Star Card System

Chapter 484 Big Data Laboratory?

Manchester United worked hard all season and finally won the quadruple crown. The Manchester United soldiers were very excited.

After three days of celebration, everyone pretty much went on vacation to relax.

Even the workaholic Mourinho gave himself a week off to go home and visit his relatives.

But for Xia Xing, there is something special to do this summer.

This summer has a memorable meaning for Xia Xing - he graduated from college!

In the summer of 2013, Xia Xing was loaned to Leicester City by Manchester United. At that time, he happened to be admitted to the University of Leicester.

Now, four years have passed and Xia Xing has finally graduated.

Dressed in bachelor's attire, the two siblings who accompanied him couldn't help laughing.

Aliona: "Quite handsome!"

Xia Xing: "Really?"

Li De: "Quite silly."

Xia Xing: "Rolling, rolling, rolling."

Now Xia Xing and Li De are very good friends.

Recalling that when they first met, Xia Xing took Li De's disability into account and took great care of him, and rarely spoke back when he was insulted.

Not now.

Hearing Li De's taunt, Xia Xing did not hesitate and pushed Li De's wheelchair and threw him onto the football field nearby.

"What are you going to do? Murder!"

"I'll let you experience the joy of football!"

"What the hell am I doing, playing football!"

"You can keep the goal! Guys, kick as hard as you can, this kid is called the De Gea of ​​Leicester City!"

"What the hell..."

Everyone on the Leicester University football team knew the famous Xia Xing, so they were naturally willing to cooperate and responded with a smile: "No problem!"

One kid even fired a shot that flew into the net close to Li De's scalp.

Li De almost fell off the wheelchair.

Later, if Li De hadn't suddenly remembered that he was an electric wheelchair, otherwise he would have been kicked to death...

Seeing Li De running back in a wheelchair, panting, Aliona covered her mouth and smiled.

"Are you my sister anymore? Why are you always looking at outsiders?"

"You weren't the first to laugh at me."

"Then he can't let anyone kick me!"

"It's okay. I know our school team very well. Their shooting accuracy is very high..."


A rubber ball hit the nearby trash can, making a big hole in the iron trash can.

Li De gave a death smile: "Is this what you mean by high shooting accuracy?"

Aliona: "Xia, I have academic problems, I want to talk to you."

Xia Xing: "Okay."

Li De: "It's really a tactical retreat..."

Aliona did have something to talk to Xia Xing.

Xia Xing graduated this time, but his fate with the University of Leicester was not over yet.

The principal of the University of Leicester sent him an invitation letter a few days ago, inviting him to stay at the school and continue his studies.

That is to continue studying for graduate school.

Regarding this issue, Xia Xing actually resisted.

As the competition tasks intensified, Xia Xing felt a little overwhelmed by the extra pressure brought by his studies.

And he is not a particularly bookish young man. He prefers racing on the field to studying.

But this time, Aliona persuaded him to continue his studies.

Xia Xing was also a little puzzled: "You have always advocated liberalism, why did you suggest this to me three times? Will this help me in my future career? But I don't think it means much now. I already I have laid a solid foundation in four years, and have accumulated experience in daily management of our company. I am now an expert in sports management. Is there no need to continue studying? And I don’t really like this kind of honor. "

Aliona smiled: "Xia, I did give you a lot of advice on this matter. Now this is the third time, I didn't expect you to care so much. Take me as an example, after I graduated last year, I submitted the application directly I am a graduate student. Logically speaking, there is no need for me to stay in school for a long time in terms of economic management, but I still choose to continue studying. Do you think it is just to look good?"

Xia Xing shook his head: "Absolutely not. If you want, you can directly donate to Oxford University and buy a master's degree. It's no problem."

Aliona nodded: "Yes, that's the case. So, if I continue to study, it must be from the bottom of my heart. Let me take you to visit the school's big data laboratory, and then you will understand what I mean. ”

"Big data lab?"

"Yes, come with me."

Aliona held Xia Xing's arm, looking very intimate.

Xia Xing nodded secretly.

This girl seems to be plumper...

Li De yelled behind him: "Why are you going? What about me? What about me?"

Aliona didn't look back: "Call your assistant and ask him to accompany you back."

Li De: "You two men and women!"

The two walked and chatted, and ten minutes later, they arrived at the Science and Technology Building of the University of Leicester.

Aliona took out her pass and the guard let her go.

Access here is very strict.

"Why did you bring me here?" Xia Xing was still puzzled, "I'm not majoring in computer science. I think you should bring Li De here, he will be interested."

Aliona smiled: "Don't tell me, this place really has something to do with Li De. At the beginning of last year, Li De's studio cooperated with this big data laboratory here, so I have heard about it for a long time."

"Oh, so that's it," Xia Xing was a little surprised when he saw all kinds of high-tech equipment on both sides. "This is too exaggerated. How can it be completely different from the electronic equipment on the market?"

Aleona nodded: "There is a saying in the field of science and technology - the latest technology in the laboratory is always 50 years ahead of the market."

"So exaggerated?"

"Of course, it's even a little conservative."

"Why not use it for business?"

"Because it can't ensure safety and stability for the time being, we need to continue research."

"Is that so."

Aleona talked about Apple: "When the iPhone came out, it was also studied in the laboratory for many years before, and it cost tens of billions of research fees before it finally became a hit."

Li De gently touched the equipment next to him: "But what does this have to do with me? Or what does it have to do with my major?"

"Come, look here," Aleona pointed to an office not far away and took Xia Xing into the room, "Keep your voice down, they are doing experiments."

Xia Xing was puzzled and looked at the furnishings in the room.

It was like an ordinary Chinese Internet cafe, except that there were some large screens with a sense of technology on the wall, and everyone was busy with their own things in front of the computer.

There's nothing special about it.

Aleona pulled Xia Xing to sit down and pointed at the large screen in front of them: "Don't worry, the show is about to start."

Xia Xing sat down and watched carefully.

But he didn't expect too much.

But after only ten minutes, Xia Xing was shocked!

The application of this new technology is much more powerful than he imagined!

Isn't this a super system in reality? !

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