were struggling, Lokan's divinity level had risen a lot as they swept away the Karupa's forces by themselves.

In the end, he decided to divide the realm in two, but if he becomes the Demon King as he is, will he be able to stand up for his authority?

It is not unreasonable to be anxious.


Ibulian gave a wink to the demigods under his command.

He foresaw this situation and initiated a plan he had planned in advance.

“Heavenly Desire (天羅地網).”

The four demigods radiated divine powers around Rokan and Carupa.

Weaving and tying their divinities together, they created a tough and dense net of divinity.

“These bastards!”


The two, who found the divine net attacking them, fell in a hurry to avoid themselves, but the divinity of various attributes was already intertwined within them.

It was impossible to get out of it because it restricted space movement and even acceleration skills.

“Break it!”

Lokan and Carupa, who felt the crisis, each raised their strength at the same time.

A divinity of wrath and a deity of destruction were shot to tear the nets apart.


However, the net of divinity only swayed in shock, and there was no damage.

There was only a brief delay in overwriting the net.Of course, the Divine Net also had weaknesses, but the time was too short to figure it out.


Did you even betray?

Surely they should have written a contract so that they wouldn't harm each other.

Lokan, who was suddenly caught in the net, screams, but Yibulian has already acted as if he didn't care.

He risked all of his own divinity and just smashed into Carupa.

“I’ll put an end to it!”

It was the same with Carupa who could not resist the sudden divine net.

He struggled to remove the net, but Yibulian's sword was faster than that.

Woo woo woo!

Ibulian's divinity was amplified in an instant.

Not only his own divinity, but also the divinity of his subordinates was driven into one body.

Although not as much as greed, the divinity of plunder it possessed had the effect of accepting the divinity of others with high efficiency.

[Essence Reaver Yibulian][Lv 497]

And the blow that gathered all of that divinity pierced Carupa's heart.



As Carupa struggled and resisted even after being stabbed in the heart with a knife, Yibulian's body, which had been hit by a single blow, fell to the floor.

“Heh heh, it’s over.”

He lost even his sword and got up wildly, wiping the blood flowing from his mouth, but Yibullian couldn't hide a smile on his face.

Because the sword he put in contained even the divinity of plunder.

Not only did he pierce his heart, but he was sure that his meaningless struggle would be short-lived, as he absorbed his divinity from within.



At that time, there was a huge explosion centered on Carupa.


Ibulian's sword, which had been stuck in his heart, bounced off and flew away, and Carupa's body began to swell.

“Damn it!”

Lokan, who had taken off the net of the divine belatedly, spat out swear words.

It's not like the last flame that burns before you die.

A completely different spirit and temperament.

His very existence seemed to be changing.

“What is that… … ?”

Others noticed the change.

They were in a state of raising their strength because they knew that they would win if they just endured the last effort, but the fear of ‘can they really stand it?’ paralyzed their bodies.



Carupa's body disappeared in an instant.

It's not instantaneous.

It was moving so fast that it left a blurry remnant and targeted the demigods.

It seems that he was quite pissed off about being chained to the divine net.


One half body exploded with one punch wielded by such a guy.

With both eyes wide open, I looked at my unrecoverable body with a look of disbelief.


I couldn't even think of a coup.

The rest of the demigods ran away screaming, but the demigod who shouted rather met a tragedy that became the next target.

“Uh… … !”

Another fist bump.

His main weapon, the halberd, was thrown away, and he only made fists filled with vicious power and momentum.

"Oh My God."

Lokan also opened his mouth wide at that startled look.

Because he's strong?

no. Rather, it was because the question mark that had been hidden in front of his name had been removed.

[Cyarupa of Corrupted Rage][Lv 498]

“Why is this here?”

The power of corruption!

The power of destruction that the Titans and their followers had to destroy the world on earth was born within the Carupa.

As a demigod, as the owner of the Seven Deadly Sins, as the Grand Duke of the Demon Realm, he was a Carupa who even controlled the power of corruption, but when he faced a situation where he had to stop breathing, he let go of that control.

What they had in front of them now was not the Demon Realm Archduke Carupa with the divinity of wrath.

fallen demigod.

He was just a monster who threw everything he had to do to destroy the world.

‘The divinity is getting stronger… … !’

We know that fallen beings become more powerful than they were originally.

But it will affect even the divine.

From a demigod, the level depends on the total amount of divinity possessed, but the current Carupa level has risen by two levels.

It was clear that the power of corruption had been added or that it had caused some kind of action.



If you do this, you cannot avoid extinction.

Rokhan had no choice but to blow his body and stop Carupa.


Even though it was a clash of fists and battle ax that wasn't even a halberd, there was no scratch on his fist, and it was he who was pushed rather.

Moreover, Rokan even felt his stomach churning as if the inside had become muddy.

This is because the power of corruption is wrapped around and wielding the power of corruption as if the divine was wrapped around the whole body.

“Come together and defend!”

Thanks to that, Carupa's gaze turned to Rokan, who gave strength to the ship and shouted.

Because in the current situation, spreading out didn't help.

Rather, defending in connection with the divine was the only way to survive from the gnome.

Quang. bang. bang. bang. bang!

Every time Carupa made a fist, Rokan's body shook.

He is somehow blocking it with his extreme fighting sense, but no matter how hard he is, he can't keep up with this.

However, it is also true that he has no way to stop it other than himself.

The only way that he could think of was that while he was holding on, Yibulian put the same blow as before.

“Gather divinity from me!”

Even Yibulian understood the meaning.

If you stand still, you can't avoid being hit by each individual blow.

So, somehow, it was important to see a short-term decisive battle.However, if they drive the divinity, not only will their level go down, but their defense will also become unstable.

In the event that Carupa turned away and attacked, the rest of the demigods did not have the confidence to defend themselves.

He hesitated, but admitted that he had no choice.

Gathered the divinity and sent it to Ibulian.


“Hey, Lee Bullian… … ?”

At that time, Ibulian strengthened the divinity of plunder.

He began to extort power beyond what was sent to him.

[Essence Reaver Yibulian][Lv 499]

An attempt was made to break the transfer of power, but the divinity was already connected.

In this case, he had no choice but to move according to the intention of the stronger side.

Because I didn't know how much the level would drop if I tried to quit by force.

"no… … !”

The Ibulians have sucked their divinity to the very limit. He filled himself and his sword retrieved back with extreme divinity.

"I! He is the man who will become the king of the demon realm!”

The divinity was condensed into one.

The momentum was so fierce that even Carupa flinched and looked back.


In the meantime, Lokan threw the Battle Ax and hugged him.

He immobilized his body so that he couldn't escape, with his immortal deity aroused.

We could be caught together and die, but we could lose some of our divinity, but it was more important to deal with this bastard now.


Carupa screamed and tried to resist, but he was already beaten hard and couldn't get rid of Lokan, who had even activated the effect of Indomitable Will.

Because Lokan's ability, which was pushed by a small gap, has doubled.

The bastard was tied tightly, and the sword of Ibulian slashed his chest again. He cut off his armor-like skin and blew his heart.


It was a force that was difficult to withstand even with a body that had reached its peak.

It's the blow that Yibullian, who raised his level and divinity from 491 to 499 at the expense of his men, risked everything.

He knew better than anyone that the divinity he had looted was only a temporary force, so Yibullian lavishly poured out the divinity, destroying the gnome's existence.

“Damn it, it hurts so badly.”

The same goes for Rokhan that was pierced together.

Lokan's body and heart, who hugged him from behind, were pierced together.

His heart pounded and blood like a fountain wet Carupa's back.


When the pods were released, Kya Lupa collapsed in vain, and Lokan got down on his knees and barely managed to breathe.

His heart burst, but he had a magical heart.

Thanks to this, he was spared instant death, but for an instant, no power entered his body.

When I glanced up at his head, I could see that Lee Bul-rian was relieved while he was bewildered.

If they deliberately tried to kill Lokan according to their contract, he too would have been annihilated.

However, fortunately, there were no signs of tacit consensual approval.

In the end, they triumphed against the corrupted Carupa of Wrath.

“Damn it, stop it!”

But in that moment, Rokan's expression changed.

This is because he saw the figure of Ibulian emitting the divinity of plunder in order to obtain the divinity of the fallen Carupa.

And within that divinity, the energy of ??? that was glistening with a wonderful light was overflowing.

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