Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 556 556. Modesty? no? Add to the chaos? Charlotte's tricks! Extraordinary level of show

However, before Zhang Lianping could open his mouth, Charlotte said, "Team Zhang, just leave it to me, and the task will be completed."

Her tone was flat, but she exuded extremely strong self-confidence.

Zhang Lianping, who was standing next to Charlotte, suddenly had the illusion that her abilities were more than that?

It was precisely because of this moment of daze that Zhang Lianping didn't go in with Charlotte.

Looking at Charlotte with the light of the lamp, she didn't seem to be trying to be brave, but really possessed great strength as she said, and could guarantee the completion of the task.

It's really strange, Zhang Lianping, who has been in the army for many years, thinks he has a sharp eye, but he can't see the depth of this child.

I don't know why, but this fledgling intern gave him a feeling of being strong.

The aura that comes out naturally should not be possessed by ordinary interns.

This should have been a very unharmonious matter, but at this time, Zhang Lianping didn't have the extra energy to investigate it carefully.

Charlotte's confident and determined back made him finally decide to follow what she said first and see the situation before speaking.

It's hard to say whether there are organs in the venue.

If the situation is not right, it should not be too late for them to go to the rescue.

From the perspective of reducing unnecessary casualties, this seems to be a better deployment.

But what Zhang Lianping didn't know was that if Xia Luoruo said that she couldn't do it, then she was really being modest.

Her mechanism ability was honed in ancient tombs, exquisite ruins, and mysterious places all over the world.

At a time like this, if there were any mechanism that hadn't been detected, then other people would follow behind, which would only add to her confusion.

In order to improve efficiency, she proposed to let Team Zhang and the others wait outside.

Charlotte didn't waste time, she just took the first step.

After careful perception, there seems to be nothing unusual around.

However, although this first step seems to be no problem, Charlotte did not rush all the way hastily.

The combat boot was raised again, and she stepped forward with the other foot, and finally landed on the ground.

Every time Charlotte took a step, she had to wait for a moment before taking the next step.

Although her face was calm, her eyes were not relaxed.

All the details of this inner room are in Charlotte's eyes.

With the help of the lights on the helmets of Charlotte herself and others in the team, she could barely see every corner of the inner room at this time.

Charlotte walked forward unhurriedly like that, the path was straight and unbiased.

However, at the eighth step, the color of her eyes changed slightly just as the combat boots touched the ground.

The strength of her footsteps was stopped in time, and she seemed to press the pause button in an instant.

That foot just barely touched the surface, without exerting the slightest effort to go down.

Charlotte didn't turn her head back, still staring ahead.

"Captain Zhang, step back a little bit, there is a mechanism." Then, she said calmly.

Zhang Lianping has been paying attention to Charlotte. He has a keen observation ability and has already discovered Charlotte's abnormality in the first place.

Hearing what she said now, he hurriedly said to the back: "Everyone take a few steps back, spread out, and pay attention to avoiding the mechanism that is triggered."

So, the team members took a few steps back as promised, and then separated a little distance from each other.

Everyone is waiting in full battle, silently waiting.

Zhang Lianping didn't expect that he really guessed right.

But in the final analysis, he only made this guess just in case.

It's purely because as the captain, you need to consider as many situations as possible.

In fact, he had already tested it with the IR-type reconnaissance steel ball just now, but he didn't expect that there were actually organs left.

It seems that this building is indeed not simple, and the mechanism design inside is probably not of ordinary level.

Zhang Lianping is also experienced in missions, and he quickly had an association.

Let's look at the situation first, and provide support according to the situation, Zhang Lianping thinks so.

But for Charlotte, what she thought was actually simpler.

It doesn't matter what the mechanism was triggered for, or why it wasn't detected by professional equipment before.

Now that it is triggered, just resolve it one by one.

Her experiences in the last days allowed her to detect whether there was a mechanism in this place the moment she stepped down.

This seems to be some kind of mechanical mechanism, which will be activated when stepped on, but none of the steel balls just now can trigger it.

It is impossible for the military to make mistakes in actual combat equipment. The only explanation is that these institutions are "unusual".

While thinking about this, Charlotte watched her surroundings keenly.

When the people from the search and rescue team 3 got ready inside and outside, she regained the strength in her feet.

The combat boots that were originally vain on the surface were stepped on with full strength at this moment.

At that moment, a mechanism was triggered in the inner room.

Hearing the movement behind him, Charlotte still didn't look back.

Even, she never raised her feet.

The right hand quickly pulled out the hilt at the waist, and Charlotte activated the portable energy sword in an instant.

When dealing with mechanical organs, this kind of weapon will be more convenient, and it can directly unload the power of hidden weapons at close range.

Moreover, it is not easy to appear the situation of slipping bows like the sub-bows fired by Mu Cangqi.

Even if it is a light particle bullet, it cannot guarantee that those hidden weapons will be ablated directly on the bullet road, and the situation of the bullet is inevitable.

And once there is a stray shot, or a concealed weapon quilt misses the shot, it is very likely to touch the top, surrounding walls, and the ground.

That will cause a second superimposed trigger - that is, after triggering a round of traps, a new round of traps will be triggered at the same time.

Charlotte considered all these possibilities in an instant.

The choice of weapon is not arbitrary.

Xia Luo's mechanism skill was honed through hard work.

There was a slight sound on the wall, and almost the moment she activated the energy sword, several hidden arrows struck at her!

With a cold look on his face, Xia Luo dodged away one by one, and at the same time removed his strength one by one, so that they no longer had the strength to trigger other mechanisms!

From the beginning to the end, Charlotte's feet never left the spot.

However, when dodging the last two hidden arrows, Charlotte had no choice but to lift her right foot due to the angle.

However, when her right foot landed again, her eyes changed again.

The touch under her feet indicated that she had stepped on the trap again.

The chain mechanism predicts and infers every possible reaction of the triggerer, and the calculations are so precise. It is really cleverly designed!

Hidden arrows, darts, flying stabs, short javelins... all kinds of hidden weapons attacked Charlotte one after another.

The further she walked, the more hidden weapons there were, and the angles of firing became more complicated.

But in the end, Charlotte's smooth movements... seemed to be showing off!

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