Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 205 205. Sister Gao who is on a fierce blind date: Don't ask for supernatural powers in

"From a microscopic point of view, specific to the cellular level, taking animal eukaryotic cells as an example, no matter the cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, or nucleus, all have their own specific components. No single study can prove that the There are special substances such as supernatural powers." Gao Zirui said slowly, "Even if you look at it from a macro level, above the cells, blood, nerves and other parts have their own characteristics, there is no place Can accommodate psychic abilities. Therefore, they cannot exist in living organisms."

After Gao Zirui finished speaking, everyone looked at him silently.

Terrible? Did this kid secretly work hard when they didn't know?

Perhaps because he realized something, Gao Zirui hurriedly said: "The above are all my sister's opinions, I just quoted them."

Hearing what he said, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

They just said, how could Gao Zirui say the same thing, it bluffed them, it turned out that it was the influence of his family!

Gao Zirui continued to explain: "My sister was forced to go on a blind date before, but the blind date probably wanted to please her, so she asked her about whether human beings have supernatural powers."

There seems to be a story? When everyone heard that there seemed to be gossip, they immediately pricked up their ears.

Seeing that everyone was very interested, Gao Zirui said again: "My sister is an expert in biological genetics. She annoys others to discuss with her some non-existent and not very scientific things, so she wrote a paper when she went home. want to publish."

Su Xi couldn't help asking: "And then? What did you write in the paper?"

Su Xi, who loves watching TV, movies, anime and novels, has always liked listening to gossip.

Gao Zirui replied: "Probably from the perspective of living organisms, it is impractical to demonstrate the impracticality of powers. What wind, thunder, water, fire, including spiritual powers and healing powers, etc., she is one by one. over again."

"Later, she was forced by my dad to change the topic of the thesis." Gao Zirui recalled the scene at that time, "My sister started with the topic of "Silly X, don't propose abilities in front of scientists!". My dad After it was repaired, it became "A Brief Discussion on the Unscientific Nature of Various Abilities."

After hearing Gao Zirui's words, strange thoughts emerged in everyone's hearts.

Why doesn't Gao Zirui's family sound that serious and old-fashioned? Shouldn't academic families all look like unsmiling old scholars?

For a long time, it was still Chu Pengfei who said: "Zi Rui, your sister can do it, you are strong enough!" It feels very close to his mother's style!

Gao Zirui didn't think there was anything special: "Everyone in my family is like this. When it comes to academic things, everyone has...Anyway, they have all kinds of personalities."

Qi Yingkai nodded and replied: "Indeed, all kinds of supernatural powers such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning are actually the fantasy of human beings wanting to conquer nature. There are also supernatural powers like healing, which are too disrespectful to serious medicine, and they are also It underestimates the hard work of doctors in real life."

Gao Zirui listened, and seemed to suddenly remember something, and added: "Speaking of which, I have a cousin who also published a similar paper, which is a demonstration of space power."

Su Xi felt that her hobbies had been hit, and said in disbelief: "Is it impossible to even have space powers? But we have already achieved interstellar navigation!"

Gao Zirui didn't want to continue talking about this topic at first, but since Su Xi asked, he said a few more words: "Space jumping can be realized with certain technical support. But many imaginary space abilities, that is nonexistent."

He quoted his family's point of view: "In fact, we still have to go back to the point of view in my sister's paper. Human beings have no supernatural powers, and they cannot create multi-dimensional spaces by relying on their own biological characteristics. According to my cousin, if you want to Superimposition in a certain space creates another space, which must be at least five-dimensional. It may be possible in the future with certain technical means, but human beings themselves do not have such abilities.”

Su Xi has been confused for a long time. Although she can't understand, she can barely come to a conclusion, that is, all kinds of supernatural powers in the sci-fi movies and anime works she has always liked do not exist. .

Su Xi lay on the table, drawing small circles in her heart, chanting scriptures without listening or not.

Seeing her like this, everyone also laughed and dropped the topic.

Next, everyone chatted with each other. After not discussing those academic things, the atmosphere became relaxed and active again.

Charlotte listened quietly by the side more often, and rarely expressed her views.

But even so, she had to admit that this time the dinner party made her more or less relaxed mentally.

After the dinner, everyone got up one after another.

The course of this semester has ended, after lunch, everyone does not need to rush back to class, just go back to each branch to prepare for the anniversary celebration.

Charlotte and the people from the mecha branch took the shuttle bus back in the same direction.

When walking to the door, because there were a lot of people, Charlotte happened to retreat to Qin Shaoyang's side.

Speaking of which, although the kid participated in today's dinner party, he didn't seem to talk much at all.

When Charlotte looked at Qin Shaoyang, he naturally noticed it too, and glanced back at her.

"What are you doing? What's the matter?" Qin Shaoyang asked casually.

Charlotte turned her head and continued to walk out: "It's okay."

Qin Shaoyang, a child, has become much more stable after one year. Originally, because he had nothing to do, he appeared to be a bit of a playboy, but now his demeanor has become more stable.

Qin Shaoyang frowned, he couldn't believe that she didn't think about anything just now, this woman has a lot of thoughts.

But when he walked outside, he still bought a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine in the lobby.

"Drink." Passing the water to Charlotte, Qin Shaoyang said in an ordinary tone, "If you don't drink, you won't say a word, and you will be thirsty after a meal."

Charlotte does not drink artificial beverages, but in order not to spoil everyone's fun, she also took two symbolic sips just now.

After all, it was a dinner party, she would not directly ask for a glass of boiled water, that would be too disappointing.

However, Su Xi and An Ke, who were sitting next to her, didn't notice such small details. He was some distance away from her, so he would notice this, but it also surprised her.

After receiving the mineral water handed over by Qin Shaoyang, Charlotte opened it and drank a couple of sips. She was indeed thirsty.

"Thanks." Shaking the mineral water bottle in her hand, Charlotte thanked him.

Qin Shaoyang scratched his hair, and then said: "So, next time, just tell me what's going on. We guys, will we still care about these things with you?"

Charlotte thought for a while, indeed, the mech branch is full of rough guys, and may not pay attention to these small details.

In any case, this time the dinner party was successfully concluded. Next, it's time to start busy with the anniversary celebrations.

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