Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 242 Don't expect her to marry

Everyone loves money, and few people can resist the temptation of money.

Even if she holds Huaxia Auction House in her hand, she is no exception as she makes a lot of money every day.

Jian Yan resisted.

Obviously holding so many prescriptions and recipes, as long as she is willing to calm down and plan for ten years.

In the future, it is completely possible to monopolize the huge market of natural food.

But she didn't do that, but gave up the recipe and the recipe.

Of course, the benefits from the auction will not be low.

But the meaning it represents is different.

What is killing three birds with one stone?

This is killing three birds with one stone.

What is win-win?

This is the real win-win situation.

Because of the prescriptions and recipes that Jianyan is willing to put up for auction, the major nutrient solution groups have the opportunity to go through the transition period smoothly.

In the empire, the nutrient solution group has a decisive weight.

Once these groups that are closely related to people's livelihood experience shocks, it will affect all aspects.

If these groups can successfully transform, the people working in them, as well as the various agricultural stars who rely on the nutrient solution group for their livelihood, will not be affected.

The economy and taxation of the local government will not be affected.

In short, through this auction, while making a lot of money, it can win the favor of various groups and the government.

Businessmen pursue profits, and in the business world, no friends, alliances, and friendships are vulnerable to interests.

Only benefits are eternal.

No one can guess how many good things Jian Yan has.

But no one with a little foresight would easily offend her.

It's very simple, just looking at the recipes and recipes she took out this time, it can be seen that this little girl is not simple.

Tsk, the little girl now...

While thinking about it, Qin Yu became very interested in Jian Yan.

But don't worry, a good helmsman must be patient and understand priorities.

The most urgent task is to start the auction.

"Give me two days to warm up. Three days later, at 12:00 noon, you will take Miss Jian to Starnet to participate in the auction on time."

After leaving a word, Qin Yu turned off the holographic video screen resolutely.

Then, he ordered his secretary to notify his senior officials to hold a meeting.

Caught off guard, Lu Jinxiu and the others who cut off contact with Qin Yu said, "..."

"Sister Yu can't get married."

Li Shaofeng said with emotion, this kind of woman who regards her career as a lifelong hobby and money is her favorite, no man can hold it.

"I didn't expect her to marry either."

Qin Che didn't care, "Life is so long, and marriage is not a must.

One day when she is lonely, she can go to take a parental employment certificate, and then go to the sperm center to apply for a sperm, and raise a child to relieve her loneliness.

If you don't want children, you can find a few men to raise them happily. "

"That's why you let Yaoyao down as a stallion?" Lu Jinxiu sneered.

Qin Che, "...No, you're talking about my sister, why are you talking about me?"

He felt deeply aggrieved, "Also, let me make a solemn statement.

Although I have been in love since I turned eighteen, and I have talked a lot.

But that doesn't mean I'm a stud, okay?

When Yaoyao and I were together, there was no woman around me, and I kept my body like a jade. "

Lu Jinxiu's answer was a snort, " can ask anyone here who believes it."

"I don't believe it!" Li Shaofeng and the others shook their heads in unison.

Qin Che, "...I can't talk today, I'm going to train."

Throwing down a word angrily, Qin Che slammed the door out like an angry bull.

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