Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 201 201. Control the Titan with a small posture!

In the second half of the first grade, for the entire semester, Charlotte focused on practical courses.

The most important thing among them is the mecha.

From various mecha skills training on miniature mini-mechas, to actual use of the machine.

She went through a very difficult running-in phase and made unimaginable efforts.

In the field of mecha, strength will never be capped.

Although Professor Thomas Rauch is not as famous as Bilbo Adolf in the field of mechas, his teaching ability can be considered top-notch.

Under his guidance, Charlotte made rapid progress.

Whenever there is a move that Charlotte cannot perform perfectly, even if it is only a slight deviation, Professor Thomas Rauch can quickly discover it and provide guidance.

It was precisely because of his help that it was possible for Charlotte to complete the learning of all mecha skills within half a semester and reach the level of real mecha skills.

You know, the real computer training should be a training course scheduled in the second half of the third grade.

But now, Xia Luo has obtained the qualification to use the computer in the second half of the first grade.

Although she is still in the running-in stage for real mechas, this progress has stunned everyone in the mecha piloting department.

But to reach this state, there is only one word for Charlotte: tired.

She trained constantly, day in and day out, all in maximum intensity mode.

When I return to the dormitory every night, I don’t have the energy to think about anything. I fall asleep immediately.

Even when I studied theoretical knowledge before, I never felt this kind of fatigue.

Real mecha piloting would indeed place a double burden on her brain and body, making her so tired!

The huge open space is a mecha training place specially built for the mecha branch.

Because the real mechas are too huge, and the Gervos Military Academy is located in the jungle, it was decided that the real training venue of the mecha branch should be as far away from the jungle as possible.

Otherwise, once a fire breaks out, it is very likely to cause a forest fire that is difficult to extinguish.

The bottom of this training ground is far away from the jungle. It is an artificial open-air training place.

The empty stony surface and the bare hills looked lifeless.

But for mecha training, it's enough. After all, they don't want to fight with flowers and plants.


Following the use of a mecha skill, a huge sound spread around.

In the cockpit, Charlotte stood on her feet again, and the mecha she was driving also made the same action.

The huge mecha looks like a small hill.

Controlling the Titan with a small appearance, this is a mecha, and it is also a huge advancement in technology!

Charlotte looked at the direction of the attack. From her current giant perspective, she could even see the main buildings of the academy in the distance.

I recalled the mecha skills just now in my mind, and it seemed that some adjustments could be made.

Professor Thomas Rauch accompanied the whole process at the observation stand nearby, with the purpose of providing guidance as soon as possible.

"Charlotte, come down first, and I'll tell you what happened just now."

Professor Thomas Rauch has been maintaining instant communication with Charlotte so that he can communicate in time when problems arise.

Charlotte disconnected the neurons according to what Professor Rauch said, and parked the mecha next to the specific auxiliary boarding building.

The cockpit of the mecha is located at the brain of the mecha. Considering the height of the Titan, if a tiny human wants to descend from its brain to the ground, it would be the same as jumping from a tall building.

Therefore, auxiliary boarding buildings are generally used for boarding and disembarking.

The auxiliary boarding building is somewhat similar to the launch tower before the fire. The steel frame structure is relatively simple as a whole. It is purely used for boarding and disembarking, and has no other unnecessary functions.

Therefore, although it is called a "building", it is not a floor in the true sense.

Charlotte opened the door of the cockpit, got out of the cockpit, and then jumped up the stairs of the auxiliary boarding building.

Charlotte took a simple suspension elevator down to the ground, and Professor Rauch had come out of the observation platform and was coming towards Charlotte in a small suspension vehicle.

After stopping the suspension car, Rauch discussed the technical issue with Charlotte.

Turning on the optical brain, Professor Rauch has already recorded the situation just now.

"Look here." Professor Rauch gave guidance based on the video. "Here, the movement of the right leg should be shortened. If the strength is too strong, you can think about it yourself and see if you need to adjust it."

Professor Rauch observes very carefully, but even with his rich experience, it is impossible for him to explain the correction method very precisely.

The same mecha skill, due to the different styles of the mecha and the difference in personal physique, will result in different presentation states.

As an instructor, Professor Rauch can only point out the direction of improvement as much as possible.

Then the specific part needs to be explored and debugged by the driver himself.

Charlotte nodded: "Okay, professor, I'll try again."

Without delay, Charlotte boarded the auxiliary boarding building again, ready to try again.

Professor Rauch looked at Charlotte's back, and nodded unconsciously.

This kid works really hard!

It hasn't been a semester since she started to get in touch with the mini-mech, but she has already reached the level of using the machine.

Others may only think that this is talent, but Professor Rauch knows that what Charlotte relies on is definitely not just talent.

In his eyes, the child's sweat is different from ordinary people.

Therefore, like other teachers, he taught Charlotte very seriously and patiently.

They are all looking forward to Charlotte's future growth.

When Charlotte kept his ears to the outside world and concentrated on practicing mechs, the anniversary of Gevos's military cadets came as scheduled.

This year happens to be the 1600th anniversary of the founding of the school, so the school will naturally organize its celebrations grandly throughout the year.

As early as the beginning of the second half of the semester, the relevant celebration plans have been discussed.

The matter is of great importance, and the senior management of the college attaches great importance to it. All aspects have been preparing for a long time, just to prepare for the celebration at the end of the semester.

For this reason, each branch school also ended the next semester's courses ahead of schedule, and completed the academic year assessment ahead of schedule.

It is said that many outstanding alumni will be invited to come this time, firstly to rekindle the friendship between teachers and students, and secondly to accumulate contacts in the school.

After all, the reason why Gervos was able to become one of the two top military academies was that the famous alumni of the past years also played a huge role.

It is precisely because of their support that the college can move forward more steadily.

Of course, these are things that the higher-ups of the college need to consider. Ordinary teachers and students only need to prepare according to the instructions.

However, it makes no difference to Charlotte.

Regardless of whether there was a celebration or not, she had no time to spend on anything other than studying.

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