Star Coach

Chapter 14 League starts

Just after the team was disbanded, two players received text messages from Jiangshan. Two young full-backs, Kai and Powell.

Kai walked into Jiangshan's office with a nervous mood. He was considered young in the team. He was only 22 years old this year, the same age as Jiangshan, but Jiangshan had no freckles and looked ten years older than him.

"Coach, you are looking for me?"

"Sit down," Jiangshan poured a glass of red wine, "Local?"

"Yes, I have a small farm at home and play football part-time."

"I have observed your skills, it's not bad, you can be the main left back." Jiangshan got straight to the point. The main player of the team, Luman, was an old guy. He had just cursed at Jiangshan, and he had already written it down in his little notebook.

"Don't be surprised, Luman's physical fitness and skills are not as good as yours. I am optimistic about you." Jiangshan took out a few pieces of paper and picked up the wine glass, "If you do what is said above, you will be the main player of the team, and you can even become a professional player in the future. Cheers."

"Cheers!" Kai chatted with Jiangshan for a few more words, and a fire in his heart came out.

After a while, Powell walked in awkwardly. He was in the main team just now, and lost a ball because of a mistake. Now he felt like an ant crawling all over his body.

"How old are you?" Jiangshan poured a glass of wine again.

"27. I have nothing to say about the team. What do you want?"

Jiangshan smiled and picked up the wine glass. "Don't worry, I am optimistic about your strength. The mistake just now could actually be avoided. You ran 3 meters more to the middle to create a gap."

Powell recalled the game on the field and seemed to have run too much.

"Do you want to be a better player? Do you want the whole village to cheer for you? Do you want to conquer Marcy from the next village?"

Powell blushed. You know all this?

Jiang Shan smiled, "If you want to succeed, you'll listen to me. I will lead the team to upgrade and make you a lot of money."

He did the same thing, took out a few more pieces of paper with tactics written on them, and handed them to Powell, "Take a good look, follow my arrangements, and you will succeed."

After a long time, Powell drank the red wine in one gulp, curled his lips, "I support you."

Jiang Shan was very satisfied with Powell's performance. He belonged to the opposition team, and now he has begun to disintegrate. Jiang Shan's fourth move is to win over. Divide from within the enemy.

The next day, the team's training was on track. Jiang Shan did not conduct full-court confrontations again, but only arranged seven-on-seven confrontation training.

"Stop!" Jiang Shan's face was serious, "Luman, you are too slow, did you fire too much last night?"

"Stop, Powell's connection is very good. If you can take another step forward, you will definitely create opportunities."

"Stop, stop, stop, Staval, you really surprised me. This ball was handled very well, but Didik's forward insertion was one step earlier."

"Stop, Kai, if you rush up now, the Lizara team can't defend you." Jiang Shan was kind. Lizara is Bayern's current main right back, and he is still strong.

After a morning, the players were full of emotion. Jiangshan doesn't swear, but his ability to hurt people is much better than that of these rough guys. But there is also a characteristic, he protects the players he has won over.

There are also several players in the opposing forces, and he also guides them with loving means. Several old players like Duraf suspect that these people have betrayed.

There is no way, Jiangshan's amiable attitude is too suspicious. Jiangshan's means are still continuing, constantly winning over and knocking.

After a few days, except for a few newcomers, Kai and Powell are in a good mood. Jiangshan keeps his word, even in training. Not only does he carefully guide them, but he also puts them in the main vest.

Half a month before the start of the season, Jiangshan began to increase the amount of training. The prototype of the main lineup also appeared. Except for Duraf, all the old players were eliminated.

Who asked you to boycott privately? Sorry, there are not enough places in the team. Duraf was very depressed. He had been classified as a traitor by his companions, just like Powell.

Jiangshan had many ways to deal with the German rough guy, and he was helpless. The assistant coach was still being sought, and there was no suitable candidate for the time being. Otherwise, the assistant coach would play the bad guy and he would play the good guy.

A few days later, Duraf finally couldn't help it and took the initiative to communicate with Jiangshan to fight for a position for his old partner.

"What? People who always make mistakes in the training ground are still qualified to play as the main force?" Jiangshan glanced at him, "You have made a lot of mistakes, do you also want to lose your main position?"

"I will give you two choices. First, go back and train well and be your captain. Second, like them, sit on the bench and resign from the position of captain. Choose for yourself."

Jiangshan hit Duraf unceremoniously. This is his fifth move, hitting. Who made Duraf's main team always beaten by the substitute team?

Of course, Duraf is still very important to the team. As long as he gives in, Jiangshan can smoothly control the locker room.

Duraf's face was stiff. Jiang Shan poured him a glass of wine and patted his shoulder, "I know you have a strong sense of responsibility, so I let you continue to be the captain, otherwise you would have been sold by me long ago."

"Our foothold is the same, all for the team. Tell them that as long as they train well, I will give them enough opportunities. Moreover, I am fighting for bonuses for everyone and don't want anyone to mess up."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if they don't listen. I think Rothaus will listen to me, you know? Go, the team needs you."

Duraf poured the red wine into his stomach, "I will tell them. For the team, for the bonus."

"And our honor, captain."

In the following time, Jiangshan has completely mastered the team, and no one dares to challenge him. He is slightly pleased with himself. If he can't even handle an amateur team, he really can't handle a team of higher level.

The new season is about to start, and Hope also came to visit the class. Sternhaus followed him like a dog, constantly introducing Jiangshan's work results.

"Why is the training ground like this?" Hope looked at the big grids on the training ground, and many question marks appeared on his head.

In the two halves, there are grids marked with white and gray everywhere. The players are trapped in the grids, not out of the circle, and keep a close distance with the people next to them. If the team attacks, the back line is lifted at the same time and enters the grids near the midfield, still maintaining the formation, like a chain.

"This is Coach Jiangshan's training method. Every player is in his own position. The offensive and defensive formations are different. I feel it's quite strange. But the players seem very excited."

"Who cares? As long as we can get results." Hop did not interrupt the training. He squinted and asked, "How long did it take Jiangshan?"

"In less than half a month, the whole team was killed by him." Rothaus recalled, a little surprised, "He was quick and accurate. He knew the personality of every player. There was no wave of opposition at all."

"I didn't see the wrong person." Hop smacked his lips, "Let's go and get some food."


The Baden-Württemberg League is about to start. The team is doing the final run-in. Jiangshan also found assistant coach Thomas, a third-rate defender who retired not long ago. He is only five years older than him. Successful players will not retire so early.

After the two observed the game of Karlsruhe amateur team on the spot, they finalized the final main lineup. All new players started. This season, he plans to play the 433 formation. The midfield of Schweinsteiger, Hitzlsperger and Durav can easily sweep the regional league.

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