Star Boss, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 846 846 Charlotte’s preference? He thinks she likes it? They are so close!

Chapter 846 846. Charlotte’s preference? He thinks she likes it? They are so close!

To him, the other person was a completely unfamiliar face.

At least judging from the situation when the young master visited before, he always kept to himself.

Except for a few accompanying military personnel, there were basically no other unfamiliar faces around.

While the supervisor and the waiter were quietly sizing up Charlotte, the latter flipped through two more pages of the menu.

Finally, as if she had made a decision, she looked up directly at Ares.

Charlotte suddenly came back to her senses and eagerly looked for other exits.

But the strange thing is that her vision is getting blurry and her body is getting heavier.

Her steps were not as steady as usual and sounded a little hasty, but she still tried hard to control the noise she made when walking, as if she was avoiding something.

Charlotte felt like she was being plunged into a scorching flame, and the breath was getting hotter one after another, so hot that it felt like her soul was being burned.

Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he couldn't tell whether it was caused by nervousness or the stuffy heat.

The blood on his left hand was still dripping, irritating the already manic monsters.

The body was torn, burned, and painful to the point of numbness, but there was no way to escape this endless pain.

She seems to be trapped in a twisted space, and will be burned by this fire forever, with no end in sight...

"Ding!" The doorbell rang and the customer came in.

In the last days, it was difficult to even survive, and her current life had far exceeded her expectations.

She didn't know how she came to Venus Planet, but she was on this planet as soon as she opened her eyes.

She doesn't have any great ambitions here. At least she hasn't found anything she wants to do yet, so she just takes it one day at a time.

Walk in the door and be ready to open your shop. This is not a 24-hour convenience store. The boss thought that business was not very good at night and it was a waste of electricity to open it, so he closed it at 22:00 at night. This can also save employee labor costs.

The robot Xiaoxin has started cleaning. It is an old-fashioned cleaning robot that has been working here since the store opened.

"Good morning, Charlotte." A mechanical voice came over.

Charlotte replied: "Good morning, Xiaoxin."

Charlotte really doesn't do anything else when she's working, and she's not like other young people who always play with the optical brain in their hands and delay their work.

In the interstellar era, technology is highly developed, and the virtual world in the interstellar network is more realistic and provides an excellent experience. Many young people like to immerse themselves in it.

However, Charlotte prefers the real world to staying in the Star Network, even if she is in a daze. In the last days, this ordinary life is simply a luxury.

Scanning the QR code, collecting payment, and handing over the invoice, Charlotte repeated the words she said many times every day: "Please walk slowly and welcome to visit next time."

It’s been a busy and ordinary day, and it’s almost time to get off work.

Yesterday, she originally wanted to choose a hotel closer to the base, but the ones nearby were all full, so she had to settle for a hotel a little further away.

At this point in time, it is not easy to stop cars. In order not to waste time and miss the flight, Charlotte decided to walk directly. With her pace, if she hurry up, the time should be enough.

However, in order to save time, when Charlotte took a shortcut through a narrow alley, she heard the threatening voices of several men coming from inside.

Charlotte: "..." Being able to touch everything is... very annoying.

She didn't stop and continued walking forward at her original speed. The short boots hit the ground regularly and rhythmically. This steady pace reveals a kind of strength and confidence.

Several bad elements who were still threatening someone, when they first heard the footsteps, they all looked in the direction of the sound with vigilance.

The long and narrow alley is in the shadow of the high-rise buildings next to it. Even during the day, there is not enough light.

When Charlotte came closer, these people could clearly see the face of the visitor, and their originally vigilant faces suddenly relaxed.

One of them said: "Who do I think you are? It turns out it was a door-to-door deal. Just right, packed in pairs and sold at a good price."

After coming here, she always meets these people who have all kinds of ideas about her. They are like flies, after being crushed by her violence, a new wave will come.

Charlotte will be merciful to these people at first, but later, it just depends on her mood.

Xia Luo raised his eyes and glanced around. These people had unkind facial expressions. They looked like they were not good friends. They were probably the bad people in society.

Looking at the people blocked by them, they should be what they call high-level genetic "goods."

Charlotte looked normal and said calmly: "In a hurry, make way."

Those men instantly became happy because Charlotte, a newborn calf, looked like he was not afraid of tigers. Now that she is in their possession, how dare she talk to them like this?

One of the men smiled and said: "Little sister, I think you haven't recognized the reality yet. Now that you have been taken over by your brothers, you can't talk so crazy anymore."

Charlotte confirmed again: "To give in, or not to give in?"

This time, these people made fun even more intensely, and the content was vulgar and hard to listen to.

Alpha: "..." You... are really stupid.


Charlotte stood up again and patted the clothes on her body, as if to brush away the dust that didn't actually exist.

After tidying up her clothes, she picked up the luggage beside her and walked forward again.

The people on the ground were lying crookedly. Not to mention getting up, they couldn't even speak, and could only moan.

The little girl who was originally trapped by them stared blankly at Charlotte's outstanding performance of fighting six people alone, and was a little unbelievable for a while.

Charlotte randomly found a noodle restaurant and ordered a bowl of noodles for breakfast.

In the interstellar era, there are so many star fields, galaxies, and countless planets in the Star Federation. Except for the D-level barren star field, many others have developed very well.

There are all kinds of materials on these planets, and the food culture is all-encompassing, which is really much richer than on Earth.

There are both food varieties similar to those on Earth, and there are also those that Charlotte has never heard of or seen, which really opened her eyes.

When I was on Earth before, there were always science fiction novels describing how scarce and difficult it was to swallow food in the interstellar era, and then the protagonist showed off his cooking skills and wanted to conquer the entire galaxy with it.

Charlotte thought about the various delicacies in the interstellar era and felt... quite childish.

The Earth used to be very beautiful, with a pleasant environment and abundant resources, and developed a variety of delicacies from all over the world. Just in China, the delicacies vary greatly depending on the region.

Let's talk about this bowl of noodles.

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