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Chapter 761 Chinese National Gift Porcelain

China owes you a favor!

Xia Xing knew how much weight this sentence had.

China's national gift porcelain!

What does it mean to receive China's national gift porcelain?

It means that the country has awarded the highest honor to an individual.

National gift porcelain is usually only given to foreign heads of state, such as presidents, prime ministers and other important figures, and Xia Xing is the only one who received national gift porcelain during his lifetime.

This kind of porcelain is a special model fired according to the highest specifications. Each piece is unique. The production process has gone through more than 80 processes and took more than 20 days. It was selected as a state guest gift in 2018.

National gift porcelain not only represents the country's respect and gratitude, but also symbolizes the kindness and sincerity of the Chinese people towards foreign friends. Its significance far exceeds ordinary courtesy, and it is even called the "real version of Aladdin's magic lamp" by the Chinese people. Receiving "national gift porcelain" means having a "China brand amulet".

Canadian Dr. Bethune saved the lives of countless Balujun soldiers during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. He died of bacterial infection during surgery, and his story is well known.

Not many people know the story of John Rabe, another German who received this honor. During the Nanjing Datusha, in order to save the people of Nanjing, he used his German identity to convert his residence into a shelter and accommodated more than 600 refugees. In order to save more Chinese people, he contacted other foreign envoys and pastors in Nanjing and jointly set up a 4-square-kilometer international safety zone. With his great love, he saved the lives of 250,000 Chinese people.

The Chinese people will always remember this kindness.

After the end of World War II, John Rabe was already in his sixties.

Without a job and sleeping on the streets, it is really heartbreaking that the lifesaver of 250,000 Chinese people has now fallen into this state.

After learning about this incident, the Chinese government launched a fundraising campaign in Nanjing, and almost all NJ citizens who had received help from Rabe began to donate.

In just a few days, the donations raised for John Rabe have reached 100 million yuan.

When the money was delivered to John Rabe, he burst into tears. Until 1 Rabe died of a stroke, he still missed China.

In March 2020, the Chinese Embassy in Germany received a special call for help.

The call came from Heidelberg and was made by a doctor. The doctor said that he and his family seemed to have been infected with the virus and had obvious symptoms. Although they had been protected, they had not been able to escape. Because Germany was in a serious shortage of supplies and medicines at the time, the doctor chose to ask China for help as a last resort.

The doctor who called was Thomas Rabe, the grandson of John Bella!

It is our duty to help friends!

After receiving this call for help, the Chinese Embassy in Germany immediately spread the news to the country.

Afterwards, the Chinese government sent people to support and spontaneously raised 620 bottles of anti-epidemic drugs and multiple sets of masks, protective clothing and other scarce materials, which were donated to the German doctor free of charge.

After a long journey, these life-saving materials arrived at the German airport smoothly. The staff of the Chinese Embassy in Germany immediately delivered the materials to the destination more than 700 kilometers away and delivered them to the hands of German doctors as soon as possible.

The moment he received the materials, Thomas Rabe burst into tears.

This ship of friendship that has spanned nearly a hundred years is still sailing today!

This made Ariana and Li De envious.

However, envy is envy, Ariana and Li De can't do the behavior of donating 800 million.

Not to mention that there is not so much money, even if there is, it is impossible to donate so much.

Both of them donated hundreds of thousands of euros symbolically, and they have been praised by the media.

Speaking of donations, in addition to donating to China and Manchester United fans, Xia Xing also donated more than 2 million euros specifically to Leicester City.

He handed the money directly to the manager of his branch in Leicester City and asked him to handle it.

After all, as a former Leicester City player, he still has a lot of feelings for this city.

This donation is also to help the fans who once supported him.

After all, outside the Leicester City Club, the sculpture with Xia Xing's name still stands, not far behind the statue of Vichai.

As time goes by, the plague is gradually under control.

However, this so-called "control" is also divided by region.

For example, Asia, especially China, has a considerable degree of control.

The national work of Fangyi has, to a certain extent, reflected the advantages of the system.

And many European and American countries seem to have controlled it, but in fact they are lying flat.

For these capitalist countries, the life and death of civilians is far less important than the revenue of the consortium.

Even many heads of state have come out to say that the plague is not a big problem, everyone should not panic, and there is no need to take too many measures.

But after they said these words, they wore kouzhao tightly, and the inspection was also once a day.

In the end, the people were still unlucky.

However, for many young people who advocate freedom, these are not important, and happiness is the best.

So as time goes by, many sports events have gradually resumed.

For example, the Bundesliga has reopened in May.

The French Ligue 1 was almost not suspended, and basically proceeded according to the original schedule.

After a period of time, the Premier League, Serie A and La Liga also resumed the competitions one after another.

The resumption of the Champions League and the Europa League is also in the plan.

According to internal information from UEFA, they are ready to resume the Champions League and the Europa League after the end of the five major leagues.

A little time distance.

In the face of the resumption of the competition, although there are many players who oppose it, after all, their voices are weak.

Both UEFA and the clubs are extremely supportive of the resumption of the league.

After all, they have sponsorship fees from advertisers in their hands. If they don’t play games, the investment of advertisers will also decrease, which will seriously affect the team’s income. This is not to blame the advertisers, after all, they are also affected.

And even if they don’t play football, the club has to pay the players as usual, which is also a huge expense.

Especially for giants like Manchester United, player salaries are an important part of the team’s expenditure.

Faced with pressure from many aspects, many clubs are almost unable to bear it, especially these giants under great pressure.

Let's resume the games quickly. We can still keep the existing advertising revenue and make some supplements from ticket revenue.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the five major leagues finally resumed the games in June.

In the next two months, the intensive schedule will come, and the battle for the green shade will start again! (End of this chapter)

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