Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 654 654 A tacit understanding of mutual cooperation? Control the rhythm without missing a be

Charlotte and Ares Randall pulled the trigger almost simultaneously.

In terms of reflexes, both of them are very sharp.

Whether it is the DM1810 of Ares or the R-CA8H of Charlotte, they can hit the target hard at a long distance.

However, the guy in the distance seems to be the type that is rough and thick and particularly difficult to beat.

The huge chunks of meat that looked like they were piling up were not soft and rotten flesh, but extremely strong armor comparable to the surface of a beast.

Charlotte looked calm, just shooting one shot after another.

Each of her bullets landed precisely—some directly hit the weak spots like the eyes, nose, and mouth, while others fired superimposed bursts on parts of the body.

In short, she never failed.

Likewise, not one of Charlotte's shots was ineffective.

She was looking for the weak points of the opponent. She couldn't just focus on the eyes, nose, and mouth. She needed to find out the weak points of this creature as much as possible.

After one came out, the second, third, fourth...appeared in Charlotte's sight in turn.

There seemed to be an extremely large number of them, occupying the entire passage densely at once, and bumping into each other from time to time.

Not only that, those guys looked very crazy, running all the way, as if the whole passage was shaking.

Charlotte didn't feel any fear or shrink back because of the increase in the number of targets. Her expression was always very calm, and her attention was highly focused on those guys.

The same is true for Ares next to him, and he has every shot.

Although the two didn't have any communication, they gradually formed a tacit understanding of mutual cooperation.

In the beginning, because of their extremely similar judgment abilities, they tended to shoot at the same part of the same guy.

This not only wastes ammunition, but also reduces the efficiency of sniping.

However, the two quickly discovered the problem and made adjustments quickly.

Later, during this short period of cooperation, Charlotte and Ares had already studied and judged the other party's action ideas, and predicted the actions that the other party might take.

Next, there is much less chance of them superimposing attacks on each other.

When Charlotte attacks this end, Ares will quickly switch to another target.

And when Ares locks on a certain target, Charlotte will decisively aim at the next one.

Even if they snipe the same guy at the same time due to distance and occlusion, they will shoot at different fatal points to speed up the speed of killing each other.

But for a moment, Charlotte and Ares had already sniped several guys.

And in the process, Charlotte also somewhat figured out some of the situation.

These guys have very strong bodies. If you aim directly at the body, it is still not easy to penetrate the hard flesh on the surface.

Moreover, the location of their hearts seems to be not so conventional, and it is not easy to lock on to the more deadly points.

It is more efficient to directly attack the head. As long as you continue to stack and shoot, it is not that difficult to smash the head.

In addition, the eyes, nose and mouth are relatively weak, and are easier to penetrate than the body.

Of course, Charlotte also aimed at the opponent's limbs.

As long as their limbs are knocked off, the fleshy body that remains is also difficult to do anything.

Without their arms and legs, they could only fall to the ground and howl, unable to move forward at all.

Those who fell, even if they were still alive, would quickly become food for others of their kind.

The swarming scene of sharing food was very shocking.

The 4th generation of "Senamov" experimental subjects, although their mouths are not too big, they "gorge on" when eating meat.

It seems to be a very normal thing for them to devour their companions who still have a trace of breath alive.

Charlotte and Ares have been very good at controlling the rhythm.

Whenever the number of those guys suddenly increased, they would quickly destroy the legs of some of them, so as to take the opportunity of "sharing food" and hinder the pace of other guys.

Then take this as an opportunity, take advantage of this gap, and quickly get rid of the other ones.

Those big guys often became the targets of Charlotte and Ares before they could react in the process of eating their companions.

They are often resolved in place before they step out again.

This is a sniping rhythm of taking in and letting go, and they cooperate extremely well.

Charlotte and Ares, the further they go to the back, the more handy and comfortable they become.

It's just that the hands and feet of the 4th-generation experimental body are always moving at high speed, and it's not easy to even aim for a shot.

That is to say, Charlotte and Ares can precisely snipe at the hands and feet of those guys while they are moving at high speed, until their legs or hands are blasted off.

However, even if so many companions fell down, those guys still wouldn't stop moving forward.

In their eyes, there was only a crazy desire for food, and the blood greatly stimulated them.

It's just that there are so many big guys who are so difficult to solve, but they have never been able to please Charlotte and Ares.

Even, the distance between them and them has not been able to get much closer.

The ones rushing ahead will be dealt with before they get close, that's how fast they snipe.

On the ground next to it, there are many energy magazines that were replaced midway.

Whether it is Charlotte or Ares, they change the magazine very quickly.

That movement was done in one go, without the slightest bit of redundancy, so neat that there was a sense of sharpness.

Whenever one of them needed to change the magazine, the other would automatically take cover.

The two can consciously cover their teammates without communicating with each other, everything is so proficient and smooth.

The whole process of confronting the enemy didn't last too long. Charlotte and Ares teamed up and quickly killed those things.

Those guys didn't even get close to them, and fell down in the distant passage.

The passageway ground in that area was very messy, with many blood-stained remains of the 4th generation experimental bodies that had been eaten up.

Bloody Queen's expectations once again fell through, and this is not the first time it has been deflated in Charlotte.

From the beginning to the present, time and time again, it failed to let the trespasser die according to its will.

Charlotte and Ares looked at the other end of the passage, and there was no movement in their ears.

After a while, they were able to ascertain that the targets had all been cleaned up.

Putting away the gun in his hand, Charlotte stood up straight again.

Beside, Ares looked at her silently.

In the sniper battle just now, although the two of them didn't say anything, their cooperation with each other was extremely tacit.

After this scene, Ares had a deeper understanding of Charlotte's abilities.

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