Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 670 670 Interlocking fingers between lovers? The tip of the ear is stirring! He advances and

This matter is not that easy, it can even be said to be very difficult, both Charlotte and Ares know it well.

After thinking about it, Charlotte was still a little worried. She further analyzed: "I don't know the internal sensing element of this mechanism device. What is the scope of it? This will also be related to the specific pressure of the sensing device."

Charlotte considered it very carefully and did not miss any detail.

Ares stood next to her, also observing the piece of tunnel wall she was holding down.

His eyes were cold, but his expression was more focused.

Although Ares didn't say anything, he had already considered the parameters mentioned by Charlotte.

At this time, he is making a reasonable estimate.

The dark blue tunnel wall was calm and calm, which was different from the previous situation.

Before that, all the institutions they came into contact with would be accompanied by red ripples.

Whenever the mechanism is triggered, circles of red ripples will appear in the dark blue tunnel.

But now, this situation has not happened in this institution, which shows that it is different and is indeed a heavyweight.

The material of the entire tunnel will only become transparent the moment it comes into contact with pressure.

Only then can they see the general condition of the internal device.

But just now, Charlotte accidentally touched this mechanism because of sudden dizziness, so she failed to carefully note down the situation inside the mechanism at that time.

Unlike Charlotte, Ares had always been in the front before this.

In the process of exploring the correct path, he has already seen more mechanism settings.

The same builder, the same tunnel, even if the mechanism settings inside are ever-changing, they will still be inextricably linked.

For someone like Ares who is familiar with information engineering technology and traditional mechanical principles, it is not difficult to sum up some rules.

Regarding the mechanism triggered by Charlotte, although he did not see it with his own eyes, he could make some inferences.

So, after a moment of silence, Ares raised his right hand.

"Are you ready?" he asked her.

Charlotte turned her head slightly to look at him, nodded and said, "Well, let's get started."

As she finished speaking, Ares' right hand slowly approached and finally hung on the back of her right hand.

He didn't rush to cover the back of her hand, but paused briefly.

"Come on little by little, don't rush." ​​He said to her.

Xia Luo only looked at his right hand and responded casually without saying much.

Then, his fingers lightly touched her fingertips.

Although Ares's hands looked fair, they were actually wide, which was quite obviously different from the size of her hands.

Charlotte was very cautious. What she was thinking was that the sizes of their hands were different and the force applied was also different. This was another variable.

Ares did not directly cover the back of her hand, but the fingertips were offset, and the edges of the fingers fit her fingers and gradually fell into the gaps between her fingers.

It was an extremely light touch, and he barely exerted any force.

Except for the edges that touched her fingers, Ares's fingers were mostly suspended between her fingers.

Charlotte stared carefully at the five fingers of the two people that seemed to overlap, and was highly concentrated.

Perhaps because he was much taller than her, Ares bent down slightly after completing this step.

He leaned forward slightly, with his chin just above her shoulder.

Because of this action, the two people's faces were very close to each other, and Charlotte could hear his shallow breathing.

Not only that, her back was almost touching his chest.

Viewed from the side, the whole person seems to be falling into his arms.

However, Charlotte did not resist his approach at all, but understood the situation very well.

If the two people can maintain the same eye level, it will be more conducive to the smooth progress of the "replacement" work.

Charlotte could feel that just after he leaned forward and lowered his gaze, the pressure on the back of his hand was increasing little by little.

His voice rang in her ears: "When I press down, please cooperate and move away little by little. Don't directly raise your hand."

A breath of air brushed past her ear, and Charlotte felt that the tip of her ear was touched by a warm breath.

The distance between the two was too close, and he had never spoken to her at such a distance.

The sound that seemed to ring directly in my ears still sounded as cold as an ice spring in the mountains.

Charlotte couldn't deny that his voice had inherent advantages. It really sounded comfortable, like a sweet spring.

The low, inadvertent magnetism is a treat for the listener.

However, Charlotte's attention was still not on these trivial things.

She cooperated with him, and while his fingers kept pressing down, her fingertips continued to move to the left, making room for him little by little.

He moved his fingers between her fingers, his fingers to the right, and hers to the left.

Every time he advanced, she stepped back a little.

The fingers of the two of them fit together from beginning to end, fitting tightly without leaving any room.

At a glance, it looks like the fingers of lovers interlocking.

Unlike his cold personality, his fingertips had a comfortable temperature.

The five fingers with distinct joints are different from her slender fingers.

Even though the skin on his hands is fair, the overall look is masculine.

Charlotte is sensitive to touch, and through their right hands that fit together, she can even feel the thin calluses on his fingertips and palm.

As far as those thin cocoon positions are concerned, they are proof of holding guns, holding swords, and driving mechas for many years.

It can be seen from this point that Ares is not a flimsy little butter boy.

Charlotte and Ares are cooperating with each other, and so far, there have been no problems.

Unknowingly, the tip of Charlotte's nose had already been soaked with his breath.

It still smells like green pine and ice and snow, if there is something but not at all, it is very unique.

Maybe it's because the two are too close now, but Charlotte feels that this aura is not as cold and distant as before.

The light breath, mixed with the slight warmth, actually changed the surrounding atmosphere.

Both men continue to focus on the replacement of hand positions, now halfway through the process.

It was obviously a very complicated job, but with their high level of cooperation, no mistakes were made.

Now, Ares's hand almost covered Charlotte's in all directions.

He and Charlotte's finger parts have been replaced, leaving only the last part of the palm.

Finally, Ares looked at the overlapping right hands of the two people and whispered: "Now, I will press down all the palms of my hands. You should pay attention to the timing of raising your hands and withdraw from below."

"Yes, I understand." Charlotte responded simply.

Her attention was always focused on her right hand.

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