Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 583 583. Mysterious magic? Conversation that ends abruptly? What the fuck are these? !

Zhang Lianping thought for a while, then asked again: "Is the information reliable?"

Even though the situation may be critical, Zhang Lianping must confirm the reliability of the information.

"Reliable, there are multiple teams including Team 4 gathered there, and they all urgently need support." Charlotte said, "Please let me lead the team, I know the shortest route. If you hurry up, you should make it in time."

Zhang Lianping looked at Charlotte. Although her answer lacked detailed support, it is logically difficult to win people's trust, but...

Zhang Lianping pondered for a while, and finally made a decision. He raised his optical brain and looked at it.

It is amazing that the optical brain is still in a state of no signal outside the pyramid, even when entering the pyramid.

But up to here, the signal of the optical brain is full.

Zhang Lianping made a simple operation, and he quickly dialed a communication.

The object of the communication is Ding Wei, the captain of the search and rescue team 4.

At first, the communication was in a state of being unconnected for a long time.

A bad premonition popped up again, and Zhang Lianping dialed the communication again.

This time, after the voice communication rang a few times, it was finally successfully connected.

Zhang Lianping secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to speak.

But before he could speak, there was a fierce fighting sound from the other end of the communication.

"Team Zhang...ask for support..." Captain Ding Wei's voice came intermittently.

"This... there are... be careful... Team 4 is asking for... support...we are..."

Although the signal was restored, for some reason, the signal was still not stable, and the sound was buzzing and unclear.

It stands to reason that after staying away from the dark green metal, the signal should be relatively smooth inside the pyramid, especially the signal in this section is always in a full state.

But now... the voice is so unclear.

Charlotte stood by, and the situation in front of her caused her to think deeply again.

It should not be the reason for the optical brain. The optical brain of the interstellar era will not be so unstable in terms of performance.

The signal on their side is fine.

Could it be that the signal in the 4th team is not good? Charlotte guessed.

"Team Ding? I'm Zhang Lianping, where are you now..." Zhang Lianping asked hastily.

However, before he could finish his question, the communication was cut off instantly.

There was not even a sizzling sound, and all the conversations came to an abrupt end.

In an instant, Zhang Lianping showed a dignified look.

Judging from the current situation, he can already judge that something really happened to Team 4.

Without doubting what Charlotte said, and without wasting any more time, Zhang Lianping turned to Charlotte and said, "Lead the way, we have to hurry there as soon as possible."

With that said, he briefly explained the situation to the rest of the team.

During this period, Charlotte went straight to the front of the line.

Just when the 3rd team was about to set off for support, the situation was very unfavorable for the search and rescue team 1 and the 4th team.

Since the team merged into the pyramid, they did successfully meet the mission objective.

However, everyone also fell into a bitter battle.

"What the hell are these?!" Justin yelled.

Ouyang Zongzhe next to him was also fighting hard: "I don't know! I also want to know what kind of monsters these are?!"

Qi Yang's situation is not much better, it can be seen that everyone is struggling to support.

At first, everything was fine.

However, those things that were originally inconspicuous and ignored by them suddenly appeared.

And who would notice that? At first, they just looked a little weird.

But to say it's weird, aren't those stone statues beside the corridor outside this building also weird?

At this moment, the members of the scientific research team were protected in the encirclement.

Teams 1 and 4, including the reinforcements of the two teams, can temporarily protect them.

However, the situation is already not optimistic.

The way they came was blocked by those things, and it was impossible to return along the same way.

Ouyang Zongzhe's temper was quite violent, and he couldn't help saying: "MD! If I had known that I saw those things just now, I should have smashed them all!"

It's too late to say anything now, they were completely cut off their escape route without knowing it!

After all, who would have thought that such a change could happen to these things! Is this some magical magic? !

Under the strong siege of those things, everyone could only keep retreating.

Although there have been no fatalities yet, there are quite a few injured people, and two of them are even seriously injured.

It is precisely because of the need to protect the two seriously injured team members and the members of the scientific research team that the search and rescue team will be constrained many times.

For them, unless it is a last resort, they cannot easily give up their teammates and mission goals.

The superior's instruction is - if you encounter an unexpected dangerous situation, you can consider whether to abandon the mission as appropriate. Everything is judged in real time by the captains of each team. The fundamental principle is to ensure the survival of as many people as possible.

However, the captains of Team 1 and Team 4 judged that that step has not yet been reached, and the mission can still continue.

Those huge and tricky things gradually pushed everyone to the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage, there is an empty space.

From the looks of it, it seems to be an extremely huge square.

There is no way to retreat, and everyone has to be forced into this square.

The guys who followed in the passageway still kept chasing after him.

It won't be long before they will come out of the passage and follow them into the square.

Team 1 captain Johnny shouted loudly: "Team Ding, I'll take it first, and you'll find a way to block the passage!"

Johnny decided to find a way to block the entrance of the passage first, so that those guys could not come out of the passage, so as to buy some time for everyone.

Ding Wei, the captain of the 4th team, was still some distance away from him. He was about to answer, but when he glanced to the side out of the corner of his eye, he found an even more terrifying scene!

This time, he had no time to worry about blocking the passage.

This is a circular open square, and inside... it is actually densely covered with those things!

Not only Ding Wei, but others have also discovered this situation one after another.

Everyone showed a shocked look.

The ones in the tunnel are just that difficult to deal with, and now there are so many... there are hundreds of them!

The difficulty of the task has increased by more than one or two levels!

Among the three interns, Qi Yang was relatively calmer, and he quickly looked around the square.

In addition to the passage when they came just now, there are several passages around the circular square.

These passages are evenly distributed in different positions on the edge of the square, and it is not known where they lead.

In the middle of this circular square, those things are densely covered.

They are neatly arranged, and each one presents a different shape.

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