Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 662 662 The mysterious tunnel in the night sky? He didn't want to involve her! There ar

The other passages that Charlotte had seen before were either made of various metals, or simply polished the original mountain rock walls.

The construction of this tunnel uses more special materials.

Charlotte has never seen this kind of raw material, so she will observe it more carefully.

At first glance, under the light, the tunnel appears almost dark blue.

The entire tunnel, top, bottom, left and right, is made of this material. It is seamless and the workmanship is extremely exquisite.

Being in it is like stepping into the night sky, surrounded by dark blue, which looks so deep and mysterious.

But Charlotte soon discovered that this material can also react instantly to the pressure exerted on it.

Ares, who was walking in front, would create a circle of ripples every time he set foot.

The ripples rippled shallowly, just like the ripples produced by the water surface.

Looking at it now, this material is no longer pure dark blue, but somewhere between transparent and opaque.

The light blue ripples produced after being touched are always changing, sometimes solid and dark blue, sometimes transparent and light.

Whether you place your foot down or lift your foot up, the shape and size of the ripples will change.

It can be seen that this special material has extremely sensitive pressure sensing properties.

Charlotte couldn't deduce the purpose of this material for the time being, but one thing she was sure of was that this tunnel must be full of dangers!

Charlotte stood there waiting for a moment and did not follow immediately.

However, she didn't have nothing to do, but tried to remember Ares's route.

He was responsible for exploring the route ahead, while she took note of the safe route he had discovered. This was the consensus they had just reached.

Ares continued to walk forward, however, when he took a certain step, he suddenly stopped.

Charlotte, who was behind him, immediately noticed something strange about him.

At the same time, she also noticed changes on the ground.

The originally dark blue tunnel floor suddenly rippled with red ripples.

Very different from the surrounding blue, the small area of ​​red surrounded his feet in circles, spreading faintly.

Ares looked at the ground silently, not panicked by this sudden change.

His expression didn't even change at all.

The foot that caused the red ripples was still firmly planted on the ground.

If you don’t move your feet away, the red ripples will not recede.

If you look carefully, you will find that the size of the ripples has barely changed since they appeared.

That's because Ares controlled the force under his feet immediately.

He kept these red circles consistent, undulating steadily around his feet with smaller amplitudes.

This shows that his on-the-spot reaction ability is quite strong.

His clear eyes moved from the ground to both sides of the tunnel, and Ares looked at the top again.

He judged that as long as the strength of his footsteps did not change, the triggered mechanism might be delayed in starting.

After observing silently for a moment, Ares slowly raised his foot.

The moment he raised his feet, several hidden arrows suddenly shot from the front of the tunnel!

Charlotte's eyebrows narrowed, but she didn't remind him.

And just as Charlotte thought, Ares was already ready the moment he raised his feet.

Therefore, when the hidden arrow only appeared at the end of his sight, he had already dealt with it.

Although those hidden arrows were fired very suddenly, it was naturally not difficult for Ares to avoid them.

Charlotte has no doubt about this.

However, Ares did not simply dodge the hidden arrows.

He activated the energy sword on his body and directly cut down all the hidden arrows.

When he did this, Charlotte immediately guessed his intention.

The building materials used in this tunnel are relatively special and are extremely sensitive to pressure.

If he simply avoided it, the hidden arrow would hit the tunnel wall and trigger a series of traps.

This routine is quite similar to the agency room that Charlotte encountered before.

In the mechanism room at that time, those who activated the hidden weapons first also triggered many other mechanisms.

Perhaps, in this tunnel, the designers have already taken into account the possible reactions of those entering the tunnel.

Everything in this pyramid is arranged very delicately.

Charlotte looked at the broken arrows that he had intercepted and relaxed his strength slightly.

In fact, Charlotte had already been mentally prepared when the hidden arrow appeared.

If he chose to avoid those hidden arrows directly, she would be affected behind him.

If the angle is not right, the hidden arrow will most likely hit her directly.

The distance between the two of them is almost the same, and the power of those hidden arrows is extremely high. It is entirely possible that Charlotte will be implicated.

But now it seems that there is no need for her to take action.

But what Charlotte didn't know was that the reason why Ares blocked all the hidden arrows was not just because they would trigger other mechanisms a second time.

He was more concerned about her behind him and didn't want to involve her.

Even if only one of these hidden arrows goes past him, it may make the current Xia Luo even worse.

They either hit her directly or hit the tunnel walls around her, triggering other traps.

At that moment, Ares considered all possibilities.

Therefore, he silently blocked all the arrows for her, hoping to reduce her burden.

And Charlotte, who was behind him, was trying to ease his discomfort.

At this moment, any unnecessary movement seemed to cause her a strong sense of dizziness and vomiting.

Charlotte's body has always been very strong, and this uncomfortable feeling has not been felt for a long time.

But once it hits, it also makes her feel very strenuous.

Several times, Charlotte even wanted to bend over and vomit.

The nausea rushing from the internal organs to the esophagus, accompanied by the dizzy feeling in the brain, only made her dizzy even more.

She raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows, still trying her best to suppress this feeling.

Ares in the distance happened to see her actions.

After finishing those back arrows, his cold gaze turned to Charlotte.

Slightly lowering his eyes, he looked again at the hidden arrows that had been broken into several pieces on the ground.

Even if he stopped them all without affecting her, her condition continued to deteriorate.

Ares turned in silence, and looked towards the front of the tunnel again.

He wasn't sure what kinds of traps were in the tunnels.

Therefore, even if he is concerned about the people behind him, Ares cannot guarantee whether she will be affected in the future.

For the rest of the way, he must reduce the frequency of triggering the mechanism.

Otherwise, even if he can escape, she will be in crisis.

However, Charlotte failed to notice these actions of Ares.

Because of her physical discomfort and the act of raising her hand to rub the center of her eyebrows, she missed his subtle expression changes.

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