Star Coach

Chapter 270: Ruckus

Jiangshan wants to realize his ambition, and he doesn't want any problems in every game, especially in the cup competition, because if there is a problem, he will be eliminated.

In the quarterfinals of the Italian Cup, Milan played against Palermo at home. The old guys played as scheduled and performed well. With strong control, the team won a big home victory again.

Failure and draw did not make Milan collapse, but they went into battle lightly. An easy 4:0 locked the ticket to the Italian Cup semi-finals.

Palermo goalkeeper Santoni was about to collapse. He couldn't defend Milan's attack no matter what. He beat the ground many times, but he was always penetrated. It was useless to pray to God.

After the game, Galliani also found Jiangshan, "Can the cup competition be guaranteed? The boss wants both the Italian Cup and the Champions League. Will the league be put aside at that time?"

"What did you say? Buy Grosso? Okay! Palermo's left back Grosso, help me get it, and it must be before the World Cup, otherwise he will raise the price." Jiangshan tilted his head and muttered to himself.

"I tell you, the cup is guaranteed, the league is not a problem." Galliani said again.

"As long as Grosso is bought in, everything will be fine." Jiangshan rolled his eyes, "Don't you understand what I said?"

He took out a cigar, "I really don't understand you officials, why don't you enjoy your good life and interfere with my deployment? Grosso quickly decides for me, I want to see the news of his joining before the offseason."

"As for the league, I will make appropriate rotations. It's already tied, and it won't be long before losing. Don't worry." Jiangshan sat down coldly, "Prepare the Italian Cup bonus for me first, I want to take it at any time."

"Hehe, you just need to have confidence, don't worry about the money. The team will be ready." Galliani has made a lot of money recently, and a lot of extra income is sent by China. Many domestic companies have found Milan to cooperate.

There are even online media that have purchased the broadcasting rights, and they also have a share of the profits. The overall profit is more than 30% higher than last season. As long as Jiangshan wins the championship, the profit will be higher next season.

"Grosso, right? He's an Italian left-back. It's not easy to buy!" Galliani grumbled as he walked out of Jiangshan's office. "With your bad temper, I really don't understand how Chinese officials can tolerate it? How come you haven't been killed?"

In the 22nd round of the league, Milan lost points again. It was a very rare phenomenon that they didn't get all three points in two consecutive games.

Facing Sampdoria at home, they still played a 1:1 score. It seems that Milan has not recovered from the state of losing goals. They lost 4 points in two rounds of the league.

Galliani was satisfied, "Jiangshan still gave me face. Forget it, I'll buy Grosso for him. This guy is difficult to get along with. He only cares about the championship. Next season, let's see if he can win more championships."

He secretly decided that he must kick Moggi aside next season. He didn't want Juventus players.

Unfortunately, Juventus and Inter Milan did not seize the good situation of Milan losing points. They were defeated one after another. The points gap between the three teams not only did not narrow, but also increased by 1 point.

Weird game. Milan leads by 9 points after 22 rounds. No matter how well Juventus performs, it will be difficult to catch up.

In the quarterfinals of the Italian Cup, Milan defeated Palermo 1:0 away and advanced to the semifinals. Inzaghi scored as a substitute to help the team pass the test.

Of course, the total score reached 5 goals. After the first round, Milan won the battle early.

The game is still going on. Milan has lost players again. Cafu and Maldini have tight muscles and need to rest for at least two weeks and miss two games.

Gattuso, the core of midfield defense, also rarely encountered injuries. He has ankle problems and needs to rest for one and a half months. He will definitely miss the first round against Real Madrid. This is not good news for Milan.

The season has just entered the high-speed start stage. Milan is unlucky and has injured players again. These old guys have been fighting for a long time, and injuries are inevitable. Milan Laboratory can't completely eliminate the impact of injuries.

Jiangshan carefully adjusted the lineup to maintain combat effectiveness and use Kaka's breakthrough ability. The passing and control have changed. More recycling kicks have released the abilities of Kaka and Inzaghi.

As the game entered the sprint stage, Jiangshan released all his tricks, and the game had to be won one by one.

After four rounds of the league, Milan had left Juventus 11 points behind and almost locked the league championship, while Inter Milan fell behind by 18 points and had no hope of winning the championship.

The Champions League quarterfinals began immediately, and Milan returned to the familiar rhythm of the Champions League.

Luxemburg took the lead in opening the battle with his mouth cannon.

"There is no doubt that Milan is stronger than us. We are the weaker ones. We must play steadily, but in the Bernabeu, we are not afraid of any opponent."

"Jiangshan has many tricks, and we must be careful to deal with them. Whether it is on the court or off the court, we must be careful of him."

Real Madrid's main goalkeeper Casillas also opened the mouth cannon mode to Jiangshan, "Jiangshan has too many off-court news, I don't think this is a good phenomenon. Especially no matter which country he goes to, he can make news with the women of that country. I don't know what he thinks, but I know that this is not a good thing."

Unfortunately, his mouth cannon was not heard by Jiangshan before he was retorted by people from his own country.

Sara Caranero, a reporter for Spanish National Channel 5, responded to Casillas' words, "Yes, she is talking about me. Jiangshan and I have a great relationship and are good friends. I have also had scandals with Jiangshan and I am happy about it."

"Casillas wanted to pursue me, but I refused. I don't know if this made him uncomfortable, and then he was unhappy with Jiangshan." Sala said on TV, "Jiangshan is the strongest man, whether on or off the court, I like such a man. Casillas is not, it's a pity."

Jiangshan was a little surprised. Is this a long-term love?

The matter was a big deal, and the fans on both sides began to bombard. Jiangshan didn't want to make things difficult for his juniors. After all, Luxemburg was the new head coach, so he gave him some face. Unfortunately, he didn't think so.

Inzaghi couldn't stand it anymore, "Jiangshan's behavior is fine. He is not married. It is very normal for him to have some news outside the court. Just like us, charming men, there will be news."

"So, we are not surprised at all by the news about Coach Jiangshan."

Jiangshan finally came out and faced the reporter, "I don't think it's a good thing to bring the war to me. We are facing Real Madrid, a strong team."

"My private life has always been the focus of all parties. I don't like such days, but this is life, I have to accept it. As for Luxemburg and Casillas, I have nothing to say about the remarks of the students. Everyone has a mouth. They can be irresponsible, but sometimes they have to be responsible. "

"They dare not talk about the situation of the game, I will speak for them." Jiang Shan smiled, "Real Madrid has Zidane and Ronaldo, both of whom are Golden Ball winners, as well as Carlos, Raul and other strong players. They have an unparalleled lineup, but they think they are weaker than us. I want to laugh. "

"With such a lineup, you say it is weaker than us? Men, are you admitting that you are not good enough? Think about whether Zidane and Ronaldo will agree? "

As for psychological warfare, I am not targeting anyone. Go ahead and make a fuss!

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