Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 269 269. Qin Shaoheng: I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now

Charlotte's eyes moved slightly. She has always been good at observing, and she is also the best at thinking about people's hearts. Naturally, she can hear his implication. He is saying that she is indifferent.

If you can look at life and death in this way, what is it if it is not indifference?

"As you said, human beings are very small. There's no need to waste time worrying about things you can't control." Charlotte's tone was flat, without any emotion.

Hearing what she said, Qin Shaoheng rarely said: "Although this is the truth, but when it comes to the real face, who can be so rational?"

Especially when life, old age, sickness and death involve one's own close relatives, people tend to lose their composure.

But Charlotte's answer is still without emotion: "Even if it can't be done, the reality will not change in any way."

Hearing this, Qin Shaoheng looked indifferent: "You are still young, and you have not experienced many things. When you really experience it, you may think differently."

In Qin Shaoheng's eyes, although Xia Luo is far ahead of her peers, not only mature in thinking, but also prudent and experienced in her actions, and always looks calm and steady, but in the end she is still inexperienced.

Many things have not really been experienced, and the thoughts and thoughts will not be so comprehensive.

No matter how mature it looks, it will only become stable after more experience.

Charlotte looked at him silently with her dark eyes, and after a long time, she said quietly: "If the things you mentioned refer to the life and death of close relatives, then I have fully experienced it, and my thoughts will not change again."

After saying this, Charlotte continued with her meal without saying a word.

But her words made Qin Shaoheng look surprised.

His heart was touched, and there were many doubts and incomprehensions.

But seeing that Charlotte didn't want to say any more, Qin Shaoheng didn't ask any more.

The silence between the two was restored immediately, and they each concentrated on their meals.

After the meal, Qin Shaoheng took the initiative to clean up the table.

Charlotte saw it and stepped forward to help.

However, neither of them spoke, and remained silent.

Putting all the tableware into the special incubator, Qin Shaoheng considered for a moment, and then suggested: "Let's go, go for a walk, and digest food."

They will also train the mechs later, so going for a walk is good for digestion and good for the body.

But more, he wanted to find a chance to chat with her.

Charlotte responded, and then followed Qin Shaoheng out.

As soon as she walked out of this room, she noticed the change in her own gravity.

The gravitational force outside is much smaller than that inside the house.

With previous experience, Charlotte was no longer caught off guard this time, but walked forward more cautiously.

The two walked slowly like this, and occasionally some darker soil colors could be seen on the red land.

Unlike being in the room just now, walking outside now allows you to feel the starry sky is close at hand.

Obviously, it will take some time to drive the mecha out of the gravitational range of Little Galia.

But looking up at the star screen at this moment, it seemed that the entire starry sky was very close to her, and she seemed to be in the vast universe.

Walking on the road, Charlotte didn't speak, and Qin Shaoheng also didn't speak, and there was still silence between the two of them.

Qin Shaoheng's footsteps were not fast or slow, but he glanced at Charlotte from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

It was just because he was much taller than her, and the two of them stood relatively close, so he couldn't observe her expression very well.

The quiet atmosphere continued, and no one would come to break the silence between them on this inaccessible little Galia planet.

Sighing, Qin Shaoheng finally opened his mouth: "Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue just now, and my words were too arbitrary."

After all, he is much older than her, and with his experience in life, he will not avoid his mistakes in words and deeds.

With Qin Shaoheng's deduction ability, combined with what Charlotte said, it is not difficult for him to deduce the deep meaning of her words.

The little girl is afraid that she has also lost her close relatives, and she should have had a similar experience to him.

In this way, what he said was really too arbitrary, and also very rude.

He was preconceived and took it for granted, what could such a young girl have experienced?

Those words that are so calm that they are even slightly indifferent are nothing more than young people pretending to be old.

But the reality doesn't seem to be like this, and his deduction has deviated.

After some people have experienced many things, it seems that all the edges and corners of the stone have been polished away, and they will become more friendly, gentle and smooth in dealing with others.

But some people become indifferent and numb after experiencing the vicissitudes of life.

Obviously, the little girl belongs to the latter.

Such a person is either naturally indifferent, or has experienced extremely sad things, which will lead to a change in his heart.

Qin Shaoheng is not a meddlesome person, let alone be curious about other people's private affairs.

But at this moment, there was a trace of exploration in his heart. He really wanted to know what the little girl had experienced before.

However, these are her private affairs after all, and it is inconvenient for him to ask more questions.

Asking is extremely rude and impolite behavior.

Charlotte continued to walk forward, her expression did not change in any way because of Qin Shaoheng's words.

"It's nothing important, don't worry about it." Charlotte said lightly.

She will not talk about her family easily, and likewise, she will not deliberately avoid this topic.

However, to make her say that, at least in her eyes, Qin Shaoheng is not some insignificant passer-by.

But in Qin Shaoheng's view, Charlotte's indifferent attitude made him even more unpredictable.

Obviously when she was training mechs, she showed such a positive attitude that it even dazzled him for a while.

But sometimes, she was as cold as a pool of stagnant water.

The little girl is like a mystery, even if he has such a heart, he can't help being a little curious by her.

Once the seeds of curiosity are planted, they take root.

His curiosity about her will only increase day by day.

"You said, after death, do people go to another world?" Qin Shaoheng asked her suddenly.

Hearing this, Charlotte raised his eyes to look at him, but saw a faint smile on his lips.

"The universe is so big, is there really a place like heaven?" He opened his mouth slowly, but his gaze was looking into the distance.

Charlotte lowered her eyes and remained silent. After a long while, she replied, "Treasure the present moment. People have to look forward and take every step well."

Don't dwell on the past, because the dead will never come back.

There is no such place as heaven in this world.

Everything is just the self-comfort of the world.

The past few days have been warm and cold, the author feels a little sick, fell asleep when he touched the pillow at night, and then suddenly woke up and found that he hadn't updated...

This chapter is on Saturday, sorry for the lateness.


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