Star Card System

Chapter 14 This damn suffocating feeling

Chapter 14 This damn suffocating feeling...

On the training ground the next day, Pearson was a little surprised.

"Why does this Chinese boy seem to have changed a little?"

Although Xia Xing is a British citizen, because of his oriental face and Chinese identity, people around him always treat him as a Chinese.

Shakespeare smiled and recounted the experience of Xia Xing's extra training yesterday and his guidance to him.

Pearson was still a little puzzled: "After you coached him, you left the court together, and he didn't do any special training. But look at him now, the way he controls the ball, receives the ball, and passes the ball has improved a lot compared to yesterday."

Shakespeare was also a little surprised: "Yes, to achieve this kind of change, you must have intensive training, and it is best to actually feel the difference in a fierce competition. This is not something that can be understood by listening to a few words. This kid is really a genius!"

Pearson regained his cold expression: "It's just that his basic skills have changed a little, which does not mean that he has improved much. His awareness and running are still very poor, especially when observing his teammates. His vision is too poor. How can he be a qualified midfielder like this?"

Shakespeare: "Indeed..."

Pearson: "When you have time these days, talk to him more about football awareness issues, and let him strengthen his learning of the passing and running coordination of the European youth training system, otherwise he will never be able to integrate into the team."

Shakespeare: "Okay!"

That night, Xia Xing still practiced alone.

And Shakespeare appeared on the training ground again, teaching him the basic theory of football in European youth training.

Regarding the knowledge of passing and running, attack and defense system, Xia Xing felt that his eyes were opened again.

Shakespeare gave Xia Xing some books and video materials, and asked him to go back and study them carefully.

Xia Xing expressed his gratitude again.

Three days later on the training ground, Pearson's eyes widened again.

"This Chinese kid, his running position has improved a lot? Especially the running position of the wing cut just now, it was very imaginative."

Shakespeare also nodded and praised: "Yes, in just a few days, how could he change so much? According to his current strength level, he can be a substitute surprise soldier."

Pearson shook his head: "Although there has been some progress, it is still far from the level of the British Championship. Even if the basic skills can be improved and the technology can be improved, the physical confrontation is still too poor to be able to appear in the British Championship."

Shakespeare wanted to explain to Xia Xing, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

Indeed, physical defects cannot be made up in a short time.

However, this young man is really talented to improve his basic skills and football awareness in a short time.

If he grew up in England and received the standard European youth training system, he might have become a main player of Leicester City now.

Or, he could play football in Manchester United and would not even be loaned to Leicester City.

Thinking of this, Shakespeare felt sorry for Xia Xing.

Young man, take your time, come on.

On the training ground, Xia Xing tried his best to make up for his shortcomings.

His fighting spirit and hard work can be felt by his teammates around him.

This Chinese boy is good.

What really made Xia Xing improve quickly was the routine "virtual arena" every night.

With Shakespeare's guidance, Xia Xing began to consciously try to rest his basic skills in the game.

And through the replay from the perspective of God, Xia Xing can better understand the subtlety of Zidane and Henry's running positions.

After receiving feedback, he entered the "Virtual Arena" again the next day to practice, and repeatedly honed his skills, so he improved very quickly.

That night, Xia Xing had just exited the "Virtual Arena" and was about to take a shower when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

In order to keep the system secret, Xia Xing would lock the door every time he used the system.

Now he heard the door knock, and he opened it quickly.

Outside the door, Alyona stood at the door with a smile.

"Xia, what are you doing?"

"I, that... I'm going to take a shower, so I locked the door."

"Oh, okay. Do you have time to chat for two minutes?"

"Of course!"

Xia Xing stepped aside to make way, and Alyona turned and went into the house.

Although there was some distance between the two, Xia Xing even felt that he had touched Alyona.

Really great...

"Thank you."

"Huh? Why are you saying thank you suddenly?"

"Since our parents passed away, Li De and I have been ordering takeout, and at most making a sandwich ourselves. Since you came, we can eat super delicious Chinese food every day, which is something I dare not dream of."

"It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning. And you are also very good to me, we are a family."

"Yes, we are a family!"

Aleona smiled brightly and hugged Xia Xing tightly again.

This damn suffocating feeling...

After Aleona left, Xia Xing remembered that he had a document on the table in the living room, so he went downstairs to get a book.

"Li De, are you there?"

Aleona returned to her room to do a project analysis report. Li De was in the living room, busy typing on his notebook.

Although there is a study room at home, Li De seems to prefer the spacious living room.

Xia Xing did not disturb Li De. He took the document and prepared to go upstairs, but was suddenly stopped by Li De.



"What were you doing upstairs with my sister just now?"

"We were just chatting casually."

"Then why did you stay in the room for so long?"

"Not long, right?"

"Xia, I warn you, don't have any improper thoughts about my sister!"

"What's wrong with you..."

"I've seen a lot of similar movies, with such plots. A man who is temporarily staying in the house fantasizes about having something happen with the hostess of the house, that's it, I've seen a lot!"

"Are the plots you are talking about also about couriers, plumbers, and tutors?"


"That's Japanese, okay! I'm from China! Chinese!"

"Anyway, you Asians all look the same, how can I tell them apart."

"Brother, can you watch less of those short movies with few actors and scenes?"

"What do you care about me!"

"You guy."

Afternoon helpless smile.

Since he came to this family, Li De has never felt anything for him.

It was only after he took on the position of chef during this period that Li De had some good feelings for him.

But on weekdays, he would occasionally quarrel with him.

But Xia Xing understood that Li De was a kind and good man.

In daily life, Li De was still very concerned about his life in this family.

Seeing that he brought back a bunch of information, Li De took the initiative to lend Xia Xing a portable bookshelf and a spare laptop.

This guy is just too picky.

Thinking of this, Xia Xing was no longer angry because of being scolded. He shook the information in his hand.

"I'm going upstairs. You should also go to bed early. Good night."

"Wait a minute."


"Xia, I'm telling you seriously: If you are with my sister one day, you must be good to her, do you hear me!"

"What's the connection..."

"I'm afraid that if you make delicious Chinese dishes every day, my sister, who is a foodie, will fall in love with you!"


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