Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 293 The trivial matter of 'trivial skin'

After returning to the restaurant, Dior found that there seemed to be something wrong with the little crystal, his eyes were always dodging, and there was obvious hesitation on his face.

"What's the matter? Want to buy something or are you hungry?"

Dior just asked casually, and as a result, Xiaojing was startled, his head shook like a rattle, and then he immediately ran to get the tools and started cleaning.

Although they did it very seriously, they just cleaned it up before they went out. What's the matter, cleanliness?

Dior didn't quite understand what she was thinking, or what a little girl her age would think, but just in case he asked Lao Qi, especially when he didn't know, Xiao Jing was in the car. After sleeping for a while, the problem is serious!

Fortunately, no such accident happened.

So Dior only thought that the little crystal had reached adolescence and began to have his own little secrets, and there was no need to get to the bottom of it.

The little crystal who was 'polishing' the dining table with a rag over and over again seemed to be wandering, and kept thinking about the conversation between the beautiful sister and Mr. Dior in the car before.

"Is this your sister?"

"That's it."

Being praised by strangers for her beauty didn't make her have any reaction, but Dior's unintentional answer made her worry about gain and loss.

It's... so is it true or not?

Can someone like me really be Mr. Dior's sister?

It must be to take care of my emotions that answer and comfort me, don’t think about it any more, this life is not what I used to dream of, as long as I persevere, as long as no one gets hurt again, it is already satisfied, can’t. Ask for more!

Little Crystal doesn't seem to be entangled anymore, but she seems to be very lost, and the strength and frequency of wiping the table have also decreased.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

At the same time, major media also received the news of Tony's attack, and they all went to Tony's sea-view villa, which had been bombed into ruins, to interview Tony in person at this time.

When they saw the tragic situation there but couldn't find anyone, all kinds of irresponsible speculations and remarks were reported one after another, causing an uproar in the United States for a while!

Although the New York War has brought pain and fear to countless people, the 'Avengers' who also saved the world have also given many people hope and light. Tony, who is Iron Man, naturally bears the burden of too many people. support.

But now that support has turned first into pressure, and then into disappointment!

Tony's public provocation in the news not long ago now looks more like a vulgar joke on April Fool's Day. Iron Man, who has been highly hoped by countless people, is missing and doesn't even know his whereabouts. The extremely tragic looking ruins are proof of this. The fearlessness of that group of terrorists made countless people who watched the report feel their brutality!

These people are more lawless and harder to deal with than the terrorists they have heard, seen, and known about!

A feeling of extreme unease and panic began to spread like a virus, as if the spiritual pillar of the past had collapsed in half, and it may collapse completely at any time!

This phenomenon continued until Pepper had to come out and give an interview to clear up the rumor that Tony was defeated and killed, and claimed that Tony just went to a safe place to get rid of the terrorists after fighting off the incoming enemy. molecules to prepare.

Her clarification played a certain role, but more of it was questioning!

The big question is what about the Tonys?

If he was really fine, why didn't he show up all the time, instead he needed someone else to help him clear up this misunderstanding.

Could it be that Tony was taken away by the terrorists after he was defeated?

Or did the dignified Iron Man get scared and hide?

All kinds of rumors began to fly again, and as long as Tony didn't show up for a day, it wouldn't end these rumors because of Pepper's "one-sided words".

At such a juncture, Pepper couldn't care about his own mood, and could only anxiously try to contact Tony by all means, but Tony disappeared as rumored by the outside world, and he doesn't know where to go!

At this moment, Pepper suddenly felt some self-blame and regret. Perhaps Tony's disappearance had a certain reason for her last words.

And at this moment, the mysterious signal that disappeared for a few days appeared again!

And this time, the 'Mandarin Man' who appeared on TV directly claimed that the people he sent easily defeated Tony the Iron Man, and threw his body into the sea to feed the sharks, precisely because the person was already dead. , so no one can find him.

Then something even more lawless happened, because this time, the terrorists targeted President Ellis, and publicly announced that they would execute him, and let him run away with his family and children.

This extremely infuriating rant, but at this moment silenced all the American people who were in front of the TV!

Because they seem to find that the country has no way to take these terrorists, and now that even Iron Man has been defeated, who else can we expect?

For a time, the Internet was full of prayers that the Avengers could once again stand up to save them.

President Ellis even angrily ordered Colonel Rhodes to catch these lunatics, and the signal source was also locked in Pakistan.


Colonel Rhodes, who received the order, frowned and asked.

"Yes, Mr. President hopes that you can set off to capture the enemy immediately."

"I see."

Colonel Rhodes could not question the president's order, so he immediately put on the renamed Patriot and left, and on his desk lay the picture Dio had given them, next to the address he had just searched for, which read It's...near Rose Hill, Tennessee, not Pakistan!

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. also received communications from Steve and others, all of which were requests for battle.

And this time, including the former American hero Steve, is not fighting for the United States, at least this is not their first motivation.

The biggest reason they want to solve this arrogant terrorist is naturally Tony!

Obviously this group of terrorists attacked Tony's house aroused their anger, and they have reasons to take action both publicly and privately.

But this proposal was directly rejected by Nick Fury. They are S.H.I.E.L.D., not the American police, let alone the FBI. It is not their job to deal with terrorists.

And you must know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is a subordinate organization of the International Security Council, but its headquarters is set up in the United States. Once this bad start is opened, will S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with such trivial matters in the world in the future? ?

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