Star Card System

Chapter 382 The last one was Cristiano Ronaldo, now it’s Xia Xing

In the live broadcast room, after Manchester United scored, Alan Shearer immediately checked the time and then gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"The game has only been over for 15 minutes, and Manchester United is two goals ahead. It's amazing. They are in great shape today.

" Watford is still planning to grab points at home in this game.

" Before the game, their coach Mazzarri vowed that their team is not a soft persimmon.

" What is the result?

"As soft as it can be.

" Although many of Manchester United's main players did not play in this game,

" But it is still so easy to win. It's really exaggerated.

" Especially xia, he has really become Watford's nemesis.

"During his time at Leicester City, he repeatedly broke through Watford's goal.

" Now he comes to Manchester United, he is more efficient with two goals in four minutes.

" "Let the opponent be stunned.

" This game will be another big win for Manchester United.

" Let's continue to watch."

Carragher next to him actually wanted to refute a few words, but still didn't speak.

In this match, the gap between the two teams was too big, and Manchester United's victory was obvious.

After scoring two goals in a row, Xia Xing's position retreated a little.

He began to frequently pass the ball to his teammates.

As the captain on the field, he had a lot to consider.

In addition to winning the game, he also had to consider the situation of his teammates.

Because the rotation lineup was used today, many players wanted to perform well in this game.

He scored two goals in a row, which has stabilized the victory.

Xia Xing is very confident that as long as he is still on the field, this game will be won!

Then, it's time to help his teammates pass the ball.

For a period of time, Xia Xing turned on the passing mode.

Organizing the offense after stealing the ball, long pass dispatching in the midfield, and short pass behind the back after suddenly advancing to attract attention.

Xia Xing used all means to help his teammates score.

Soon, his teammates also gained something and did not live up to his trust.

In the 27th minute of the game, Xia Xing's long pass on the left side directly found Lingard on the right corner of the court.

Lingard received the ball on the right side of the penalty area, cut across decisively, and kicked the ball!

This shot was quite like Robben's!

The ball went straight into the corner!

The ball went in!


Manchester United scored another goal!

In the first half, Manchester United entered the locker room with a three-goal lead.

In the locker room, Mourinho rarely said anything today.

He was very satisfied with the team's performance in the first half!

Although the lineup was rotated, the whole team performed very stably.

Especially in defense, several players made almost no mistakes and played steadily.

The most eye-catching defensive player was Luke Shaw. Judging from his performance in this game alone, he has replaced Ashley Young as the starter.

In terms of offense, Manchester United also did very well.

The three arrows on the front line were all very impactful.

Rashford, who changed to play as a center forward today, was very impactful. Although he lacked experience, his advantage was still obvious when facing a team like Watford.

There are also Mata and Lingard, who actively counter-grabbed on the spot and moved flexibly, adding a lot of color to the team's offense.

And the best performance was naturally Xia Xing.

He had two shots and one pass, and his performance was top-notch.

When he was about to play in the second half, Mourinho stopped Xia Xing.


"Well, coach, what's the matter?"

"You see the situation in the second half, if you are tired, tell me, I will replace you."

"I'm not tired, it's okay."

"Xia, I'm telling you seriously, don't be stubborn, if you are tired, you must come down and rest, the team will need you in many games in the future, you must not be stubborn."

"Coach, I'm also telling you seriously, even if this game has another 30 minutes of overtime, I can definitely run the whole game with full energy! I promise you, I'm definitely not stubborn!"


Looking at Xia Xing who ran to the court with a solemn promise, Mourinho was a little stunned.

He has coached many players, and Xia Xing is one of the only few players who feel that the intensity of his training is too low.

The last one was Cristiano Ronaldo.

After each team training session, he had to practice more on his own.

Now, it's Xia Xing.

Each talented player has his own characteristics, but the efforts of talented players are surprisingly consistent.

This young man has a bright future!

With a three-goal lead, Manchester United started the second half of the game.

During the halftime break, Watford coach Mazzarri used up three substitutions in one go.

The team's formation also changed from 4-4-2 to 3-3-4.

Near the Manchester United penalty area, four forwards were piled up in one go.

It seems that they will fight hard in the second half.

However, if accumulating forwards can score goals, then the football formation of the world will simply become 0-0-10.

In many cases, simple quantitative changes cannot achieve qualitative changes.

For example, Watford.

Even if they bought multiple players, even if they introduced a famous Italian coach, so what?

They still can't find a team tactic and style that suits them.

After playing in the Premier League for a long time, he still maintains the high-speed play of the Championship period, without any technical changes.

Even if Mazzarri comes, he only repairs the defense and strengthens the connection between the three lines, which is still the same as Serie A.

Watford still couldn't be efficient in the fast-paced attack of the Premier League.

They performed best in the first ten minutes of the second half.

Watford's attack was fruitless, and Manchester United's attack came up again.

This time, Herrera intercepted the ball in the midfield, and the Spanish star's active running won the team a counterattack opportunity.

Facing the defense, he divided the ball in the crowd and passed it to Xia Xing.

Now Manchester United teammates have a mysterious confidence in Xia Xing.

As long as the ball reaches his feet, it will be stable!

And the facts prove that Xia Xing deserves this trust!

On the left side, Xia Xing received the ball and he made another long pass!

This time it was directly hit between the two defenders of the opponent!

Cathcart and Pledel intercepted the ball, but they couldn't stop the trajectory of the ball!

And on the fast rolling line of the ball, Rashford rushed over!

Received the ball, single-handed!

Facing the goalkeeper, Rashford calmly pushed the ball!

The ball passed under the goalkeeper's armpit!

Inserted into the lower right corner of the goal!

The ball went in!


Manchester United scored another goal!

Watford lost another goal!

This is not over yet!

7 minutes later, Herrera received the ball and passed it to Xia Xing again.

This time Xia Xing waited for a second and quickly kicked the ball diagonally!

Herrera passed the defense and received the ball!

A wonderful two-on-one!

At this time, most of the opponent's attention was on Xia Xing!

They ignored Herrera!

About 32 meters away from the goal, Herrera kicked the ball!

The ball passed over the head of defender Britos and went straight into the upper right corner of the goal!

The ball went in!


Manchester United scored another goal!

Manchester United played crazy in this game!

Watford was completely defeated!

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