Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 659 659 is not in the category of the opposite sex? No problem carrying her out! The comprom

This favor cannot be owed casually.

Perhaps feeling the silence behind him, Ares turned his back to her and said, "Don't worry so much, and don't think about the problem too complicated. Now I am your teammate, and you are just accepting help from your teammates."

After a pause, he continued, "Don't worry, it's fine to carry you out."

He turned his back to her, and Charlotte couldn't see his expression clearly.

Similarly, he couldn't see Charlotte's expression clearly.

Charlotte looked at his back without saying a word.

His shoulders are broad and his back looks solid, not a thin build.

This is due to his self-discipline all the time. Charlotte only found out when delivering his meal that this person has always had the habit of morning exercises.

Years of honing in front-line actual combat has also tempered his good physique.

At this time, looking at the person kneeling with his back to her in front of him, Charlotte once again clearly realized that this person is indeed very responsible.

He doesn't speak much, but his demeanor is responsible.

This has nothing to do with his identity background, nor his rank and rank, but the quality of Ares Randall himself.

He didn't get up, and she didn't step forward, the two of them seemed to be in a stalemate like this.

After a long time, Charlotte sighed softly and walked towards him.

Bending slightly, she reached out and grabbed his arm.

In this way, Ares looked back at her again.

"Get up first, I have something to tell you." Charlotte still half bent over and pulled his arm.

However, she didn't try very hard.

With his skill, he will not be easily pulled by brute force.

Seeing Charlotte's serious expression, Ares didn't speak, and he stood up following her wishes.

However, after he stood up straight again, Charlotte did not let go.

Not only that, she also adjusted the movements of her hands, changing "pull" to "pull".

With blood-red eyes lowered slightly, he looked at her movement of holding his arm with one hand, and seemed to understand what she meant.

He thought that she was planning to use a compromise method.

Sure enough, Charlotte said: "I'm not in such a serious condition that I can't walk now. When I really can't walk, you can carry me on your back to save some energy."

Listening to Charlotte's explanation, Ares looked calm and did not push her hand away.

Apart from the necessary fights, he actually doesn't like to have physical contact with people, and he has never been so close to the opposite sex of his age.

But such Ares is willing to carry Charlotte on his back and be held by her.

This at least shows that he does not reject her.

Of course, Charlotte didn't know about this, she just continued: "As you said, now I only regard you as a teammate, and I don't force myself, let's borrow my strength first. For now, this is enough."

As a last resort, Charlotte didn't want him to recite it, it would be too much trouble for him.

Now, let's just borrow his arm for the time being.

In this way, she can borrow some strength, and can also stabilize her figure at any time when she feels dizzy.

Charlotte probably knows Ares's habits, he doesn't seem to like the opposite sex to get close.

But after thinking about it, he was willing to carry himself on the back just now, and he must have left those details behind at this critical moment.

Or maybe, in his eyes, she was just an intern regardless of gender, completely out of the scope of the opposite sex.

Charlotte was doing the explaining work by herself, and felt that people didn't mind, and of course she was informal.

However, she is also very discerning, her hands are not too tight, and her body is not too close.

At best, she just held loosely the clothes in the crook of his arms.

Ares didn't say anything more, and seemed to agree with Charlotte's approach.

He is taciturn, but always pays attention to her situation.

Even if Charlotte really fainted or something, he could react immediately.

The two started on the road again, and this time, the distance between them was further reduced.

Charlotte could smell the faint breath on his body, which was very unique, like pines, like ice and snow.

This is not the first time Charlotte has smelled it. She already has an excellent memory, and this smell is so unique that it impressed her deeply.

I remember that when she introduced herself to him at that time, he directly walked past her, and the two of them got extremely close in an instant.

That was the first time she felt his breath, which was very special.

Later, during Gervas's 1600th anniversary celebration, while listening to him, she was called by "Lucky" to fight him on stage.

At that time, she also felt this breath at close range.

It's obviously not a strong smell, but it can invade the tip of her nose unknowingly.

The aura on his body, just like him, has never changed, and it cannot be ignored.

Smelling this smell, it seems that he can feel his indifference, alienation, and awe-inspiring inviolability.

In this way, none of them said much, and they walked quietly all the way.

Considering Charlotte's situation, Ares consciously slowed down, which made him walk a little faster than normal.

When walking to a certain section, he suddenly asked, "How long has it been since you ate?"

Charlotte was originally immersed in her own thoughts, but when he was asked a question suddenly, she reacted a little.

But soon, she replied truthfully: "The last meal was eaten on the battleship."

In other words, she hasn't eaten for a long time.

Charlotte didn't think there was anything to hide, so she answered honestly.

However, Ares stopped.

He turned to look at her, expressionless as always.

Seeing how he was looking shamelessly at her, Charlotte added: "Now is not the time to think about this. Let's go out first."

Looking back now, this journey has taken a relatively long time since entering the pyramid.

It would be fine if you were walking normally, but the most important thing is that this journey is quite bumpy and not easy at all.

Charlotte first fought against the Amitre crocodile in the circular square, and then fought against the fifth-generation experimental subject of "Senamov" in the square square.

Next, Charlotte even dived into the water and fought with the so-called "Experimental Subject No. 7" in Bloody Queen's mouth.

Not to mention all this, she herself had been damaged during the deep dive at extreme speeds, and she also had fierce battles with the Amitre crocodile in the water one after another.

This journey has been an extremely intense physical exertion.

From the physical sense, Charlotte knew that she was hungry.

Especially for her, she usually has three meals on time and regularly.

However, the current situation does not allow her to be leisurely and comfortable.

In order to get out as soon as possible, Charlotte had to be extremely energetic, so she kept enduring.

I didn't expect that the person next to me would take the initiative to mention it.

He seems to have always been like this, thinking very comprehensively about many things.

He can pay good attention to even the smallest things.

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