Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 262 262. Seize the opportunity? The mecha he used!

One is red and white, with a unique shape. It looks like it has been handled by a special armorer and has been personalized.

The other one is very ordinary, and it looks like it should be the most basic mecha style, probably the fifth generation of the A series.

If Charlotte remembers correctly, based on the knowledge she learned at Gevos, the A series of military mechs has been developed to the ninth generation.

So, why use an older model? Now in front-line combat, all 5th generation products have already been eliminated.

Practicing with it now will not help in improving actual combat experience.

The model of the mech is replaced from generation to generation, and the technology is constantly improving.

Each generation of mechs can be extended into many sub-models, but those who can be distinguished by "generations" must have made great progress in some aspects.

Armor makers who specialize in the research and development of mechas, they don't have the right to casually claim to have developed a new generation of mechas, all of which have to go through level-by-level review and approval.

First, the relevant R\u0026D department with research qualifications will independently develop it, and after the results are obtained, it will be submitted to the mech R\u0026D headquarters of the military department for review and evaluation by federal experts.

After the evaluation is passed, it will be announced on the official website to avoid patent infringement.

Immediately afterwards, the research and development patents were filed and registered in the warehouse.

Finally, the Armor Makers Association will carry out promotion and publicity, and spread the word widely.

In the future, after the mass production of the new generation of mechas, the initial research and development department can enjoy patent commissions for the technological innovation of the mechas.

Because the profits in this process are too huge, not only the official research and development departments are working hard to develop, but also military academies, or civilian scientific research teams are also engaged in research in this area.

For example, the team led by Charlotte's nominal master, Professor Gusta, has carried out development and research in this area.

Perhaps, the difference between two adjacent generations of models will not be too large, but if there are a full 4 generations of products in between, then whether it is the operation details of the mecha or the fusion of the mecha technology, there will definitely be differences. distinct.

Even Charlotte knows that even if she trains this obsolete old model product to perfection, it will not be of great help to her in actual combat in the future, and it will be more of a waste of time.

Qin Shaoheng, a sophisticated person like Qin Shaoheng, would not fail to consider things that even she knew.

After all, where on earth did he find this obsolete old model?

Many old mechas are recycled in batches, and then disassembled to see if the parts can be reused after debugging.

In some respects, it was not easy to get the fifth-generation mecha of the A series for her. As expected of the chief of the mecha unit of the Western Territory Military Region, there was ample "supplies" at hand.

Charlotte looked at the red and white mecha again. The red and white mecha blocks complement each other and look very imposing.

Looking at the partial weapon configuration, it seems to be tailor-made, which should be the first generation of Phoenix that Qin Shaoheng said.

Since it is the first generation, it means that this sub-model has follow-up products.

But for mechs, if the name is used continuously, it means that the user of the upgraded product has not changed.

Each mecha can only be driven by one mecha master at the same time.

Unless the mecha master retires or dies, the personnel will be replaced.

Charlotte looked at the two mechas in front of her, wondering which one she should get on later.

But soon, she seemed to realize something.

The first generation of Phoenix, the fifth generation of the A series of mechas... So that's the case, she misunderstood just now.

Charlotte looked at Qin Shaoheng again, and said as she walked, "I'll... ah!"

Halfway through Charlotte's words, she lost her balance. She hurriedly adjusted her pace to stabilize her body's center of gravity.

It was rare for Qin Shaoheng to see her unexpected expression, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"The gravitational force of the little Galia planet is relatively weak. When the airship landed just now, you were in the pressure vortex of the airship, so you wouldn't feel it." Qin Shaoheng said with a smile in his eyes, "Now, you have to be careful when you walk. More, pay attention to balance."

Charlotte realized the problem as early as the moment her body lost balance.

In fact, she has already made a judgment, knowing that the gravity of this planet will be weaker, but it is the first time to come, so after the actual landing, the situation of walking unsteadily happened just now.

Charlotte controlled the balance of her body, took another two steps cautiously, and then said: "Major General, what I wanted to ask just now is, are you going to let me drive the first generation of Phoenix? Then drive another one by yourself?"

Qin Shaoheng looked at her with a smile, as if it was no surprise that Charlotte would guess his arrangement, he knew she was always very smart.

"That's right, you use the original Phoenix, and I use the one next to it." Qin Shaoheng confirmed her guess.

In this regard, Charlotte couldn't help but said: "Major General, I know that your mecha driving skills are very strong, but the models of the two mechas are too different. One is a model that has been eliminated, and the other one is also It’s an old model, but the overall configuration is much stronger.”

After Charlotte finished speaking, she looked at Qin Shaoheng silently. She didn't say something clearly, but he would not fail to understand what she meant.

However, Qin Shaoheng seemed to be pretending to be confused with understanding, and just looked at Charlotte with a smile.

Charlotte had no choice but to speak clearly and said: "Major General, maybe I haven't been on the plane for too long, but my strength has never been weak, and I can learn things quickly. I think that when you are strong, you are strong. For me Said, a better way to train is to let me meet stronger opponents. But the difference between the two mechas is a bit too much, so training with me may not be able to improve my ability."

Charlotte knew that it would be a little crazy to say this, so she only spoke halfway just now.

But now, this guy is clearly waiting for her to speak first, so Charlotte can only tell the truth.

It's about her training effect, so she can't be careless.

Qin Shaoheng looked at her with a slight smile, and finally said: "The first generation of Phoenix is ​​the first mech I have ever used, and I know it better than anyone else."

The implication is that even if Charlotte uses a more advanced mech model, it doesn't mean she can take the lead, because Qin Shaoheng knows this Phoenix very well.

It turned out that his intention was here. After hearing Qin Shaoheng's words, Charlotte understood everything.

He was telling her that the effect of training would not be compromised by the difference in mechs.

However, no matter how well he knew about this Phoenix, he was quite confident in his mecha driving ability if he wanted to fight against an eliminated mecha.

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