Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 210 210. Pride and Prejudice? Smash his arms and break his defenses!

The sarcasm on Charlotte's face didn't recede yet, and she didn't feel timid or shrink back when she heard him say that, and walked from the seat to the aisle very simply.

Stepping up the steps of the lecture theater, Charlotte walked forward.

Charlotte sits at the back, so the steps are a bit long.

She walked over step by step, with firm steps and no hesitation.

When she came to the podium, she stood still, not far away from him.

Owen took out his own saber and handed it to Charlotte.

The short knife is small in size and very flexible and light in the hand.

Beside, Ares Randall had already walked to the open space in front of the podium.

He looked at Charlotte, waiting for her to pass.

Charlotte took Owen's portable saber, and also took steps towards the open land.

However, as soon as Charlotte stood still, she discovered the difference between the two.

He didn't have any weapons in his hands.

"Sir, what do you mean?" The sarcasm on Charlotte's face faded, and his indifference returned.

She called him very alienated, and she didn't even want to say his last name.

The meaning of dislike couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, gave her a pocket saber, but he took nothing for himself.

Does this mean to fight her with bare hands?

Owen Brown watched from the side, and couldn't help but slander in his heart. This misunderstanding was about to get bigger and bigger.

Out of care, the colonel obviously intended to let the little girl a little bit. But according to the character of the little girl, it seems that she won't accept this favor.

No, not only is it ungrateful, but it may also feel that you have been slighted.

His parent official is obviously such a talented person, but he just doesn't understand the girl's mind.

What he thought he cared about was not the case in the eyes of others.

The officer's face is really beautiful, but sometimes, his thinking is that of a straight man, not exquisite at all.

Ares Randall said indifferently: "I don't take a weapon, don't waste time, let's start."

Charlotte's eyes were full of coldness: "Really? Then I really have to thank you, sir, for taking care of me so much."

That lofty posture seemed to be giving her something.

And that indifferent and indifferent face, really thought that he had lost all emotions and desires?

This man is really good at offending her.

Charlotte wants to win, she wants to win, she wants to win him!

Opening up the portable saber in his hand, Charlotte didn't flinch in the slightest from showing off his fighting skills in front of everyone.

From her point of view, the other students sitting in the lecture theater had nothing to do with her at all.

In her eyes, Ares Randall is the only one now!

With an instant force, Charlotte was very fast, and disappeared in place all of a sudden.

Instead of resorting to roundabout tactics, she attacked head-on.

In this empty place, the feint lacks the support of environmental conditions.

Instead of doing those tricks like a monkey, it's better to fight head-on.

The saber in his hand slid across the air, and a cold light flashed from the blade.

After undergoing mecha training, Charlotte is now more precise about every move and style she makes.

These skills seem to have become a part of her body, allowing her to move subconsciously.

However, Ares Randall is no ordinary person.

He raised one hand, bluffed his five fingers, and held Charlotte's wrist, instantly defusing the force of her attack.

Charlotte responded immediately, stretched out her other hand, and attacked him.

Even though the other hand didn't have a weapon, she was strong enough. If it can hit him, it can also make him suffer for a while.

Charlotte's body has become stronger after that turmoil. Her strength is not comparable to that of ordinary girls.

Ares Randall suppressed Charlotte's sword with one hand, while the other hand blocked the attack from the other side.

After the attacks with both hands were resolved, Charlotte raised her feet and swept across.

Every time she was blocked by him, Charlotte could react quickly and make instant adjustments for the next attack.

After going back and forth like this, I didn't get any cheap.

Owen Brown looked on with a peaceful look on his face.

Naturally, he could see that his own official hadn't taken it seriously.

No, to be precise, he was cooperating with her and training in a targeted manner.

What Owen Brown can see, Charlotte is in it, so she can naturally notice it.

But Charlotte only felt that the other party was easy to handle, and with that expressionless face, it seemed that she was hanging on her purposely, and she would not give her pleasure if she wanted to kill or cut her.

It is because of this that it will make people even more angry.

Is he... playing people like monkeys?

Charlotte was extremely displeased, and when he blocked her attack again, she aggressively slammed into him sideways, trying to use the strength of her shoulders and elbows to give him a solid blow!

Who told him not to carry any weapons? Even if she adopts this aggressive style of play now, she basically has no worries.

At most two punches from him, anyway, there won't be any major damage.

However, when Charlotte slammed into him, Ares Randall grabbed her by the shoulders.

With force on his arm, he suddenly changed the direction she bumped into.

In this way, Charlotte's attack came to naught.

For such a long time, there was no progress, no advance, no retreat, no ups and downs, Charlotte felt a sense of irritability.

Her brain was running at high speed. While she was fighting the enemy, she was desperately recalling her previous experience, trying to find useful clues.

Then soon, she discovered a place that didn't quite make sense.

Almost immediately, Charlotte made some judgments.

She immediately adjusted her attack path. This time, she elbowed him from the side again, and her whole body was very close to him.

As if to verify her guess, he still held her shoulders and pushed her in the opposite direction.

This time, Charlotte understood.

It's hard to tell that this arrogant guy would unexpectedly care about these details.

Hmm, hypocritical and superficial.

She's already in this industry, so he shouldn't treat her like a woman!

The distinction between men and women is so meaningless!

From Charlotte's point of view, she would naturally not let this detail go.

Since the other party had given him a weakness, she had no reason not to take advantage of it.

After all, she is not him, so she is not so entangled in their differences.

After Charlotte attacked again, she quickly took a few steps back and distanced herself from him.

After adjusting her breath for a moment, she clenched the saber in her hand and stared at Ares Randall without saying a word.

The next moment, she attacked head-on again!

Of course, no surprise, she was blocked by him again.

But this time, Charlotte held his wrist with her backhand and pulled it in her direction with all her strength!

Of course, how could Ares be pulled by her?

But this is what Charlotte wanted!

The effect of force is reciprocal. If she can't pull him, she will be reacted by that force!

The next moment, Charlotte threw her whole body at him, her left hand still holding his wrist tightly.

Her upper body fell directly into his arms!

This is a very favorable distance! Breaking through the invisible line of defense he had maintained!

Thank you to the cute Q-readers "Bopo Peach Ice Coconut", "Yunzhongxianmeng Shen Wei", and "Ming" for the rewards~

Thanks to the cute "book friend 160503223110915" from for the reward~

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