It stands to reason that Charlotte and the others sat in a relatively remote position. Even for people who know each other, it is difficult to find their table among so many customers.

However, Owen Brown discovered the existence of Charlotte.

This Ares Randall's useful person has a very keen observation ability.

Owen Brown, he can quickly perceive and judge the unfamiliar environment around him in a short period of time, and has a very strong basic quality.

When he saw Charlotte, he smiled and nodded, walking all the way here.

"Miss Xia, we meet again." Lieutenant Colonel Owen Brown said politely.

Owen was very impressed with Charlotte. If nothing else, just the little girl's skill was enough for him to praise her.

She had fought with her own officials before, and although she played a little trick, her strength was beyond doubt.

In the end, facing her own official, the little girl didn't lose too badly.

From this point alone, it is not easy, and the future plasticity is extremely strong.

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Brown." Charlotte replied in the same manner.

Owen Brown was also busy. Now that he saw Charlotte, he simply asked: "I want to buy some food and takeaway here. Is it convenient?"

Charlotte is a member of the mecha branch, and she is naturally aware of the activities of their own branch.

Robot cafes are generally dine-in, and no one will take out.

However, just because no one does it doesn't mean it can't be done.

Ares Randall was the guest of honor specially invited by Gevorst, and Charlotte would not stop his people from coming here to buy some takeaway food.

Besides, Charlotte and Owen Brown also know each other, so it is not difficult to make things easier for each other.

As the maker of dim sum, Charlotte still has a little right to speak, so she replied: "You go directly to the counter to choose, and then go to the robot to check out by yourself."

There are several temperature-controlled glass showcases next to the counter, in which there are various cakes and snacks, and there will be special people to replenish them regularly.

If customers don't want to place an order directly, but want to see it on the spot before making a decision, they can go to the glass showcase to have a look.

Owen looked in the direction of Charlotte's finger, then thanked him, and walked there directly.

To be honest, it was just a coincidence that he would come here to buy dim sum.

Since his parents came to visit the former teacher in the mecha branch, Owen had nothing to do but wait outside.

Now that he was free, he went out to buy some food.

The colonel didn't have a good meal at noon today, and Owen was worried about it.

Anyway, he couldn't make the colonel hungry, so he wanted to buy some snacks so that the colonel could eat some on the way back.

Coincidentally, Owen saw from the display board outside that the special display activity of the Mecha Branch was the Robot Cafe.

Since it is a coffee shop, besides drinks, it should also sell some snacks.

Owen thought, even if the taste is not so good, at least it can meet a contingency.

So, he walked in and wanted to see what was sold here.

When they came out this time, they did not travel with all their members as usual, and only sent a few warships to hover in the outer airspace of Star Gevos.

Although the battleship also has a canteen and cooks who specialize in cooking, according to the rules, once the meal time is over, it is no longer easy to cook, which is a manifestation of strict discipline.

The functional departments of the military are not places where people can relax and enjoy life.

Although Ares Randall is the person in charge of the fleet, he does not give himself special treatment. He has always disliked specialization.

If he missed a meal, he might just skip it.

While thinking about this, Owen walked to the glass showcase.

There are many cakes here, with a wide variety, and they all look good.

However, with Owen's understanding of his own officials, these may not be to the appetite of his own officials.

No matter how simple the cake is, there must be cream decorations, etc., these are too sweet for the colonel.

The Colonel's taste has always been bland, and he has hardly ever eaten heavy-tasting food. For these sweets, he would not take the initiative to touch them on weekdays.

Owen originally thought that there would be other things sold here, but he didn't expect that there were all kinds of cakes and desserts.

But thinking about it, he can't expect to buy a meal here and go back.

So, Owen looked around again, trying to choose a cake with a lighter taste.

Looking at it this way, he found a few bags of things on the counter next to him.

"What's this?" Owen asked aloud, and it seemed that the packaging was exquisite.

Owen believes that this is also a product for external sales.

The service staff at the counter said with a smile: "This is a homemade biscuit."

As soon as he heard that it was a biscuit, Owen became interested.

The colonel may not like the cake very much, but if it is a small biscuit with a simple taste, then it should not be a big problem.

He smiled and asked, "Is it convenient for me to take a look?"

At this time, Owen was wearing a military uniform, and he could tell his military rank at a glance.

The person at the service desk was of course polite to him, and offered to pass the biscuit over: "If you like it, you can try it."

Owen took the packaging bag and looked at it. Through the transparent part of the bag, he could see the general appearance of the biscuit.

This kind of biscuit does not have any filling interlayer, so it seems to be relatively simple in taste.

The most important thing is that the biscuits are moderate in size and convenient to eat.

"Then give me two bags of these biscuits." Owen said with a smile.

He didn't know the origin of these biscuits, he just thought they were for sale like other cakes.

Turning on the optical brain in his hand, he was about to pay.

Hearing Owen's words, the student serving as the service staff said apologetically: "I'm sorry, this is not for sale."

The student then realized that the reason why the officer asked him to take a look at the cookies was because he planned to buy them.

But coincidentally, this bag of biscuits was not a product of the Robot Cafe, but was made by Charlotte in private for people like them.

Because there were more people sharing it, Chu Pengfei just gave each of them one bag, so there wasn't that much to sell to the outside world.

The most important thing is that he had already opened the bag and eaten a few slices just now, so he couldn't sell them to others.

Owen was a little confused and asked one more question: "Not for sale?"

Seeing that Owen was puzzled, the student immediately explained: "That's right, these biscuits were made by Charlotte of our college. The quantity is not large, and they are just distributed internally in private, which is really not enough to sell."

Owen was a little surprised when he heard the name "Charlotte".

He asked confirmingly: "This is all done by Charlotte?"

Hearing this, the student continued to answer: "Yes, many of the cakes and desserts in the cafe today were made by her."

Second wave of updates, at 12:00 noon.


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