Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 679 679 Be patient and worry about her? Meticulous and uncluttered man! He has great timing!

Unfortunately, his newsletter came a bit late.

Charlotte carefully judged the conversation with each other just now. Everything in the communication is normal, and there should be nothing wrong with him.

In this way, Ares knew that something happened to her here, but the communication was obviously late, and it was deliberate.

Charlotte looked indifferent, only thinking secretly.

After she got rid of those experimental subjects, the movement in the tunnel should disappear.

But he waited for a while before contacting her.

Most of this move was to give her enough time to deal with the unexpected situation she was facing at that time.

This can be inferred from the first question he asked, and Charlotte did not miss many details.

The timing of his newsletter was well-chosen.

Just now, whenever he contacted her immediately, Charlotte couldn't spare time to answer the call.

He knew she was in trouble, but he still put himself in her shoes, and only waited for her to solve the trouble before sending a message.

During the waiting process, he might not have worried about her as a teammate, but he was always calm and patient.

In the rush, don't make trouble for her.

This man is still as meticulous as ever.

He was just doing many things silently, but he didn't say a word.

In the distance, there was a faint sound.

Charlotte knew that after he let go, the mechanism was fully activated.

Her side was not affected immediately, indicating that the explosion spread all the way from that side, rather than detonating at multiple points at the same time.

Although theoretically, she should be in the second half of the tunnel and not within the impact range of the explosion, but Charlotte did not relax at all.

They are now getting closer to their destination, and the "Little Queen" will not simply stand by and watch.

"Alpha, does the organ in this tunnel have a function similar to automatic identification and detection?" Charlotte asked suddenly.

This is a question she wanted to ask before, but it was interrupted by Ares's communication.

Hearing this, Alpha immediately replied: "Yes, master. The traps here are all equipped with living body detection technology, and they will not burst out in vain. Most of the affected areas of the traps are delineated within their respective ranges. Except for a few large Organs, others will not cover a large area.”

Alpha's words just confirmed Charlotte's conjecture.

It turns out that in addition to the biometric identification technology, the organs in the tunnel also adopt a segmented design.

Charlotte had discovered before that those faint blue rays of light, after passing her, did not spread endlessly to the tunnel behind her, but dissipated after a short while.

Not only that, many organs have their attack range, and they will not extend to other parts of the tunnel in a large area.

At that time, Charlotte was still a little unsure, wondering whether these organs that passed her would invade all the way and affect Ares at the other end of the tunnel.

Now it seems that until Ares let go, he should be in a safe state.

That's good, the "episode" just now didn't add any extra burden to him.

This tunnel is very long, so even if it is half of the position, Ares cannot arrive so quickly.

Charlotte heard the sound of an explosion, and there was an obvious vibration under her feet.

With such a long distance, there was such a noise from the very beginning, and that mechanism is really powerful.

Charlotte was counting the time, the explosion was very powerful, and it shouldn't be long before it hit her.

She turned her gaze to look behind her, quietly looking at the way she came, just waiting for that figure to appear.

But it was obvious that Bloody Queen didn't intend to make her so light and convenient.

At the other end of the tunnel, there was movement again.

Even amidst the roar of the explosion in the distance, Charlotte still caught those slight noises.

She turned her gaze away and looked towards the end of the tunnel.

The sixth-generation experimental body of "Sennamov" appeared there again.

This time, there are a total of 16, which is twice as many as before!

And in terms of body shape, it is definitely not the juvenile body shape just now!

Almost as soon as she saw those guys, Charlotte raised her gun.

She was responsive and quick, wasting no time.

Those weird creatures, like large spiders and octopuses, are really indescribably weird.

They came from the top, bottom, left, and right of the tunnel, each occupying a different position.





Charlotte didn't hesitate at all. With previous experience, she shot faster.

Charlotte knew that when these things were walking normally, there was no threat of triggering the mechanism.

Their makers used advanced technology to prevent them from triggering any mechanisms.

Only when they are attacked and fall down, will they touch the various organs in the tunnel.

Therefore, Charlotte must accurately locate and break down one by one, and cannot scatter randomly.

However, now those guys have doubled in number.

Under the same distance, Charlotte's time is even more insufficient.

For the same experimental subject, she had to fire at a faster speed and with more ammunition to ensure that it was completely dead when it landed, and there would be no unnecessary struggles.

In this way, an experimental body will only touch the mechanism once at the moment it hits the ground.

If you are lucky, the place where you land happens to be a safe point, and you can skip all the risks this time.

Charlotte is doing her best to reduce the frequency of mechanism triggers.

Ares is rushing here, she can't lose the chain at this juncture.

At least when he arrived here, there couldn't be a worse situation here!

What Charlotte wants to avoid is to make things worse!

So, Ares, you must arrive smoothly!

Charlotte and Ares are separated from each other, each facing a lot of challenges.

The 16 "Synamov" sixth-generation experimental subjects scattered around and moving at high speed are very difficult targets for sniping.

And in the case of limited time, they are still approaching Charlotte.

Not to mention that Charlotte still has to pay attention to the situation behind her. After all, she cares about the situation at Ares in her heart.

However, Charlotte's psychological quality is very good. In this critical situation, she is still calm and calm.

With a steady hand on the gun, she switches between different targets with quick precision.

Under her decisiveness and composure, Charlotte relied on her superb sniping ability to quickly deal with the approaching creatures.

The adult "Senamov" sixth-generation experimental body is much more difficult to deal with than the previous juvenile body.

But soon, under Charlotte's fierce offensive, there were only three of those guys left.

However, just as Charlotte continued to target one of them, she made a new discovery.

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