Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 271 271. Qin Shaoheng: It would be cuter with a bit of flesh on the face

Qin Shaoheng guessed, maybe... because girls have an innate advantage in this regard? Are they more likely to be good listeners?

That's why he had a good time with her?

But when he thought about it carefully, as far as the little girl's behavior was concerned, she was not at all gentle and caring, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was indifferent.

However, the blame was here. After chatting with her, he would actually relax, which was a rare situation.

Qin Shaoheng glanced at Charlotte again, which really puzzled him.

The two chatted for a while, and then went back to practice the mecha again.

It wasn't until evening that they took the airship back to Hera, and the day was so fulfilling

By the time they returned to Hera, it was already very late.

Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei had already finished their dinner and went back to the house to rest.

Although they didn't go to Little Galia to train like Charlotte, but on Hera, the training intensity of the two of them was not low at all.

At the end of the day, it was so hard to destroy the weeds, and the two strong guys were trained to doubt their lives, so they could only hug each other to keep warm.

Under the high-intensity training, the only thing they want to do is to rest, and they are already so exhausted that they can fall asleep.

Therefore, they will not wait for Charlotte to go back as usual.

What Qin Shaoyang and Chu Pengfei need most now is to get a good night's sleep and replenish their strength so that they can continue to cope with the next day's training.

Throughout the holiday, their training will not be missed for a day.

"Take a good rest today. I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't train with you for the time being." Qin Shaoheng took the initiative to mention his arrangements for tomorrow.

The reason why I told Charlotte in advance was to prepare her mentally, and I hoped that she could sleep in tomorrow.

Qin Shaoheng personally practiced with her today, so she naturally knew that Charlotte's training intensity was very high, and her body was probably in a state of overdrawn.

Therefore, he thought she must take a good rest, otherwise her body would be overwhelmed.

Charlotte replied, knowing it.

It was not difficult for her to deduce how busy he was with his usual affairs.

Although they are currently at home on vacation, a big family like the Qin family, which stands at the top, has a lot of family affairs, which consumes a lot of energy.

Mr. Qin is old, and often has more energy than energy.

Qin Shaoheng valued his family very much, and he was filial to his grandfather, so he would not ignore this situation.

Therefore, every time he goes home on vacation, he will always take the initiative to stir up some affairs in the family in order to let grandpa have more rest.

It is very rare for this major general who manages so many things every day to be able to take time to practice mecha with him.

For his arrangement, Charlotte will not refute without satisfaction.

The two sat down in the restaurant, and Uncle Lin had already arranged for a servant to cook them a simple supper.

Now that it is past the time for dinner, it is not advisable to eat too much, as it will affect the health of the body very much.

Therefore, Uncle Lin prepared relatively light snacks for them, and the portions were not large.

However, although Uncle Lin prepared a small portion, Charlotte ate even less.

Qin Shaoheng was silent, but he also paid attention to her dining situation.

"After training all afternoon, eat a little more, the body needs nutrition to recover." He said aloud.

Although eating late at night is not good for your health, the situation is special. He and Charlotte didn't eat anything all afternoon and only drank some water.

If you go to bed hungry like this, your body will be in a state of hypoglycemia for a long time, which is also very harmful.

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, and continued: "You don't need to lose weight, you are pretty thin now."

In Qin Shaoheng's eyes, Charlotte was already very thin, and the high-intensity training would control her figure even more. She would definitely not gain weight at will.

No, he even thought she should eat more, a little girl at this age would be cuter with a bit of flesh on her face.

Hearing what he said, Charlotte knew he had misunderstood.

He must have thought that, like other girls, she strictly controlled her diet at night in order to maintain a good figure.

Of course, when she was on Earth before, Charlotte, as the daughter of a famous family, really attached great importance to her appearance.

She has always been very concerned about the management of her body.

In the past, she resolutely refused to eat at night, and resolutely prevented her external image from being damaged in any way.

But now, the reason why Charlotte eats very little is not to keep fit.

Now she doesn't pursue this kind of external image at all.

Although it doesn't matter if you don't explain, I always feel that keeping silent will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

If in his eyes, she becomes a superficial person who only pays attention to appearance, then will he guide her with all his heart in the future?

But don't let him subconsciously develop prejudices when facing her at this critical moment of instructing her mecha skills.

So, Charlotte explained: "It's not for weight loss. I don't sleep well at night, and if I eat too much, I won't be able to fall asleep even more."

Although high-intensity mecha driving will relieve her insomnia symptoms and allow her to sleep well temporarily, Charlotte has already developed a fixed eating and resting habit, and she is not used to eating at night.

Now she doesn't take a bite, but eats less.

In Charlotte's view, as long as the body is not in a state of hypoglycemia for a long time, it will be fine.

When it comes to her sleep, she has always been self-disciplined.

Looking back now, in the year when she first came to the Interstellar Era, she hardly slept well at all.

It is difficult for those who have not experienced the pain and anxiety of insomnia to understand.

At that time, she obviously wanted to sleep, but she would have nightmares when she fell asleep.

All those terrible memories hidden deep in the brain came out.

In the dream, she had no escape, no way out, and almost suffocated.

Thinking about such a hazy sleeping state makes me feel a little tired now.

This was the first time Qin Shaoheng heard Xia Luo mention his sleeping condition, and he was very surprised.

Because in his opinion, the little girl's physical fitness is very good.

But she didn't expect that she would have trouble sleeping.

Therefore, Qin Shaoheng stopped trying to persuade him. He respected Xia Luo's wishes.

After the two of them finished their meal, they went upstairs together.

Because of Qin Shaoyang's insistence, Xia Luo's stay was not strictly a guest room.

In the Qin family, the area where the guest room is located is not the same as the area where the master bedroom is located.

However, under Qin Shaoyang's arrangement, Xia Luo, like Chu Pengfei, now lives in an unused master bedroom.

The main house of the Qin family is very large, and the number of master bedrooms is not one or two. Many of them are unused. In between, a variety of room styles are available.

The room where Xia Luo lives now is not far from Qin Shaoyang's room.

Of course, it's not far from Qin Shaoheng's room.

Thanks to the cute little "AT2001" from Qidian for the reward~

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