vending machine (2)

“For now, the 4th floor will be used as an auction house, so pass.”

There was still nothing to fill on the fourth floor. It would be about a unique-grade sword registered in the integrated auction house, but there is no point in rotting here in the yard where there are no entrants in the 3rd city yet.

If I get a good item later, I thought I'd put it here and sell it at an auction.

‘I get an entrance fee, and I take a fee.’

If the quantity of items is not enough, you can take charge of consignment sales. The fee is yours, and you do it for the auction.

Instead, if only the best items were received, there would be a lot of people who would participate even if there was a separate entrance fee.

So, the vendors here were built for the purpose of receiving entrance fees. The process will be done by yourself.

“I’m going to put branded products on the 3rd floor, so I’ll have to watch the crafting items come out.”

Up to now, weapons on the integrated auction house were purchased and strengthened, and the crafted items were auctioned at different times depending on the grade.

But the items coming out from tomorrow were not going to do that.

Products bearing T.K's brand name are intended to be sold only here.

At first, it was about to expand from level 100 weapons to items with higher level restrictions as the level of users increased.

The dwarf blacksmith's skills that Lokan could use right now were enough to produce level 170 items, so he thought he would be able to withstand it quite a bit.

“The second floor is going to be made with premium items, so it will be enough for reinforcement items and the items I get from hunting.”

On the second floor, I was thinking of selling premium items.

Equipment with better performance than general items. It may not be much different from the auction house, but it was about to attract people as bait that only enhancement items are sold here.

In addition, it would be nice to be able to drop the loot that is difficult to get paid for because it is ahead of others.

There are many people who buy equipment with high level restrictions in advance to use them immediately when they reach a certain level.

In particular, users who made it to the Crossroads were more likely to be tempted because they were those who caught level 100 monsters at level 99 and had confidence in their skills to some extent.

Because he believes that he will be able to reach that level in no time.

“The first floor is also a vending base.”

The first floor was the part that Lokan looked forward to the most. This is because they plan to install a so-called 'vending machine' using a vendor.

It is to buy items that sell well immediately at a low price, and sell them at the same price or a little higher if someone wants them.

If you use the integrated auction house, you can definitely get more money, but considering the fees and the hassle of waiting for a day or until the purchase is made immediately, I thought that there would be a lot of people who use it even if it is a bit of a loss.

It was also a method that has already been proven through many games.

The problem was that he had to have enough stuff and spare money, but that wasn't the case for Lokan.

“Hmm, the initial sale items are Mark Scroll, Teleport Scroll, Return Scroll, Potion, Safety Guard, Map, and Whetstone.”

These items were for users who were allowed to enter the city but were restricted from using the store until at least one race was recognized.

But the price was outrageous. All items are available in the primary and secondary cities such as Trinsic, but the price is doubled.

If this was enough, it was more profitable to use the rune book to go to the previous city, and then buy it in bulk and return.

'I can't really live'

But Lokan was adamant.

don't buy it

Every time I go on a falcon hunt, I go back and forth to another city. To save money, I always stock up on supplies so my inventory is full.

Lokan, an old gamer, could know whether they would choose between the inconvenient and the expensive ones without having to check. What choices will users make in the end?

If the forecast is really wrong, you can lower the price a little or bring your own and use it.

Since it was in a state where real money was possible, Lokan boldly threw a move. He pondered for a while on detailed settings for items to be purchased and items to be sold, and continued setting for a while.

Finally, when we hung a sign and a small notice in front of the building announcing that it was a store, the access time limit approached.

[We also sell items to visitors.]

It was a very simple reminder, but to users, it would feel like a rain of drought, or like water of life.

* * *

While Lokan was busy building the shop, there was a riot outside the game.

The first 3rd city revealed!

There was a commotion with the words of a man who accomplished a feat that no one else could have done.

Ward: Shout! Lokangat!

Dart: This is the 3rd city, it's really real

└ Guinea: At least not a city that has been revealed so far. but not too fast

└ Grapefruit Soda: What is fast is fast There are already people who achieved level 100. Oh, then he wouldn't be the first one hahahaha

└ Guinea: No, I mean Rokkan when I say I'm fast. I heard that the level up is so fast that it's already level 100, and when I had an argument with the blood chaser, it was less than level 40. Or did you go to the 3rd city first, not level 100?

Tax Wagon: It's not a Lokan God for nothing. I heard it from a friend because it's an MP guild, but the first time I had a fight was level 35, but a few days later, I turned 50 and said that I applied it all haha. That's crazy leveling up speed. It's not nuclear, is it the boss's son?

Mortal: So, how are we going to get here anyway, we're not even Trinsic.

└Benharpa: If it's like you, will you let me know? I'll suck honey by myself.

Looking at the video and screenshots alone, I couldn't be sure that it was a tertiary city, but at least it was clear that it wasn't a public city so far.

Moreover, as the news about this video spread around the world, its credibility increased. Overseas users are also seeing cities and hunting grounds for the first time.

Mike Morhaime: Oh my God, the Koreans did it again! It's already the third city.

└Hati: I knew this. Koreans are really crazy. At least in games.

Richard Galliot: Hey, Lokan, I can't give you more information. Don't just sketch the city tantalizingly, give it some more city information! Or even a hunting ground level or pattern! Donations will be enough!

Aldrich: What the hell are guilds doing in my country?

Thanks to this, Rokhan's name was well known to the world.

Although the video of the fight with Blood Chaser was also introduced overseas, it was considered only a cool battle video, so not many people remember Lokan's name, but this time the situation is different.

World first! With a title like this, wouldn't it be enough to remember the name?

“Hey, how much is this?”

In addition, the number of views of the 3rd city introduction video started to explode.

There were many people who wanted to get even more information by watching it over and over again, so the number of video views went up to billions, not 10 million.

When Lokan checked, the number of views was just over 100 million.

If he doesn't get too swayed by the disinformation he's released, he'll find a way to enter the 3rd city in a few days and move on, but he's relieved to see that he's already achieved more than expected views.

It was clear that tens of millions of won would be spent on advertising revenue alone. At this point, the bold reinvestment of the gold earned from The Road was not wasted.

“I think it will be similar overseas.”

Although it was not possible to check the situation overseas, it was a car that did not care much because the progress of Korean users was the fastest in the world.

But now that I see them, it seems that the time has come when the level 99 achievers are starting to appear. Thanks to this, the potential has exploded and the number of views is exploding.

“Well, some of them were really good.”

Yes, I met them after a long time.

Whether it was worried about the faction fighting divided into countries, or because of the language, Falcon Corporation grouped the starting regions by country.It was later revealed that the automatic interpretation function was applied, and it was revealed that the latter was not, but in the current situation, users had no way of knowing.

“If this is enough, the next videos will be able to gain momentum.”

When I checked, the number of subscribers had increased significantly. The number of subscribers, which was about 300,000, is already approaching 10 million.

There were less than ten videos uploaded in total, but this was enough to brag about being a YouTube star wherever they went.

But Rokhan saw even that as a stepping stone. It was just a stepping stone to leap to that high place, and I did not intend to be satisfied here.

In that sense, the next video was about to be prepared as something they might be interested in.

After spreading some additional false information, he took a deep breath and woke up to connect to The Road to recover his condition.

“The easiest way to turn off aggro is probably the dungeon.”

There were a total of three dungeons very close to the Crossroads.

Two public dungeons and one secret dungeon. If you move a little further away or near another city, there will be a lot more, but if you look at things that are at the right level and close to each other, that was the case.

And Lokan was planning to attack one of those public dungeons.

“This would be good.”

What Lokan chose was a so-called 'troll dungeon'.

Among the races of the hostile camp, orcs, goblins, and undead have met in the form of monsters, but in the case of trolls, the default set stats are high, so most of them have never seen it yet.

Of course, they may not be able to use the racial characteristics as cleverly as the users, but as they are level 110-120 monsters, their physical abilities are outstanding, so they would be able to create pretty cool pictures.

Yes, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he had already crossed the limits of his race, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration for Lokan.

“Trolls are salty again.”

Besides, hunting trolls made money.

It's difficult to hunt, because the blood and tendons you get from catching any kind of troll are among the most expensive byproducts of monsters.

Moreover, in preparation for such a day, it was a Lokan with a slaughter skill on it from time to time, so he would be able to recover some of the balance left empty by collecting additional blood and tendons in addition to the drop items to fill the shop.

“Hold on, I think there was an episode quest related to this.”

Gina had come so long ago, and something came to mind as she recollected the fuzzy memories.

It was an episode called the 'Crazy Baron' quest. A quest that can be received from a baron who lives and builds a villa in a secluded place not far from the Crossroads.

Lokan, who stood still and remembered the flow and reward, smiled with a satisfied smile. He wondered why he had forgotten about this.

After checking the shop that was flying flies because there were no Dwarf blacksmiths and users, it started moving immediately.

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