Let Lao Tzu break? to die?

You die first for Laozi!

The venom condensed two giant axes and slashed away with all their strength!

Chao (River Crab), who had just jumped up, did not expect that under the interception of Venom, he could still attack him, and it was too late to hear the sound of breaking wind.

But he has confidence in his defense and healing abilities!

However, this time he miscalculated the form. If he fought head-on, Venom had no confidence to win the opponent, but if it was a sneak attack from behind, the giant axe in his hand was not a decoration!

If Violent (River Crab) had no resistance and let him cut it, if he couldn't cut it, then he would just jump into the incinerator and commit suicide!

Swish it!

Two giant axes, one directly chopped off the two legs of the violent (river crab) chaos, and the other directly smashed the jumping violent (river crab) chaos down abruptly, and the axe blade penetrated from the back. to the chest!

"Venom! How dare you betray us!"

After forcibly turning his head to see the hideous-looking venom, the violent (river crab) chaos also went crazy!

He never thought that the venom that rescued them would suddenly turn against the water and attack him!

I saw Bao (River Crab) turning one arm into a spear without thinking about it, and instantly pierced Venom's chest.

"The rest is up to you."

Venom didn't care and pulled out the spear on his chest, then pulled back.

His task has been completed, and now he is worried about Dior and others crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, unloading the mill and killing the donkey!

I have to say that he is quite smart. Dior didn't do it all the time just now, just thinking about killing them both once and for all.

But since this guy is so aware of current affairs and is still very good, it is not impossible to keep him alive for the time being.

So Dior nodded and threw a metal ball directly at the chaos (river crab), and then a 6 kHz sound wave suddenly sounded!

Injured and without legs, Violence (River Crab) suddenly cried out in pain.

It only took a few seconds for him to reassemble his legs to escape, but no one gave him this chance.

A few seconds later, the violent (crab) chaos that could no longer be tolerated was directly bounced off and stuck on the wall.

But he didn't sit still, but jumped vigorously, wanting to parasitize Dior and the others.

But how stupid they would have to be to give him this chance.

I saw Wanda grabbing forward with both hands, and the crimson energy directly imprisoned the mud in the air, no matter how much he squirmed in vain.

"Want to burn it?"

Seeing that there was no next move, the little spider took the initiative to take out the small flamethrower made by Su Rui.

Although he doesn't like to kill as much as possible, and he has never killed anyone, how can he feel guilty about burning a mass of 'mud'...

Seeing this, Dio shook his head directly, "No need, in a while, it will perish by itself."

To be precise, after one minute and six seconds, the storm (crab) controlled by Wanda stopped moving, but completely lost its activity, without any luster, just like air-dried plasticine.

However, just to be on the safe side, he let the [Red Magician] spray another flame.

It's a pity that Chao (River Crab) Chaos is actually dead. It was burned by the hot flame and turned into fly ash, not even a bit of slag left.

Then Dior and others turned their attention to Venom...

As the last symbiote on earth, Venom feels a lot of pressure at this moment. He doesn't want to die, but he can't beat it and can't escape, so what should he do to save his life?

Online wait, 100,000 urgent!

In the end, it was Dior who said something, which made everyone withdraw their eyes.

"Come back, for the sake of your cooperation, I won't move you for the time being."

The venom of amnesty quickly penetrated into Peter's body again.

"Eh? Why me again?"

Peter didn't like the venom living in him very much, and he also had the ability to escape,

But in the strange eyes of Dior and others, "It's not you, is it still me", he can only accept his fate unhappily.

Who let him be bent over by the venom because he was not careful, he is not a temporary container, who should be?

Peter has already thought about it, and when he goes back, he will find a way to get the venom back to his original owner.

It happens that Lightning has money and can afford this guy, and after this incident, I believe that even if Lightning wants to do evil, Venom will not dare to follow him.


When the venom returned to Peter's body, Dior said: "Let's go, there is still the final finishing work."

So the group returned to the messy laboratory and found the only survivor, Dr. Holland.

"Who are you? Was the government sent to rescue me?"

Dio didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and directly gestured to Wanda with his eyes.

Wanda nodded slightly, came behind Dr. Holland, and then stretched out his hands on both sides of his head to gently move, and Dr. Holland froze in place all of a sudden.

"Copy all the surveillance videos and research related to the symbiote here, and then destroy all the data."


Dr. Holland, who was controlled by (Crab), nodded, then walked to the computer next to him and started to operate.

After a while, Dior and the others got what they wanted, and after watching Dr. Holland destroy all the materials with their own eyes, they physically destroyed everything, including various instruments and surveillance cameras.

"It's okay to leave, I've planted a 'suggestion seed' in his head, and when we leave, he won't remember us being there, only the fact that the symbiote caused all this and the fact that it wants to invade the earth , plus the evidence we left him to hand in, it should be foolproof."

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.

But Dior shook his head, "It's still not certain what the US government thinks, and things should be kept. Once the other party doesn't give up and wants to continue to explore the planet of the symbiote, we will publish everything we have and use public opinion. and pressure from countries to force them to give up!"

To say that the person who is the most capable of death in the world and loves death the most is, of course, Laomei.

So if Dr. Holland's dark chess can play a role, it is naturally the best result.

But once Lao Mei ignores the danger and wants to push forward this plan forcibly, don't blame him for saving face.

Although it will definitely cause social unrest and unrest, it is still better than being eaten by the symbiote as food.

Even if the old and the United States go their own way, in the face of the pressure of public opinion around the world and the condemnation of various countries, they will definitely give the people an explanation.

At least there will definitely be on the bright side, as for whether there will be any small moves in the dark... Then you have to keep an eye on it!

As Strange painted a dragon with his left hand and a rainbow with his right, Dior and his party immediately returned to the Holy Sanctuary in New York.

And after a while, Dr. Holland finally 'woke up', and then started to contact the high-level bosses like crazy.

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