Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 711 Let's make a bet

"Uh, why are you looking at me like that? Oh, should I introduce myself, I..."

"Gao Tianzun!? Why are you here!"

Sol directly recalled the Storm Tomahawk and walked forward with a murderous look on his face.

Obviously, he is still in endless self-blame. If his axe is not avoided, Dio will not have to take risks and die with Thanos, and everything can be salvaged.

So when Gao Tianzun suddenly appeared and stole all the Infinity Stones, the old and new hatreds were added together, and he was going to make the other party look good!

"Why am I here? That's a long story, but I didn't expect Thanos to die at your hands."

While speaking, Gao Tianzun put the infinite gloves on his hands.

An incomparably powerful momentum instantly rose up!

"It seems to be a little bigger..." Gao Tianzun murmured, and then used the ability of the Reality Gem to modify the Infinity Gloves to a suitable size, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"What on earth are you trying to do? Hand over the Infinity Stones, or Thanos's end will be your end!" Saul raised the storm axe and pointed at Gao Tianzun angrily.

"What? Oops, headache! Let me see... do you have any good advice?"

Gao Tianzun did not ask Sol, but turned to ask the 'ghost' behind him.

For some reason, the eyes of the rest were all locked on the man named Gao Tianzun, but only Steve kept staring at the man in black behind him.

It wasn't until after hearing Gao Tianzun's question, when the man in black robe raised his head, that Steve's expression changed greatly, and he blurted out in horror, "Red Skull!?"

Gao Tianzun snorted lightly, "Acquaintance?"

Red Skull nodded calmly, then looked at Steve and smiled, "Long time no see, Steve, you're still the same."

"You haven't changed at all. To be honest, I thought you..."

"Do you think I'm dead? Yes, I thought so too at the time, but unfortunately, I was teleported to another place by the Universe Rubik's Cube and survived successfully. Now I am under the command of the Lord Gao Tianzun. Staff."

Things got tricky!

Steve's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that the Red Skull was still alive, and he had a close relationship with this Gao Tianzun in front of him.

You don't have to think about it to know that with the scheming of the Red Skull, there must be some extremely 'dangerous' suggestions.

"Oh, oh, oh, little spark, don't be impulsive, I know your new baby is very powerful, but don't confuse me with that guy, this thing can't kill me, are you sure you want to force me to do it?"

Seeing Sol approaching murderously, Gao Tianzun quickly waved his hand and said, while his eyes swept over everyone present, the threat is self-evident.

"If you don't try, how do you know!"

However, Saul's head was so iron that it gave him a headache.

Gao Tianzun was a little helpless, only to see the blue space gem lit up instantly, and a space wormhole suddenly appeared, swallowing Sol directly.

"Sol!" Steve and the others immediately sank in their hearts. Could it be another Thanos?

"Is this guy always so reckless?"

Gao Tianzun, who didn't like fighting, looked at Steve and the others and asked, but embarrassingly, no one answered his question.

Gao Tianzun, who was making fun of himself, had to look at Red Skull again, "What's your suggestion?"

"My suggestion is that since Lord Gao Tianzun likes to gamble, why don't you just gamble on a big one..." Red Skull said in a bewitching way, looking at Thanos' corpse at the same time.

Gao Tianzun's eyes lit up instantly!


"Hey, I said you guys, do you want to play a game?"

Gao Tianzun's words made Steve and others who were vigilant and nervous suddenly stunned. What is this development?

"What do you want to bet on?" Tony stood up and said.

"Just bet that after I snap my fingers, is there me in the half of the people who are randomly eliminated? How about it? Is the thorn exciting?" Gao Tianzun said very excitedly, convinced by his genius-like idea!

"What!?" Tony and the others were shocked, looking at this lunatic in disbelief!

"Don't get it? I mean I count myself and randomly kill half of the life in the universe. If I survive, then I win, and if I get killed, then I lose. Now, as long as any of you can survive, you can snap your fingers again and resurrect everyone. How about it, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Crazy, this guy is a lunatic!" Scott muttered in a trance.

"Half-to-half odds, this is 55 to 50! Sure enough, the game of life gamble is even more thrilling! If you don't talk, I'll take it as your default, and it's coming."

"Wait a minute! How do we know if you're cheating? If you don't include yourself, there's nothing we can do."

Gao Tianzun, who was questioned, was immediately unhappy, "Is it necessary to gamble with that kind of boring game?"

At this time, a colorful beam of light fell again, and Sol, who was teleported to other planets, came back immediately with the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge.


Seeing that Sol was back, Steve and the others dragged their tired bodies to make a desperate fight.

However, when it comes to understanding and using the Infinity Stones, Gao Tianzun is undoubtedly the one at the top of the pyramid.

And at this time, he has collected all six Infinity Stones in his hand!

Sol's axe smashed directly into the air. I don't know when, Gao Tianzun moved directly into Steve and others, and then the earth began to tremble and deform, and stretched out countless tentacles to drag everyone into the ground. , leaving only one head still exposed.

"Oh ho, if you hit me with that axe again, your companions will suffer."

Before Gao Tianzun's voice fell, he saw the ground start to wriggle, squeezing Steve and the others until they were out of breath.

Obviously, as long as he has a thought, he can squeeze everyone into meat patties.

Sol's axe still failed to break out in the end.

After secretly seeing the power of Sol's axe, even Gao Tianzun was afraid, and the other was that it was boring to fight and kill.

"what on earth do you want?"

"I just want to see how big the one-half chance is, and whether the goddess of luck is still on my side."

Gao Tianzun repeated the rules of the game just now, and waited for the result with a smile.

After all, the game must have opponents, otherwise it will be too boring.

"You bastard! Are you joking with the life of the entire universe!" Thor got angry and felt a chill in his heart.

A mad Titan almost wiped them all out, and now a more mentally ill pervert has emerged to bet half of the life of the entire universe, which is simply unreasonable!

Stand-in Messengers in the Marvel Universe

Stand-in messenger in the Marvel universe https://

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