Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 710: 710 Privately Specified

The dome of the energy room opens, like several "petals".

Charlotte looked to the side, and the battle airship was not far away.

It is still docked on a certain "petal", just like a little bee docked on a flower.

However, the entire pyramid was about to collapse completely, and this "bee" was swaying badly because of this, and it was urgent to fly to the sky.

Ares led Charlotte to the side of the combat airship.

Because of the change in location, Charlotte immediately saw the surrounding situation clearly.

The pyramid is so tall that its top energy chamber is located almost at the top of the mountain.

Standing on the petals on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of everything around you.

Suddenly, Charlotte's eyes focused somewhere.

Is that... is that "seeker"? !

She hurriedly took a closer look, the appearance was unmistakable!

At this time, in the nearby valley, there is a towering mech giant! ready! Very imposing!

That is a fully customized special-grade mecha that is very famous in the entire federation——Explorer!

How famous is the explorer? Even ordinary mecha lovers must have heard the name of this mecha.

Just like Qin Shaoheng's Phoenix, it is a very famous private customized mecha, which is only tailor-made for the driver!

There are not many mech masters in the entire Federation who can receive this kind of treatment.

They must be at least at the level of senior mech masters!

Only in this way can a strong armor maker team be able to take orders and customize mechas for them.

Moreover, an armor maker who can complete this private customization must also be a leader in the industry.

Behind it is the power of an entire team of armorers.

Like Explorer and Phoenix, they are even more advanced than advanced customization - all premium customization!

In Star Federation, more mecha masters will only adjust their mechas on the basis of universal models according to their own conditions.

But even if it is just like this, it is already a very personalized application.

Charlotte finally understood now that this guy planned to drive the mech out of here directly.

If it's this mech, then it shouldn't be a big problem.

The mecha is inherently manual control, and the mecha master is fully responsible for driving it.

Although it has a powerful core main system and advanced intelligent operation methods, everything is in the service of the mech master.

For the mech, the mech master has absolute control, overriding various internal systems, including its core main system.

These are all set up by the professional mecha production department at the beginning of production.

In this way, when Sandra's large thunderstorm occurs, the influence of the electronic turbulence on the mecha will be much reduced.

Even if the planet's electronic magnetic field is unstable, the mech master can still control the pilot.

The extremely strong stability is one of the aspects in which mechas are superior to other high-tech weapons.

Compared with warships, it may not have the strongest firepower, but it can play its special role in specific positions.

In addition to the regular features that all mechs have, there are more special features for explorers.

This mecha named "Explorer" has another rather vivid name-Thor.

Those mecha lovers usually call Ares Randall's mecha-"Thor" explorer.

Mechas that can be named after "God", even among specially customized mechas, are one of the few.

The "God" series, they come from different sources, most of them come from different armorer teams.

For example, Qin Shaoheng's "Fengshen" Phoenix is ​​also a member of the "God" series.

All the "God" series, without exception, are all super mechs.

The reason why the explorer can be dubbed "Thor" is also because of its remarkable additional characteristics.

This mech uses a large area of ​​​​the material of Leilin black iron.

In the interstellar era, there are countless special materials.

Various ore products are rich and diverse, far exceeding the earth where Charlotte once lived.

Take this pyramid as an example, the dark green metal used in its outer tower wall and some areas inside is a material with very special properties.

It contains both TiFe3 and CrC5 elements.

It can not only interfere and shield the signal to a strong degree, but also has the characteristics of hardness.

Compared with it, the effect of Lei Lin Xuan Tie is even more miraculous.

First, although it is metal, it is light in weight.

When applied in large quantities, it does not have the heaviness of most metals.

In addition, the performance of Lei Lin Xuan Iron is very stable, and it is extremely difficult to be damaged by corrosion.

Of course, the most important thing is that it has a very good lightning affinity attribute.

Generally speaking, the conductive properties of objects are relative.

There is no absolute boundary between insulators and conductors, it all depends on the internal composition changes.

But no matter what, the same substance cannot be both an insulator and a conductor without interference from external factors.

However, Lei Lin Xuan Tie was able to do this.

It absorbs, accepts and, to a certain extent, stores its conversion internally.

The ability of Lei Lin black iron to accept electric current is very strong, far surpassing other types of minerals.

From this point of view, it seems to be a very qualified conductor.

However, it's not that simple.

Those transformed electric currents will be blocked inside the Thunder Lin Black Iron.

As long as the power does not exceed its maximum carrying capacity, even if the human body touches, there is no need to worry about the risk of electric shock.

The carrying capacity of the Thunder Lin black iron is astonishing, so at this moment, it seems to have become some kind of insulator again.

Because of this special performance, Leilin Xuantie has many fields of application, especially the military industry.

However, although it is very special, it is very rare in number.

In the entire Star Federation, there is no large-scale Leilinxuan Iron Mine at all.

This special material is scattered throughout the Federation, and the amount stored in each place is extremely rare.

Thunder Lin black iron is such a special and rare material, so it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

In the territory of the Star Federation, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy Leilin black iron, which can be said to be priceless.

However, Ares Randall was able to build a whole mecha out of Thunder Lin black iron! That mountain-like giant!

Even for explorers, it doesn't only use the material of Thunder Lin black iron.

But it is undeniable that the coverage of its Lei Lin Xuan Iron is very large, and its proportion is extremely high.

As expected of the super-class Randall family, they are extremely strong in all aspects.

It is precisely because of the support of this top-level family that it was able to complete such a super mecha.

Such a large-scale customization can't be done only by Ares' rank in the military department.

After all, the funding of the military department has strict review standards.

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