Star Card System

Chapter 351: This turn, a world away

There was silence in the Leicester City manager's office.

The door was closed, and the staff passing by outside thought the room was empty.

But at this moment, there are quite a few people in the office.

Leicester City coach Ranieri is there, assistant coach Shakespeare is there, and Leicester City's core player Xia Xing is also there.

In the room, Xia Xing's words just now made the room become deathly silent.

After a long time, Ranieri smiled bitterly: "Actually, when you called me this morning and told me that you were coming, I had a premonition."

Shakespeare said nothing, just leaned on the sofa and sighed.

"Alas, alas! Alas..."

Xia Xing's expression was serious, with a little regret: "I'm sorry, Coach Ranieri, although it's really hard for me to speak, but this is my true thought, I hope you can understand."

Ranieri nodded.

"I understand, I understand very much.

"When Leicester won the Europa League last season,

"I'm already prepared not to have you in the team in the new season.

“You are a star, and there is nothing wrong with you if you choose to leave.

"Even though I sincerely invited you to your door, I still didn't know what to do.

“But in the end I kept you, which was really my luck and the luck of Leicester City.

"Without you, Leicester City would never have achieved the miracle of winning five trophies last season.

"I am certain.

“You deserve the most credit for winning the league.

"Winning the FA Cup is yours.

"Winning the Champions League, you are the only superstar in the team and you have unlimited power.

"So, Leicester City should be content if they can have you for a while."

Ranieri's words were in a low voice and with a serious expression, but they were full of loss and regret.

Xia Xing even couldn't bear to look at it.

Speaking of which, he and Ranieri only got along for one year.

But during this year, he and Ranieri had a deep relationship.

On the football field, Ranieri gave him the greatest rights, status and respect.

This is really great happiness for a young man in his early twenties.

Moreover, Ranieri twisted Leicester City into a rope and was the absolute lubricant of the team.

Almost no one on the team dislikes him.

He's a good coach.

But now, unfortunately, I have to leave.

Shakespeare leaned on the sofa, feeling depressed: "I'm in a very bad mood, very bad. Even worse than when Pearson left."

Ranieri: "Why?"

Shakespeare: "Because you are here, I am in a much better mood. But when Xia is gone, who can take his place?"

Ranieri was silent.

Yes, who can take Xia Xing's place?

Xia Xing is irreplaceable in Leicester City's formation.

With him on the field, Leicester City's offensive and defensive ends will be improved by more than one or two levels.

It can even be said that with his presence, Leicester City seems to have one or two more people.

Especially in the final stage of the game, Xia Xing was still in full physical fitness, running all over the field, and one person could become a wall.

This is just the defensive aspect, not to mention the offensive ability.

Last season, Leicester City's midfielder ability to feed the ball made Xia Xing the third-line top scorer.

This strength is definitely the level of a super top shooter.

After turning the tide countless times, it would be more appropriate to say that last season was a miracle for Leicester City, rather than a "miracle of summer travel".

But now, Xia Xing is leaving.

After Kanter has left the team, Xia Xing is also leaving.

Ranieri smiled bitterly.

"When Kanter wanted to leave the team, I persuaded him for a long time.

"I think on the one hand Leicester City particularly needs him.

"On the other hand, if he stays at Leicester City and plays for one or two more years, he will be more stable.

“But he insisted on leaving and the club ultimately didn’t stop him.

"And you, I can't even say a word to dissuade you,

"Because you are so good, compared to other players in Leicester City,

“Not a player of the same level at all.

"It is no exaggeration to say that you are already a top star in today's international football!

“I think this year’s Golden Globe Award belongs to you!

"As long as you can maintain this state for another three or two years, I think you will be as famous as Messi and Ronaldo.

"You know, even they can't compare to your comprehensiveness.

"You are really great.

"Now that you want to leave, even though I am reluctant to leave, I will never forcefully stop you.

"Because Leicester City can't give you more,

"Whether it is a competitive level or a business level, your ability deserves more.

"So, I wish you all the best, come on."

Shakespeare muttered, still very low-spirited about Xia Xing's departure.

"How are we preparing for the new season..."

After leaving Ranieri's office, Xia Xing went to Vichai's office.

As a result, Vichai was not there, but Ayavat was.

"Xia, my brother!"

Ayawat walked around the table and stepped forward to hug Xia Xing tightly!

"Ayavat, I am here today..."

"I already know, Ranieri just told me."

"terribly sorry……"

"My brother, don't say sorry, it's Leicester City that doesn't have the ability to give you more."

In Vichai's office, Xia Xing and Ayawat chatted for a long time.

Ayawat is also a young man, so he gets along well with Xia Xing.

The two have always had a deep personal relationship, and Ayawat is also a frequent visitor to Xia Xing's home.

Although Ayawat is young, he has a deep understanding of football, and his knowledge of some technical and tactical aspects even exceeds that of his father Vichai.

However, in terms of management level, he is still far behind Vichai.

So Vichai has always kept him by his side to train him, let him serve as the vice chairman, and led him forward hand in hand.

For example, Vichai has to leave Leicester City for something now, so he directly handed the team over to his son.

And Ayawat lived up to expectations. He was steady, generous, humble and low-key in team management, and very sophisticated.

When Xia Xing left Ayawat's office, Ayawat always sent him downstairs.

The relationship between the two is not like that of a vice chairman and a player at all, but like close brothers.

"Xia, I really want to keep you, but I don't want to keep you.

"Leicester City is indeed too small to help you become a better star,

"In my heart, you will become a presence that surpasses Messi and Ronaldo in the future,

"You will become the best star in the world, no one else!

"When that day comes, we will proudly tell everyone,

"This best talent is from our Leicester City!"


"Xia, Leicester City will always be your home,

"I welcome you back anytime!"

"We will never say goodbye!

"We will always be a family!"

The two hugged each other affectionately and waved goodbye.

Although he said it easily, after Xia Xing turned around, Ayawat sighed softly.

This turn is just a short distance away...

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