Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 712 Slam! 1 snap of fingers, ashes!

"Just kidding? No, no, I think that's the only way to get my blood pumping."

Gao Tianzun showed a fanatical look on his face. If Thanos was fighting for ideas, then Gao Tianzun was simply pursuing excitement.

In his opinion, the Infinity Stones are not important, what matters is what he can bring to his boring life with this thing.

"Then let's start, one in two chance."

Sol's eyes widened in anger, unable to think about anything else, he rushed over with a storm axe, trying to turn the tide and prevent Gao Tianzun from treating this as a game.

But layers of space barriers had already been blocked in front of him, and he could only wave the storm axe and smash the layers of barriers to come to Gao Tianzun.

But just when the distance between the two was less than ten meters, Gao Tianzun suddenly showed a narrow smile, and Sol secretly said that it was not good!

But it's too late


Gao Tianzun raised his left hand with a smile and snapped his fingers!

At that moment, Sol felt as if his heart stopped beating.

Did nothing happen?

Sol stopped moving forward and looked around blankly.

"Is this thing broken?"

The screaming Gao Tianzun frowned, and just as he snapped his fingers, an extremely powerful energy almost completely scorched his left arm, and the Infinity Glove as a vehicle was almost scrapped, which can be seen there. How powerful are the six Infinity Stones unleashed in an instant!

This means that his body is different from ordinary people. If it were an ordinary race in the universe, just this snap of fingers would be enough for them to die more than ten times!

But compared to this strong backlash, isn't the effect a little too calm?

And just when Gao Tianzun pouted, Hong Skull suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, motioning him to look behind him.

It's not that it doesn't work, it's that it's powerful.

In the distance, most of the remaining Wakanda warriors were reduced to ashes.

At the center of the battlefield, Falcon Sam, T'Challa, Quill and others also turned into fly ash and scattered on the ground.

Even Bucky, who is still in hibernation, and Wanda, who is in a coma to save Dio

Strange disappeared with a wry smile.

Then Mantis, Drax

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel very well now" Little Spider felt a little uncomfortable.

"You'll be fine." Tony came to Peter, flustered and didn't even know what to say or do.

"I don't want to die, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry to save me."

Seeing Peter die in front of him like this,

Tony fell to his knees weakly, his eyes biting his lips.

Peter's words before his death were like a sharp knife slicing through his heart, and then stabbed in hard, stirring constantly.

But he couldn't do anything, he could only watch.

"Oh, Fake!"

When he was about to die, Loki just cursed angrily, then looked up at Thor, who was running towards him, showing an ugly smile, and then turned into ashes.

"Loki! No!"

Sol tried his best to reach out to grab, but in the end he didn't catch anything.

"So that's the case. It seems that I won this gamble."

Looking left and right, to make sure that he did not turn to ashes like the others, Gao Tianzun said happily.

Sol seemed to be awakened, staring at Gao Tianzun with red eyes.

Yes, there is still a chance to redeem everything!

As long as you kill him and snap your fingers again, everyone can be saved!

Right, that is it!


Exploding all his thunder power, Sol jumped high with an axe and looked at Gao Tianzun.

However, Gao Tianzun was no longer interested in playing house wine with him, because he had already won.

So when Sol's attack came, Gao Tianzun had used the power of the space gem to move himself and the Red Skull away.

I saw the space wormhole flashed past, and the figures of the two disappeared in an instant, leaving Sol's axe to be lonely.

At the same time, the earth or the entire universe was in a huge panic, countless people disappeared, an unprecedented crisis shrouded everyone's head, and most people didn't even know what happened. what.

It was under such circumstances that Dio, who fell to the ground, was slowly and firmly repairing his broken body.

When a certain critical point is reached, the golden experience is immediately summoned and begins to help the black fluid in Dio's body to repair.

With the joint efforts of both parties, Dior suddenly opened his eyes!

"Where is this place?"

"The morgue, you've already died once."

A voice suddenly came out of my mind.

Looking at the surrounding white environment, Dio was a little lost for a while, and then he recalled everything.

At that time, when only him, Carroll, and Robbie were left to continue fighting, he already had the worst plan, which was to perish with Thanos.

So he directly borrowed Venom from Little Spider as a back-up. If he really got to that point, he also had a high chance of surviving.

But after that, I never found an opportunity until the appearance of Thor, and the axe that attracted all the minds of Thanos!

So even at the last moment, he had 'seen' his own death, but he still chose to do it, because it was the last chance.

He succeeded, but he almost took his own life.

Venom did not let him die on the spot, but Thanos' final counterattack was undoubtedly fatal, and Venom was also hit hard, and he almost died with him, which he did not expect.

And to repair such an injury, the lingering venom at that time simply couldn't do it.

At this time, the lucky 'Xiaoqiang', who was not affected, made a sacrifice, and the pocket snail that it split (the crab) could release the stored life energy to save others. As a body, it naturally has such ability. , and more powerful than the pocket snail.

But once it does, its life will come to an end.

As 'Xiaoqiang' chose to sacrifice himself, an incomparably full life energy was immediately poured into Dior's body, which not only helped the venom hang his last hope, but also turned it into nutrition to nourish the venom, allowing it to recover quickly. This is more powerful than normal food.

So, after all the dust settled, Dior's 'corpse' was temporarily placed here.

Venom also successfully repaired some key "parts" before the disappearance of life energy, and stimulated Dior's consciousness to regain a little clarity, successfully summoned the golden experience, and completed the last step of self-rescue.

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