Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 710 Dior... Dead?

Before you know it, the blood has obscured the sight

Steve, who fell to the ground, could only raise his head as best he could, looking through the red 'filter' to see that the few remaining Dior were still fighting hard.

In addition to Dior, Carroll and Robbie, almost everyone lost their ability to fight, how tragic!

Under such circumstances, Dior naturally had no way to treat them.

So Strange sat in front of a stone, tremblingly stretched out his hand and started to draw a circle, trying to teleport everyone away from the dangerous battlefield.

But the gradually blurred vision made his last attempt fail, and he could only lower his hands weakly and breathe in the air.

But at this moment, a colorful beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and it landed exactly in the center of the battlefield.

The silver thunder arcs scurried around, and finally revealed the figure inside, not Sol, who could it be!

Obviously, the brutal situation here surprised Thor who had just returned.

But immediately he noticed the people lying on the ground who didn't know if they were alive or dead, as well as a man, a woman and a skeleton who were still besieging Thanos.

After Robbie didn't know how many times he was beaten and smashed, and after Carol and Dio were sent flying.

Sol immediately soared into the sky, raised the storm axe and pointed at Thanos, and the endless power of thunder hit Thanos directly and swept him down.

"Sol! Cut off his head!"

Dio only had time to shout this sentence, and the storm axe thrown by Sol slammed into the energy beam inspired by Thanos!

Then a shocking scene appeared!

Instead of destroying Thor's weapon, the beam of energy generated by the gathering of the five Infinity Gems was slashed back by the Storm Tomahawk!

And as Dio shouted, Thor did indeed aim at the head of Thanos this time!

When he threw out that axe, the scene of Dior taking countless axe to let him "practice" immediately appeared in his mind, and even Dior's roar filled his mind!

"Cut off his head! Stupid!"

"Cut off! Head!"


boom! ! !

The ground that had already become a mess was once again blasted with a big hole!

Looking at Thanos again, Saul's axe was indeed cut towards his head, but that doesn't mean he would just stand there stupidly and wait to be cut!

At the last moment, Thanos put in all his strength and turned his head to the side, letting the Storm War Axe just wipe half of his face and fly out.

Ears, flesh, and a small piece of bone were all chipped off!

But he is not dead!

The tyrant at this moment looks like a ferocious devil,

Makes you feel cold!

However, it's not over yet!

The moment Sol started to attack, Dio had a face on his forehead. He clearly saw the future of Thanos evading this fatal blow!

So he rushed over without hesitation, and deleted the time of the moving process, so that no one could react!

He ate all the aftermath of the explosion caused by the storm tomahawk landing, and no matter how severe the injury, he didn't frown.

He held high the gaze of the god of death like this, and slashed down firmly!

At such a close distance and in such a short period of time, Thanos still reacted. He subconsciously blocked the Infinity Gloves in front of him, and the Infinity Gems shone brightly.

At this moment, Dior was faced with two choices!

Is it to delete your own time so that you can avoid the next attack of Thanos, or delete a little time of Thanos so that the long knife in your hand can smoothly pass through the block of the infinite gloves!

Within the range, whoever's time is deleted, whoever does not exist in that non-existing time, this is the difference!

In the end, Dior's eyes flashed fiercely, and he chose to delete the next 02 seconds of Thanos!

So, his indomitable knife went straight through the phantom of the Infinite Gloves and came to Thanos' neck.

The time of 02 seconds was removed and everything was back to normal again.


A multicolored energy beam directly hit Dior!

All defenses were defeated, not even the etheric particles.

I saw a huge hole in Dio's chest, and all the internal organs in it disappeared.

Dio fell to the ground

But the knife that he chose to die with was also successfully cut out.


Thanos' eyes were a little confused, as if he didn't expect this ending, and then a red line appeared on his neck, and his huge head fell directly to the ground.

Without repression, the black pattern quickly erupted, directly converging into a black rose, and then, Thanos' corpse began to wither.


Sol, who fell from the sky, didn't even bother to pick up the axe, and half-knelt beside Dio's body. The breath of sadness and despair instantly swept the entire battlefield.

Carol and Robbie stood motionless and sighed.

With that level of injury, it is almost impossible to survive.

I say 'almost' also because Dior is a real miracle worker, but alas!

Steve and others, who still had one breath left, were struggling to stand up, their eyes were extremely sad and dull, no one thought that the last sacrifice would be Dior.

With the etheric particles floating directly out of Dio's body, it was a complete sentence of death for him.

The air was suddenly quiet and a little terrifying. The silence of everyone was because of this battle, they lost too many comrades in arms, and because they didn't know how to explain to those who were still alive.

If Wanda knew that within a day, her brother and lover were all killed in battle, she would probably collapse completely.

Only Loki, who was paddling all the way, glanced at Dio's body strangely at this time, and he saw a golden light covering the guy's body.

Is it an illusion?


"Clean up the battlefield, no matter what, we still won the battlefield war, even if it was a tragic victory." Steve finally stood up reluctantly and said.

But at this moment, a person who didn't notice when it appeared suddenly twitched his fingers a few times, and saw the orange light symbolizing the soul gem on the infinity glove suddenly light up.

Then in an instant, the Infinity Gloves fell off Thanos' corpse and flew to the man's hand.

And as if being summoned by something, the ether particles floating in the air also flew over, turning into a red gem and inlaid on the last groove on the infinite glove!

Ding sound, crisp sound!

6 Infinity Stones are collected in this way!

Everyone was stunned by this sudden change, and looked at this strange guy with a cane in one hand and infinite gloves in the other, and a ghost in a black cloak was floating behind him?

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