Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 275 275. Not defensive? Easily cause delusions or misunderstandings?

On the other end of the voice communication, Qin Shaoheng lowered his eyes slightly, and rubbed his fingertips slightly on the light brain, unable to discern.

There was no usual smile on his face, but his expression did not appear indifferent.

Although Charlotte was still waiting patiently, she already had a preliminary guess in her heart, and she didn't have any hope for tomorrow afternoon's training.

Sure enough, after he finished his work tomorrow morning, he must be very tired.

In that tired state, he was unwilling to continue instructing himself to train mechs, and she could totally understand it.

She has to be content with helping others.

While Qin Shaoheng was silent, Charlotte thought a lot again.

She thought about it for a moment, and felt that with Qin Shaoheng's way of dealing with people, she was probably too embarrassed to directly reject herself.

Therefore, Charlotte didn't want to embarrass the other party, so she just took a step back, and tomorrow she will study honestly in the room.

There are still some books written by Professor Gusta that I haven't read, so don't mention the training tomorrow afternoon.

However, just when Charlotte was about to speak, Qin Shaoheng's reply came from the other end of the communication.

"See you at noon tomorrow. I'll pick you up after I finish my work." Qin Shaoheng's voice sounded, and it sounded like everything was normal, "It's getting late, go to bed early, good night."

Very rarely, he took the initiative to end this conversation.

However, since the other party agreed, Charlotte was of course embarrassed to disturb the other party's rest, and hurriedly replied: "Okay, thank you Major General for your help. See you tomorrow, good night."

After speaking, Charlotte ended the communication.

After turning off the optical brain, Charlotte recalled Qin Shaoheng's tone of voice when he spoke at the end just now, and he didn't seem to be impatient. Didn't he reluctantly agree?

No, let's meet tomorrow and observe again. If it causes trouble to others, then she... Or, can she do anything to make up for it?

The twisted melon is not sweet, and Charlotte doesn't want the other party to be "forced to open business" full of displeasure because of Qin Shaoyang's face, which will affect the quality of training.

Maybe try an exchange of benefits? But does she have anything to offer?

After thinking about it carefully, Charlotte realized that she really... has no money and no power.

The only thing she can do is... work hard for him?

Forget it, let's ignore it for the time being, and we have to owe favors first.

When going to work under his hands in the future, work harder and work harder.

Charlotte thought about this casually, and took the clothes to wash.

Today she has to rest well. It is rare for Major General Qin to be a training partner for him after he finishes his busy work. She has to show her best state and not waste each other's time for nothing.

On the other side, after Qin Shaoheng turned off the optical brain, he was still immersed in his own thoughts.

Looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the lights in the courtyard are scattered, making it look quiet and hazy under the night.

The moonlight and lights complement each other, as if covering the dark courtyard with a layer of beautiful tulle.

In his hand, he didn't know when he was playing with a lighter.

The black and gold lighter has a very small and delicate shape.

There are dark red lines on the textured black gold shell. The style of the texture is not complicated or gorgeous at all, but looks simple and elegant.

In the interstellar era, cigarettes and alcohol are also necessities for many men.

However, Qin Shaoheng has not smoked for many years.

But he has a leftover habit, whenever there is something he can't figure out, he will often play with this lighter.

With a slight movement of his fingertips, the lighter flipped over from time to time in his hand.

Mingming's eyes are still looking out of the window, and he is thinking about something in his heart, but when he flips his fingertips, the lighter will not fall to the ground.

After a long time, Qin Shaoheng's eyes showed a barely noticeable smile.

With a chuckle, he immediately shook his head with a gentle expression.

The laughter was very light and faint, but there was no politeness or alienation, but an unknown emotion.

Holding the lighter in his hand again, he finally looked away.

When the little girl spoke, she was really not defensive at all.

For adult men, you can't say words that are easy to cause reverie or misunderstanding.

The speaker is unintentional, but the hearer is easily motivated.

Maybe there is a chance, he can gently mention her.

the next day

When Charlotte went to the restaurant for dinner, she still didn't see Chu Pengfei and Qin Shaoyang.

Their training starts earlier, so breakfast time will be much earlier than hers.

Thinking of the tiredness when the two of them had dinner last night, they had to rush to practice again early this morning.

Charlotte thought, these two people are also very hardworking.

With their identities and backgrounds, if they don't want to, no one can force them.

As for Qin Shaoheng who arranged the training content for the two, probably because of something, he also set off early.

However, today's restaurant is not empty, Charlotte saw another figure in the restaurant.

The gray-haired old man, although he looked older, did not look stooped at all.

The old man stood up straight, raised his head slightly, and looked very energetic.

The reason why Charlotte looked at him twice was because of the perennial high-ranking temperament of this man.

At this moment, it was obvious that the old man was having breakfast.

Charlotte reacted quickly, stepped forward immediately, and said hello politely: "Hello, Mr. Qin."

"You are?" Qin Hong was surprised to see such a young girl at his home.

There are many servants in the Qin family, so many that Mr. Qin would not recognize all of them.

But one thing is certain, the servants here all wear uniform clothes.

But the little girl in front of her was wearing her own clothes, and it was obvious that she came in here for dinner.

Hearing the old man's question, Charlotte tried to introduce herself in simple words: "Mr. Qin, I am a classmate of Young Master Qin. I am a guest at Qin's house at his invitation this holiday. I'm sorry to disturb your meal. .”

Charlotte had already guessed the identity of the person in front of him early on. He should be the current head of the Qin family—Mr. Qin.

In short, she is currently staying at someone's house temporarily, and she still has to ask his grandson to teach her how to drive the mecha.

There is nothing wrong with being polite.

Uncle Lin has always been by Mr. Qin's side. Seeing Mr. Qin ask about Miss Xia's background, he made some supplements after Charlotte finished answering.

"The young master brought two classmates back as guests this time. Another child named Chu Pengfei went out to train with the young master early this morning. That was the training content that the young master personally arranged for them. Everyone works very hard." Uncle Lin picked the key points to report to Mr. Qin.

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