Star Coach

Chapter 20 Paying Money

The winter break is here, and Rothaus prepared a celebratory dinner to celebrate the team's winning of the half-time championship of the Baden-Württemberg League.

This meal could have been eaten a month ago. They had locked the half-time championship a month ago, but they were only free today. Eating was secondary. The players drank some wine and spoke wildly and rudely.

"Jiba, Rothaus, didn't you say you wanted to share the money? Where's the money?" Duraf narrowed his eyes and burped.

Rothaus looked at Jiangshan, and Jiangshan walked onto the stage, and everyone's eyes followed him.

Jiangshan's German was still not very standard, but the players understood, "At the beginning of the season, I told everyone that as long as we win the half-time championship, everyone will have a basic bonus of 20,000 marks, and there will also be a collective bonus, divided according to the playing time and performance on the field."

"Okay, hurry up and get the money and go home for the New Year."

"Damn, go back and show off to my wife." The players were instantly excited.

Jiang Shan pressed down with both hands, holding the red cloth on the table, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let's divide the money."

When the red cloth was lifted, countless Clara Schumanns ran out. Watching a group of strong men. The 100-mark note was printed with the German female musician, Clara Schumann. Stacks of banknotes were neatly stacked on the table. There were millions of marks.

The German mark also had 200, 500 and 1000-mark notes, but Jiang Shan only chose 100 denominations, which looked more, and the strong woman fucked your eyes.

When the money was transferred to the card, it was just a numerical concept, and it didn't feel exciting. When it was placed on the table and drank some wine, it looked impulsive.

Powell's saliva flowed quickly, dripping to the ground, mixed with the smell of wine, "Fuck, if I had this money, wouldn't Marcy climb into my bed right away?"

Others were no less eager, their eyes were shining, and they wanted to rush up and grab it. Even Schweinsteiger was trembling all over, "Playing football makes so much money? So exciting, so exciting."

Give cash, this is Jiangshan's idea. Huge bonus incentives, the Chinese national team has done a lot, the effect is immediate, Hengda is the leader. If the bonus is transferred to the player's card, there is not much money per person, they will not feel much, but now it is different, the visual impact is too great, it is simply crazy.

"Follow me, there is money to make." Jiangshan finally said, "Ryan, give money."

Ryan is the new assistant hired by Rothaus to Jiangshan to help with office affairs. Today is his first day on the job.

"Line up, come one by one." Ryan was shocked and helpless. Are these rough guys crazy when they see money? "Come one by one, there will be no less."

"Hurry up and give it to me, fuck, I want to go home and smash my wife." Duraf was impulsive, "Oh my God, this is cash, it's too exciting."

Weize suddenly had the urge to hit someone, rushed to the second place, "I want to take it first, I'm hot all over..."

"Ah..." The players behind also roared.

Rothaus looked at the wild players and was worried. Will they fight? Looking at Jiangshan again, Jiangshan was smiling and drinking tea. He was really determined.

In fact, after distributing millions of marks, each person got less than 100,000 marks, which was a little less than Hope's budget. He paid the money very readily.

Jiangshan's bonus was not less. The promotion bonus was 100,000 marks, which was a sure thing, but the half-time champion bonus was 50,000 marks, plus the winning bonus, the team record bonus, etc., the cumulative amount exceeded 500,000 marks.

This data is the same as the bonus for leading the team to the second division. Hope has a lot of money.

Jiangshan looked at the numbers in the card and was not as impulsive as the players. 500,000 marks, 250,000 euros, equivalent to millions of RMB, how many houses can you buy?

Jiangshan's business was not doing well. Now he kept investing in real estate and bought a lot of houses in China. With this huge sum of money, he could buy several more houses and become a real estate tycoon.

"If I sell the house in the future, I will be a billionaire." Jiang Shan thought happily.

After the team celebrated, they officially had a holiday. The team had no games during the winter break, and the players went home for the New Year. Jiang Shan had more time. At the same time, his courses were coming to an end. The sports major at Wukang University starts in February every year, and he only needs one year. Now he has graduated early.

Jiang Shan is different from the players. He has no games or training, and he still has team affairs to deal with. There is an advantage in a small club. The coach must know everything, and he has always faced pressure from all aspects.

Hopp and Rothaus are still in the honeymoon period, so there is no problem; the players have also been subdued by him, and no one dares to make trouble; the club staff also agree with Jiang Shan, and everyone has the same goal to ensure promotion.

Looking at the offers on the table, Jiang Shan curled his lips. It is also an honor for the players he trained to be targeted by higher-level teams.

Schweinsteiger is not to mention that he is still a Bayern player. People see Schweinsteiger's potential and it is impossible to sell him. His value is over 5 million marks, and he is undoubtedly the team's top trump card and the most valuable player.

Kuranyi's value has gradually improved, and his value has also reached 3 million marks. Hitzlsperger's value has soared to 2 million marks. Both of them were signed for free, and this value is equivalent to the team's net profit.

Even the main goalkeeper Wiese's value is as high as 1.8 million marks, and there is also a lot of room for improvement. The other few, left back Kai is still young, and there are also German second division teams asking for the price, 1 million marks. Dorante and Didik have also risen to 1 million marks.

Others are not young, their skills are basically fixed, and the increase is not large. They can only be regarded as immediate combat power, and their value is not higher than 1 million marks.

Jiangshan threw the offer sheet aside. If he wanted to sell players, he had to wait until the end of the season. He couldn't sell them at the price now. When the team is promoted to the German Southern League, the value of these players will rise. It won't be a problem to replace a few old players at that time.


"Yes, Mr. Cook." Ryan was dressed in a professional suit, which covered up his body flaws very well.

"Just call me Jiangshan." He was not used to his last name after his rebirth, and he rarely went back after leaving England.

"Have you found all the information I asked you to find?"

"Wait a minute!" Ryan quickly brought a pile of documents and put them neatly on the table. "Here are the information of young players. Players of all ages have been recorded."

"Here are the German news in the past month. I selected some of them. In the future, I will sort them out once a week as you said."

Ryan quickly made another cup of tea. Jiangshan knocked on the table, and Ryan took the initiative to leave. Ryan is a qualified assistant. She wrote down the work that Jiangshan had explained in a small notebook and did it one by one.

Schweinsteiger could be withdrawn by Bayern at any time, so Jiangshan began to look for a replacement just in case.

There was a lot of information, and he selected three players based on his memory from his previous life. He felt like he had a habit of collecting national team players.

Christian Rahn, midfielder, a player from the St. Pauli youth team; Philipp Lahm, defender, a player from the Bayern youth team; Christian Pender, defender, had just been negotiating a contract with Münster Prussia in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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