Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 342 342. The transformation of multiple forms, what a wonderful race!

The genetic characteristics of the fish people determine the extremely strong compatibility and extraordinary activity of their cells, allowing them to complete a series of mutations in a very short period of time!

Their cells are like water, rich in changes and extremely plastic!

Also because of this, in terms of physiological structure, the murlocs have the ability to undergo multiple transformations.

As a subspecies differentiated from the orc race, the traits possessed by the murloc race are also possessed by the orc race.

This is impossible for humans! From a biological point of view, that is simply incredible!

Human beings in the interstellar era only have the distinction of genetic levels, but they have never been able to change their physical forms arbitrarily!

Orcs, what a wonderful race!

Although the C-level genes of human beings also have a relatively deep animal appearance, but that is completely different from the concept of the orcs.

Carriers of the C-level gene cannot make any changes in the appearance of beasts, except with the help of external surgery.

But the orcs, they can change between animalized and non-beastized forms just by their own will!

This is exactly the genetic characteristic that Gao Ziyan needs for this project at this time!

As a scientific researcher, she has a strong passion for her scientific research projects and will try her best to overcome technical difficulties.

Therefore, Gao Ziyan did not consider any other factors, purely from the standpoint of a scientific researcher, and stated the most ideal experimental materials at this time.

But she also knew that the extinct orc race was a sensitive topic that would involve many historical issues.

As the official Xingerguan Bangzhengfu, it never mentioned the orcs.

Even for the murlocs that still exist today, they don't want to interfere too much.

If historical issues are not resolved properly, they will be burned. At present, no official is willing to take care of these old sesame seeds and rotten millet.

In fact, Gao Ziyan knew in her heart that the most ideal and most important experimental material for this project was the cells of the orc race.

However, that is simply impossible, she has no way to obtain it.

However, as the fish-human race with the same origin, although the power of their genes and the rapid mutation ability of their cells are not as perfect as those of the orcs, they are still quite ideal experimental materials.

It's a pity that she couldn't even get the cells of the murlocs.

In scientific research, sometimes you can’t do whatever you want! This is what her father taught her since she was a child, and it is also the philosophy that the scientists in their family have always upheld.

Do not violate morality, do not lose the bottom line, this applies not only to science, but also to life.

My father said that real science is to promote human progress and strive to bring people a better life.

Scientific research projects may not be perfect, but researchers must not resort to unscrupulous means.

Gao Ziyan recalled her father's teachings in her mind, and gradually calmed down.

"Sorry, I was too impatient." She generously admitted her slip of the tongue.

It seems that she is still too young after all, and she still needs continuous training to be able to treat failure with a peaceful mind like the elders.

Gusta glanced at her and then said: "Even if the synthetic cells are not compatible enough or active enough, it is just starting over from scratch. Be calm, no one will rush you here."

Gao Ziyan glanced back at him and raised her eyebrows, did he not make trouble? Don't you always like to chatter about disagreements with her? Don't you take this opportunity to scold her?

Gusta, who was always smart, immediately understood the look in her eyes. He frowned and sighed: "I usually lack sleep, so my attitude is a bit bad. As long as you don't mess with my experimental equipment or data, I don't have time to argue with you."

Immediately, he worriedly added another sentence: "If you fail, you can change to other materials, but there are some things that you can't touch, that's the limit."

After finishing speaking, he rubbed his already somewhat messy hair and left here.

Behind him, Gao Ziyan looked at him and curled her lips.

The turtle-haired man pretended to be mature in front of her.

Professor Gusta is walking back to the central area, wanting to check the progress of the experiment again.

Seeing that the professor was free, assistant Xiao Wu hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Professor, Charlotte is just here to see you. I saw that you were busy just now, so I asked her to wait for a while."

Hearing this, Gusta stopped flipping through the files, and turned to ask Xiao Wu: "Where is she? Where is she?"

Charlotte waited for a while, but was not impatient at all.

When Gusta came over, he happened to see her sitting quietly with a very calm expression.

When he stepped forward, he asked directly, "What do you want from me?"

Although not as pleasant as other professors, Charlotte doesn't care about this.

Compared with when they first met, he is much better now, at least he will take the initiative to come to see her.

Charlotte stood up from her seat as early as she saw him.

"Good morning, professor." She greeted politely first.

Knowing that Gusta is usually very busy and doesn't like others to waste his time, Charlotte immediately expressed his intention: "I plan to participate in the friendly competition between the North and South Military Academies this semester. I have already submitted the registration application. But I am afraid that the Robert Branch Dean will not agree to my application, so I hope the professor can help me."

Charlotte succinctly stated her intentions and told Gusta the key points. He never liked nonsense.

Although what Charlotte said was very simple, it did not prevent Gusta from understanding what she meant, and his IQ was not low.

If it was Robert's branch dean, it was very likely that Charlotte's application would be rejected.

Even Professor Gusta knows the dean Robert's style of conduct and employment preferences.

In a way, Uwe Robert, the dean, was a very stubborn man.

Gusta still remembered that it was Robert's sub-principal's proposition before, asking him to accept Qin Shaoyang's nominal disciple in a tone that could not be rejected.

Gusta has never liked to wink at people when doing things, and he will not compromise, and the director of the Robert branch naturally knows this.

However, he still issued that instruction.

Because, he has a way to make Gusta nod in agreement.

Gusta doesn't like the branch dean of Robert. While he is serious and stubborn, he has a lot of eyes, is cunning and cunning, and wants to use Professor Adolf to subdue himself.

If it hadn't been for Charlotte to intervene and make the major general Qin voluntarily give up the quota he won for his younger brother, Gusta might be forced to take a bear now. He worries.

Although in the end, Gusta still accepted a nominal disciple with difficulty, but compared to Qin Shaoyang, Charlotte is undoubtedly more worry-free.

She is very measured and rarely bothers him.

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