Star Coach

Chapter 266: Pointing to the sky with both hands

Inter Milan and AC Milan were locked in a battle at home. At the end of the first half, the two sides drew 1:1.

The fans saw the score, both sides scored, and the offense came back and forth. The game was very interesting to watch, and the pace was faster than a normal Serie A game. It was very exciting.

The fans were just excited, but countless coaches and football commentators were mesmerized. They felt the fighting skills between Jiangshan and Mancini.

No, it should be a battle between Jiangshan and the Serie A coaching team. Mancini is just a representative on the sidelines. Mancini changed his tactics several times, all of which were effective, and he also scored a goal.

A strong center like Adriano is a strong point for any team, and with Veron and Gonzalez being strong players, they are naturally strong. It can be said that this is Milan's most difficult first half of the season.

Jiangshan likes this kind of game, there are variables. Only high-intensity pressure can make the team continue to improve, and his own adaptability will also improve.

In the locker room, Jiang Shan was satisfied with the team's performance, "Brothers, the performance in the first half was great. I can tell you that there will be more and more games like this in the future. Moreover, the teams ranked lower, even He will huddle about 10 meters in front of the restricted area and will not come out.”

"This will test our offensive ability." Jiang Shan smiled, "Of course, our goal today is to win. In the second half, they will definitely continue to press Pirlo's ball. I will let Vogel play and let him Help organize.”

"Vogel, your task is very simple. Just give the ball to the frontcourt. Of course, I can't afford your salary for such a simple job. I decided to assign you another task, which is to limit Veron's advancement with the ball. "

"I understand." Vogel said calmly.

Jiangshan is going to replace Vogel with Gattuso. Gattuso's organizational skills are not enough, and his horizontal coverage is not needed in this game. Ambrosini and Vogel's defense are both good.

Mancini was also satisfied with the players' condition. He also gave the players psychological massage. "Listen, guys, Milan is not that scary. We have cracked their tactics. It is not difficult. Don't worry."

"In the second half, Cambiasso, your task is not easy, don't be afraid, keep an eye on Pirlo. I believe in you."

"I will definitely do it, that guy is not fast at all."

At the beginning of the second half, Milan took the lead in making personnel adjustments. Gattuso came off the field and was replaced by Vogel, and the midfielder was replaced.

Mancini didn't quite understand Jiangshan's tactical changes. "Why didn't Gattuso play? Did Jiangshan think they could win us? Are they ready to give up defense?"

After Vogel came on the court, he stretched his muscles and prepared for kickoff.

The referee blew the whistle to start the second half and Milan took the lead in attacking.

Inter Milan still followed the same routine as before, defending at a high position, with players in compact positions, concentrating the team's three lines within a thirty-meter radius near the arc of the center circle.

Vieri stepped in front of the ball and passed it to Vogel instead of Pirlo. A simple change, Vogel immediately kicked off, high ball, or long ball.

The ball went over everyone's heads, high and far. Before the Inter Milan players could react, someone had already started.

Kaka, Kaka starts up very fast.

His strides were very long, and after a few steps, he crossed Inter Milan's defense line and penetrated Inter Milan's defense line.

Samuel and Zanetti reacted quickly, almost level with Kaká, and chased back at the same time, but a small step slower, Kaká had already rushed forward.

Cesar quickly rushed out of the penalty area, selected his position, and blocked Kaka's sprint.

The speed was still not enough. Kaka faced Inter Milan's defense alone. At the same time, Shevchenko also came over. His movements were also very fast and he was already cruising on the wing. He took away the returns of Favalli and Pizarro. Chase.

The movement was too fast, and Kaka who was sprinting was simply invincible.

Cesar's position selection was good, but it was useless. Kaka looked at Cesar's position, then stepped over and rushed over.

Riding alone thousands of miles.

This is Kaka, Kaka at his peak. It was impossible to guard against it. Just 10 seconds into the second half, Milan immediately created a murderous opportunity.

Kaka's shot was so fast and fierce that Corbado, who was chasing after him, could not touch the ball and could only watch the ball go into the net.

"This is Kaka's ability. Have you seen it?" Jiang Shan faced Simeone, "Kaka will become a Ballon d'Or winner, I believe it."

"It will definitely happen. All he lacks is opportunities." Simeone agreed. He also wanted to look forward to Milan's peak.

Last year's Ballon d'Or winners were all produced at Manchester United, and they were all Ronaldinho. His personal charm is simply invincible. Now, in this position, there is an opponent with a stronger impact. As long as Milan wins this year's Champions League, Kaka is very likely to win the Ballon d'Or.

"How many goals has he scored this season?" Jiang Shan asked.

"10 goals and 8 assists in all competitions, very eye-catching."

In the first 12 seconds, Milan scored and exceeded the score.


Mancini looked at Kaka's crazy goal with only absurdity in his eyes, "What the hell is this? An opening goal? Just one pass? And then penetrated our defense?"

Yes, a pass passed through the defense arranged by Mancini. Cambiasso hadn't even reached Pirlo yet. Milan's attack was not initiated by Pirlo?

Kaka raised his hands to celebrate the goal. After a simple celebration, Jiang Shan walked back to the coaching bench and said, "Unfortunately, Mancini still failed. Today's game is over."

Jacques Pelli saw Kaka's goal and shouted hysterically, "Oh my God! What is going on? Milan won the goal at the beginning and took the lead. Is this Jiangshan's arrangement?"

"The person who passed the ball to Kaka was Vogel, who had just come on. It was a crazy goal. God! I can only cheer for this goal."

The second half of the game had just begun, and the loss of the ball did not stop Inter Milan from being disorganized. Instead, they became calmer and played according to Mancini's pre-match arrangement.

The two sides entered a state of balance. Pirlo was restricted by Cambiaso. His assist ability was difficult to use, or he needed an opportunity, but Jiangshan did not let Pirlo exert his strength.

Vogel controls the team's offense and organizes it in an orderly manner. Milan's passing and cutting cooperation is quite accurate, and the players' movements still appear where they should be.

Inter Milan also unleashed Adriano's ability, constantly squeezing the defense. There was no other way. He faced the combination of Nesta and Maldini, and no matter how powerful the forward was, he couldn't get enough benefits.

There are loopholes, but they won't let you catch them. This is the Milan trained by Jiangshan. Mancini kept scratching his head, but still couldn't think of a way to break the deadlock. "The changes in the situation are really strange. If Seedorf is on the court, it will be harder for us to beat him. He is so powerful that Milan's players are completely mobilized by him."

Sacchi also shook his head, "Mancini is no match for him. The only one who can limit him among the younger generation is Mourinho."

Jiangshan and Mourinho played in the European Super Cup. Monaco won 3:0, which made Mourinho calm down at home for a week. His team set off a whirlwind in the Premier League and was expected to defeat Jiangshan's Milan.

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