Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 611 611. Is it true or suspicious? Charlotte, who has eight hundred eyes: Don’t worry, I won

On this point, Alpha had done science popularization with Charlotte early on.

Therefore, Charlotte knew that as long as the "little queen" promised something, she would probably not regret it.

From Bloody Queen's point of view, Charlotte's purpose was already obvious - she wanted it to promise that it would not intervene in the middle of her escape plan later.

Although I don't know what her specific purpose is, this is already a very important piece of information.

Perhaps... an essential part of her plan?

That is, as long as it doesn't do what she wants, her plans will go awry.

Therefore, Bloody Queen refused without any room for negotiation, and paid close attention to Charlotte's expression.

It expected to see the change in Charlotte's expression, even if it was only for a moment, its conjecture would be confirmed.

Next, its response will be more directional.

This intruder will eventually fall into his own trap, and then he will be doomed!

All the struggles during this period were all in vain!

Not only Bloody Queen, but Alpha also has this consideration.

But compared to Bloody Queen, Alpha obviously thinks more, after all, it knows its master better.

Did the master's move show his purpose too bluntly?

It shouldn't be, the master has always been the best at hiding his thoughts.

Is this really intentional, or is it just speculation?

Alpha is not very sure, what is the purpose of the master's nonsensical sentence.

Want that Bloody Queen to promise not to intervene in midfield?

And using this as a bargaining chip, promised to reveal his plan to it?

Perhaps... is there some trap in the plan itself?

Or is this proposal meant to confuse the public?

Alpha thought a lot at once, who made his master always have 800 minds?

With just one sentence from Charlotte, the two artificial intelligences fell into thinking.

However, her next reaction was beyond their expectations.

"It's fine if you don't want to, don't worry, I won't take advantage of you." Faced with Bloody Queen's doubts, Charlotte spoke with a hint of sarcasm instead.

Obviously the situation is already very tense now, and there is more and more water in the square, but Charlotte seems not to be affected by the current situation at all.

For Charlotte, she usually acts calmer at such times.

In Charlotte's view, panic at a critical moment is useless, but it will give the opponent an opportunity.

Even if she really wanted to negotiate with the other party, she would not show any eagerness.

It is precisely because of her invulnerability that Bloody Queen has always been unable to interpret her.

For example, now, Charlotte seems to have no intention of negotiating a deal with it.

This made Bloody Queen wonder if her proposal just now was purely a joke?

Otherwise, how could she be so indifferent!

In other words, she didn't care if it would intervene? And don't intend to tell it her plan at all?

She didn't intend to, but she just mentioned it. Is she playing it?

Bloody Queen has a feeling of being played.

Charlotte, who has never been able to guess it, made its program run quite poorly.

In fact, when negotiating, the most important thing is the equal position of both parties.

From Bloody Queen's point of view, this intruder, as long as he showed the slightest eagerness, he would be completely grasped by it.

At that time, it can take the opportunity to make more demands, and play tricks on her before she dies!

But in fact, Charlotte has always been calm and calm, without showing any trace.

Bloody Queen couldn't figure out what was really going on in Charlotte's mind, and her "thoughts" were somewhat confused.

She looked like that, neither the embarrassment and panic when she was in a difficult situation, nor did she look like she was asking for anything from others.

It has no way of determining her true plans, nor of her true thoughts.

It's no wonder that Bloody Queen is confused, Charlotte has always been a leader in psychological warfare.

Even in the face of artificial intelligence, she can grasp the specific "character" of the other party very well.

Through these several confrontations, Charlotte discovered that Bloody Queen is a very curious artificial intelligence.

She was sure it must have wondered what she would do in such a predicament.

This kind of curiosity is also one of the bargaining chips that Charlotte uses.

She knew what it was curious about, and cast the bait, making a tempting offer.

As long as it promises not to intervene in the midfield, she can tell it some information about its plan. What a tempting "deal" this is!

You know, according to the strength that Charlotte showed before, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are no dead ends in 360 degrees.

After all, after several confrontations, Charlotte has never missed.

No matter how unfavorable the situation was, in the end, Charlotte was able to turn it around successfully.

As long as it can know her plan, even if it is just a little reminder, it can respond quickly and completely cut her way!

Isn't her dying struggle what it desperately wants to see? It's also a big interest in the Bloody Queen.

The pain of others is the source of happiness for Bloody Queen!

To accept or not to accept? This suggestion alone was enough for Bloody Queen to consider for a long time.

But in fact, Bloody Queen carefully observed Charlotte's appearance, and she didn't seem to expect it to agree, there was no urgency at all.

Charlotte let it observe without expression or words.

No midfield intervention? Give it your plan thoroughly?

Heh, let her guess the true meaning of what she said!

Charlotte, who is full of aura, will never be guessed by others.

Want to see her embarrassed and miserable look? Wait for the Year of the Monkey!

Charlotte is very sure now that the "little queen" is already in chaos, and this is actually a hole she dug on purpose.

Useful is best, useless is also okay.

In fact, not only the Bloody Queen, but also the Alpha, was almost surrounded by his master.

However, its virtual personality is relatively calm. Although it is also not very clear, it has not said much, but has remained silent.

Alpha judged that it is necessary to keep a proper silent pretense when following its master, this is its long-standing experience.

And Bloody Queen, who had already fallen into a "deadlock of thinking", finally did not agree to the "deal" proposed by Charlotte.

It is worthy of being a high-level artificial intelligence, which can maintain the most basic "sobriety" when "thinking is chaotic".

Bloody Queen's program calculation is very meticulous, even if there are "thought fluctuations" in the middle, it will not easily escape from the established program framework.

Because of this, it will not be easily fooled and leave no trouble for itself.

No matter what the intruder is planning, it just doesn't agree!

As long as it doesn't respond to her, it won't fall into her trap easily! Bloody Queen judged it this way.

That's right, it's going to do the ancient well without waves!

After spending some time, Bloody Queen gradually jumped out of the deadlock of "thinking", and walked out of the "fog of thinking" that Charlotte created for it.

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