Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 267 267. Qin Shaoheng: He doesn’t even feel that there is a generation gap with her

Qin Shaoheng originally thought that most of the time today might need to be spent practicing with her and instructing her on specific operation methods, but now it seems that this is not necessary, and Charlotte can completely carry out more complicated skill training.

"Let's practice 'Takong' here first, and then we will practice other mecha skills." Qin Shaoheng temporarily adjusted the training content.

Of course Charlotte obeyed his arrangement.

Whether it's steady basic training or more difficult mech skills training, Charlotte can do it, she believes in Qin Shaoheng's professional judgment.

Concentration training always passed quickly, and when they realized it, it was past lunch time.

It's unbelievable that Charlotte has always attached great importance to meals, but today she practiced mecha skills with Qin Shaoheng, so that she didn't even pay attention to the time.

In the end, it was Qin Shaoheng who said, "Take a break and eat something."

Although the little Galia star is very close to the Hera star, but it is on another planet, even if you use an airship, it will take a certain amount of time to go back and forth.

Even if Qin Shaoheng is at home on vacation, he is a thoroughly busy person.

His time was precious, and it was rare to find a day dedicated to mentoring her.

Therefore, in order to save time and be more efficient, they do not go back to eat at noon.

Charlotte responded. She was still a little out of breath just after intense practice.

Qin Shaoheng listened to her slightly unsteady breath, but his heart changed more and more towards her.

Although I could have expected that the little girl's skills were not simple before, it was only after I had a real fight with her that I could truly feel the words "young people are to be feared".

There is no doubt that Charlotte is a gifted child.

But what Qin Shaoheng admires most is her hard work and hard work.

Even if she fought against him, she didn't have the slightest fear.

The fighting spirit of a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers is particularly dazzling in his opinion.

If we go by his past experience, every time he discusses with others, those people will either have reservations because of his identity, or they will show some psychological cowardice.

Regardless of the reason, there are many people who ultimately fail to perform normally in front of him.

But for Charlotte, she maintained a normal attitude from beginning to end.

If he was more polite than appreciative of Charlotte before, then at this moment, his politeness towards Charlotte has become much less polite, and instead he has a little more heartfelt recognition.

In Qin Shaoheng's opinion, little girls are really rare.

At her age, she has been able to develop the ability to remain calm and calm in dealing with people.

There was obviously a lot of age difference between the two of them, but many times, he didn't even feel that there was a generation gap with her.

Compared with Qin Shaoheng's change in his personal evaluation of her, Xia Luo thought more simply.

In her mind, she kept thinking about the scene when Qin Shaoheng instructed her just now, and carefully thought about what she couldn't do well.

How to implement those valuable guidance into future mecha driving requires her to reflect and digest it carefully.

Only with reflection and understanding can we grow.

The two had different thoughts and returned to Little Gallia.

The two mechas were parked on both sides of the auxiliary boarding building, and they exited the mecha cockpit one after another.

Meeting outside the suspended elevator, Xia Luo nodded to Qin Shaoheng and asked her the question she had been thinking about just now.

"Major General, there are still some things I don't understand about the thruster data values ​​just now..."

Xia Luo asked Qin Shaoheng about the specific situation based on his uncertainty during the training just now.

For her, to completely master a mecha skill, she needs to work hard and study it in detail.

Qin Shaoheng saw everything in his eyes. The little girl was sensitive and eager to learn, and she never missed any opportunity just to ask for advice from him.

Looking at her forehead, there was already a layer of fine beads of sweat, which showed how serious she was during the training just now.

In fact, in Qin Shaoheng's opinion, as a beginner, the little girl's performance just now was already very good.

After all, as far as he knew, it had only been a short time since she had actually been on the plane.

In fact, she had just entered the senior year of Gworth, and it was still early for her to graduate.

Of course, although Qin Shaoheng had such thoughts in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

He patiently answered Charlotte's questions and his attitude was as friendly as ever.

After they took the suspended elevator down to the ground, Qin Shaoheng went to the airship to get a wet tissue and handed it to Charlotte.

"Wipe it." He pointed at Charlotte's forehead.

Charlotte was busy discussing mecha issues with him, and when she suddenly heard him say this, she was immediately stunned.

Then, she realized what he was talking about.

After realizing it, Charlotte took the thing in his hand and thanked him in passing.

To be honest, she didn't realize that she was sweating so much on her forehead at all. The sparring session just now was really enjoyable.

Originally, in Charlotte's opinion, the major general was nothing more than a scheming person, and she did not have any in-depth understanding of him.

But after the confrontation just now, her thoughts obviously changed.

This person is very powerful. His ability in mecha piloting, at least for now, is far beyond hers.

Just now, when Charlotte was training a certain mecha technique, because of a deviation in the rotation force, the overall situation was out of control.

At that time, he was able to block her who was advancing at super high speed with just an energy sword!

The angle of the sword was extremely precise, and it took a lot of strength off her at once! Instantly restrained her loss of control!

You know, Charlotte was extremely fast at that time, and there was already a lot of pressure around her. It was definitely not easy for Qin Shaoheng to stop her so quickly!

Most importantly, the models of their two mechas are so different!

Charlotte wiped her forehead with a wet paper towel. Fortunately, she doesn't usually wear makeup, so she can just apply it twice, and she doesn't have to worry about the makeup being worn off.

While she was wiping her sweat, Qin Shaoheng had already taken out the special incubator in the airship.

Because Qin Shaoheng often trained here in the early years, he also built a house for rest on this planet, which has a series of basic supporting facilities.

Qin Shaoheng walked into the small bungalow with the incubator, and Charlotte followed behind him.

Stepping into the house, Charlotte glanced around. The house is not particularly big, but the facilities inside are fairly complete.

There are tables, chairs, and even a small bed.

It is estimated that this bed can be used for him to rest when he is tired from training.

Everything in the house looked clean, probably it had been cleaned in advance.

Qin Shaoheng put the incubator on the table, then walked to the side, and pressed a button.

In an instant, the walls of the house became transparent.

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