Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 238 238. It's not easy for people with C-level genes, even if they are silent, they can

If someone helps you without any purpose, at least you should express your gratitude for this kindness.

This Kim Stuart, who came to help silently, and then left silently after helping, really did not aim to receive thanks from others.

If Qin Shaoyang hadn't taken the initiative to mention it to Charlotte, she would never have known that such a number one person had helped her.

However, Charlotte also understood Jin's attitude now, so she simply withdrew her hand.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Charlotte said bluntly, "but I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to express my gratitude to you."

The reluctance to shake hands with others comes from a deep-seated resistance, not from being wary of strangers.

Now that she understands this, Charlotte will no longer do things that bother the other party.

The hand hidden in the sleeve stopped moving, and her words made Jin look up again.

Next to the information desk, two other students also paid attention to the conversation between Charlotte and Jin.

A few of them are staying here and are responsible for the related work of the information desk.

Because of Kim's aloofness, they don't get close to each other.

But they could still hear the communication between Charlotte and Jin clearly.

Those who engage in news reports always like to pay attention to the surrounding situation, not to mention that the people at the information desk are relatively free, and some have time to look at Charlotte who suddenly appeared.

Finally, someone said, "Jin usually doesn't like to talk, so just let him go."

That person also kindly reminded him, so that the taciturn Jin would not cause misunderstandings to others, and cause some unhappiness instead.

Hearing someone say this, Jin, who was about to speak, became silent again, and he gave up the idea of ​​speaking.

With his head lowered again, he seemed stubbornly refusing to speak.

Charlotte was not unhappy because of the long silence of the other party. She said to the person next to her who reminded her: "There is nothing wrong with not being talkative. Silence is golden. Not everyone can do it. People who are taciturn often If you don't make a sound, you're done, it's a blockbuster."

A pun, what Charlotte said was not so much for the people next to him, but for Jin.

Of course, she thought so too.

Jin, who was still bowing his head, suddenly raised his head when he heard what Charlotte said.

For the first time, he looked directly at Charlotte for a long time, and those big cat eyes hidden in the dark just looked at her silently.

Charlotte also looked back at him, and through this brief exchange, she already had a rough guess about Jin's character.

He is indeed the type who does not want to communicate with others, and it is very difficult for him to get along with each other normally.

For now, Charlotte still does not know the cause of this situation.

However, it can be estimated that it is basically related to childhood growth experience.

Even if the laws of the Star Federation advocate that all citizens enjoy legal rights and there is no so-called distinction between grades and grades, how can there be no distinction in reality?

In the long course of social development, differences in social status caused by differences in genes have become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to change them easily.

People with C-level genes do not have a high status in the Star Federation.

Kim Stuart was a low-level geneticist, but he was able to successfully enter the Gewas Military Academy. The journey along the way will not be easy.

He must face the questioning eyes of the secular people, and he needs to spend more effort than others.

In this way, combined with his current situation, maybe he has already developed a sense of inferiority in his heart.

It's just that he still has something he loves, so even though he seems out of place in this big environment and doesn't want to get in touch with others, Jin still maintains his kindness towards others.

This point can be seen from his help in the critical moment just now.

However, since the other party has no intention of communicating with her more, Charlotte will not stay here any longer.

"I'm leaving first, it won't affect your work." Charlotte said to Jin, "If you need help in the future, you can come to the Mecha Branch to find me."

Now that she has expressed her gratitude and promised to repay the other party in the future, everything that should be done has been done.

Charlotte and Jin said goodbye, then nodded to the two students next to her, then turned and walked in the other direction. Chu Pengfei and Qin Shaoyang were waiting for her on the other side of the road.

However, before Charlotte took two steps, someone behind her suddenly stopped her.

Charlotte recognized the dull voice immediately, and it was Kim Stuart who called her.

Stopping, Charlotte turned to look at him, just about to ask aloud, but found the giant hand stretched out in front of him.

This is... to make up for the handshake just now?

"I'm Kim Stuart from the Special Communications Department of the Communications Branch of the News Agency." He seemed to be walking in a hurry, and he took a few breaths before saying, "Hello, Charlotte."

Although he didn't know what touched him and made him change his mind, Charlotte didn't ask anything, just stretched out his hand and shook the giant palm back.

The huge hands are covered with light yellow short hairs, which are dense and solid.

Although its palm mounds are not as thick as those of animals, and the five fingers also show a relatively clear shape, they are still very different from ordinary human palms.

When she was on Vena Star before, Charlotte knew that the appearance of a C-level gene carrier had obvious signs of animalization.

After all, C-level genes are only slightly better than D-level genes.

In the Star Federation, the genes of various levels are clearly distinguished only in appearance.

D-level genes are basically the most primitive gene form of organisms, without obvious development and evolution. Various animals such as cats and dogs.

C-level gene, the gene chain has a certain degree of evolution, but the biological form of Homo sapiens is insufficient. For example, Puss in Boots in fairy tales is obviously in the form of a cat, but it has certain abilities that humans only have. It can stand, walk, and talk.

B-level genes, better gene fusion, higher degree of Homo sapiens, only a small part of non-Homo sapiens remains on the body. Like a little girl with cat ears. Except for very few parts of the body, the rest have evolved into the form of Homo sapiens.

Compared with the above three types of genes, A-level genes are undoubtedly a qualitative leap. Human beings rated as A-level genes have completed the evolution of Homo sapiens.

From the appearance point of view, people with A-level genes are similar to humans on Earth, that is, the colors of hair, eyes, and skin are more diverse, which stems from the diversity and fusion of interstellar biological genes.

In terms of ability, people with A-level genes have greater potential in all aspects, and they often become elites in all walks of life.

Above the A-level gene is the super gene, also known as the S-level gene.

Of course, the classification of the genetic field is not that simple, in fact it is quite complicated.

Thanks to Xiaoxiang's cutie "Shen Liwei" for the reward~

Daily confession cuties ~ many of them are silently subscribing and voting silently ~

I just think... you guys are so cute when you keep silent~ Meh~


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