Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 692: 692 Federal TOP Talents? Prohibited bionics! A high degree of civilization is accompani

Although the faces are still relatively rough and have a strong metallic feel, not resembling real human faces, the rest of their bodies... have been ground very finely.

Charlotte recalled the process of fighting with each other just now. If these are really bionics, then the creators behind them... their standards are quite high.

They are like real fighters, obviously well-designed in this regard.

The existence of these bionic people alone can confirm Charlotte's conjecture that the forces behind them are probably not evil.

Because in the Star Federation, research on bionic humans is expressly prohibited.

As for the reasons for the ban, it involves many levels and is the result of the entire federal government fully considering and soliciting opinions from all walks of life.

The most important point here is the moral issues involved in bionic people.

It is true that some areas of application of bionic humans have good intentions and are for the benefit of the people of the Federation.

However, the various social-level problems that follow cannot be ignored.

Just like biological experiments, the regulations on biological experiments in the interstellar era are very cumbersome.

The development of science and technology does not allow people in the Star Federation to do whatever they want under the cloak of science.

Especially experiments similar to the use of biological breeding chambers in this pyramid must be strictly reviewed and approved by relevant departments if they are outside.

Because it is too expensive and does not guarantee results, many private research institutions will not easily get involved in this field.

After all, even if there are results, if it violates the spirit of the federation during the application process, it will inevitably be ordered to rectify or even be completely banned.

Many times, research qualifications are directly disqualified halfway through the research.

Biological experiments are a branch of scientific research that walks a tightrope. All your hard work will be wasted in a matter of minutes, and a lot of time will be wasted in the end.

The ones making rapid progress in this field are mostly official research institutions.

They undertake official tasks and conduct relevant research for certain official purposes.

The Star Federation's open attitude towards technology is relative, with certain restrictions, and does not include bionic humans.

As for the idea put forward by some that bionic people can benefit the public, the federal government has given a series of alternatives.

For example, couples who are unable to conceive the next generation can go to various welfare institutions within the federal territory to go through the procedures for adoption.

For example, the elderly who cannot take care of themselves in old age and have no children—if they do not want to go to a nursing home, they can rely on various housekeeping robots.


After comprehensively considering all aspects, the federal government believes that there is no need for bionic humans to exist.

It does more harm than good, and if vigorously promoted, it will bring more negative results.

A high degree of civilization must be accompanied by a high degree of self-discipline.

Overall, the moral standards of the Star Federation are very high.

Of course, where there is light, there must be shadows.

There will also be existences like "Taotie" in the Star Federation, but it cannot be denied that this is still a fairly fair society ruled by law.

So, what is going on with these androids in front of Charlotte?

Their faces are still very rough, not covered with realistic skin, and not equipped with smart facial features.

Similarly, there is no artificial blood perfused throughout their bodies.

Only then did Charlotte fail to discover the origin of the other party at the first time.

But she was still certain that these were undoubtedly bionic people.

Perhaps seeing her focusing on the androids on the ground, Bloody Queen started talking to herself again.

"Since these androids were not sent by you, it seems that...there are indeed others who are planning to come here."

It was hard to tell whether it was happy or angry in its tone, but it was obvious that it was dissatisfied with the forces hiding in the dark.

As a cutting-edge entity in the information field, Bloody Queen's words undoubtedly proved Charlotte's guess.

It cannot detect and confirm its existence. The people behind the scenes must be extremely professional information technology talents.

In fact, the opponent is likely to be the top level existence in the entire federation.

After all, this little queen is a product of the Saldia civilization, and it is not comparable to the artificial intelligence currently possessed by the Federation.

However, does the force behind it have excellent information technology capabilities and can compete with Bloody Queen, or is it really connected to the pyramid?

What method did the other party use to get here unimpeded?

Charlotte couldn't be sure of any of this.

Just listen to Bloody Queen continue to say: "However, I haven't met such a human being for a long time. It's a bit interesting to be able to face me for so long."

The red figure turned around immediately, and the long skirt with lace edges raised a small arc.

Bloody Queen said again: "I have to thank you for this, otherwise, those bionic people would have almost succeeded."

It showed its snow-white teeth, but its smile was not very friendly.

"But so what? Even if that guy knows some things here and can temporarily tie me down, he still can't take away the things here."

Its expression is leisurely and seemingly quite casual.

But suddenly, its appearance suddenly changed: "You are all destined to die here, and no one can take away the things here!"

The little queen said slightly repetitively, and her expression changed a few times in a short period of time.

Alpha who has been silent all the time: Well, that's probably what humans call "smartness".

Charlotte and Ares stood together. They had already verified all of them just now, and all the people on the ground were bionics without exception.

Of course, they didn't miss what Bloody Queen said just now.

That unknown third-party force does possess cutting-edge talents in information technology.

Being able to face off against Bloody Queen for even a few rounds is definitely not easy.

Not to mention that the other party has been able to fight against it until now, and let the large number of bionics walk all the way to the energy room.

The mastermind behind the scenes must have known something about the pyramid as Bloody Queen said.

This was the only way to catch the little queen by surprise.

If it wasn't for Charlotte and Ares, those bionics would have achieved their goal.

So, in terms of its purpose, what does the unknown force seem to want to take away from here?

What can be here? Charlotte thought about this question seriously.

Ares next to him is also silent, he has always been unpredictable.

Neither of the two smart men opened their mouths casually.

Even without verbal communication, they can analyze the situation fluently.

Of course, whether it is Charlotte or Ares, they both have some information that the other party does not know.

And as far as the current stage is concerned, no one intends to inform the other party.

"Look around first." Ares spoke first.

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