Star Coach

Chapter 293: Diverting Attention

The impact of the phone scandal is obvious. Before the incident has fully fermented, the fans who are watching the incident are very excited. In Italy, it is even more exciting, almost occupying the front page headlines of sports media every day.

Domestic fans feel sorry for Jiangshan, "Balala, this rubbish, killed Jiangshan."

"Poor Jiangshan, he actually got such a mess. But he is also amazing to lead Milan to win the championship."

Please, when Jiangshan joined the team, the team's strength and state were still good. Are there any fans who say it is so bad?

In Milanello, countless Milan fans appeared outside, waving flags and shouting. The transportation here is inconvenient, and they actually chartered dozens of buses to petition the team.

There are crazy fans everywhere, and only those who stand up at the critical moment are real fans.

Jiangshan also heard the noise and was a little irritated. What a mess it is these days, and they are still putting pressure on the team? Are they looking for death? The top management is busy and no one has come forward to deal with it. Jiangshan is the biggest, so he has to come out.

Appeasing the fans is his recent job, and the pressure is a bit high. After all, he is not proficient in Italian. If there is a problem with expression and the fans misunderstand him, it will be a big joke.

Oh, there are also media.

Jiangshan came from a distance and saw the flashing of the camera. It was so annoying. Why flash in the daytime? Are you afraid that I am not handsome enough?

His face was not very good. The fans who made trouble at this time must not be good fans. He frowned, "God damn it, it is true. They are shouting my name. Are you going to let me go?"

After getting closer, he heard clearly, "Please stay with Jiangshan."

"Please renew Jiangshan's contract."

"Petition with blood, please stay with Jiangshan."

"We need Jiangshan."

Jiangshan was a little shocked. Are these fans a shill? They came to petition spontaneously to let him stay? Yes, now the only one who can save Milan is Jiangshan. If Milan is still strong after the phone gate, it will be considered to have overcome the difficulties anyway.

Reporters rushed over, but were blocked by the wall and were relatively safe. "Jiangshan, Milan has such a big thing. Will you stay in the team?"

According to rumors, Beto and Galliani may be detained and leave football. At that time, Milan will really have no one to carry it.

Barbara also appeared nearby, looking at Jiangshan nervously. She was worried that Jiangshan would just quit. It's not like he hasn't done this before. When Jiangshan got angry, no one could persuade him. He would resign on the spot. There was nothing he couldn't do.

Jiangshan stood in front of the fans, his face calm, his eyes staring at the Milan fans. Some people pulled out banners, asking Jiangshan to stay in the team and lead Milan through the difficulties.

For a long time, looking at the crying fans, he pursed his lips and couldn't calm down anymore.

"I don't know what the phone gate is. After all, I'm just the head coach, leading the team in training and competition, and there is no news. When I knew this, I was more shocked than you." Jiangshan said quietly, and the fans followed him to quiet down.

On the scene, only Jiangshan's voice was left.

"I chose Milan because there are great fans here, you. You are the driving force that supports Milan to create brilliance. When this incident broke out, I also thought about resigning."

"Really, until just now, I also had this thought, but now I have changed my mind. Seeing you, seeing countless fans, I feel that Milan will not be defeated, and Milan still has hope."

Woo... woo... The female fans cried together, and there were several tattooed strong men who kept wiping their tears. It was so touching and shocking. Jiangshan heard the fans' petition. Is he willing to stay for the fans?

"I still have a contract with Milan. Next season, I will continue to stay here. No matter what, I will lead Milan through the difficulties and create new brilliance." Jiangshan finally said righteously.

That look, more official than an official, speaking in an official tone, not ambiguous at all.

"Please go back and continue to support the team, support me, and support our players. We still have the last game, and it is also the most important game, the Champions League final, we can't afford to lose."

"Please leave it to you!" Jiangshan said, bowing to the fans.

Woo woo woo... the crying at the scene was even louder. The fans who just destroyed the wall wanted to kill themselves, so why did they want to kill themselves? Didn't Jiangshan come out?

The words sounded nice, and the media recorded them very completely. Needless to say, these statements can attract some attention to the Champions League final, at least it will not be one-sided attention to the phone gate.

In fact, Jiangshan was also helpless. He wanted to create brilliance. He just overestimated the psychological endurance of the players. At this stage, the players' mentality was disordered and they had no fighting spirit.

He had no choice but to scold the players and make them sober. He also had to start with the media and let them bring out some new media exposure points to increase the topic of the Champions League final.

For Jiangshan, the previous two championships, no, the league championship does not count, are far less important than the Champions League championship. He wants to win the second Champions League, surpass Mourinho and Benitez and others, and become the first of the new generation of coaches.

If the Champions League final cannot be won, this season will be meaningless to Jiangshan. He doesn't want to endure this kind of failure. It is still a question whether he can safely get through the pain period next year, and it will be more difficult to win the championship.

In the summer transfer window, Milan players come and go. Who can guarantee the good state of the next season? There are too many variables. Moreover, after the team has problems, who can guarantee the smooth recruitment? It is unknown whether the 50 million euros promised by Bessie can be fulfilled.

On the other hand, Ferguson still took action. This old man is very good at seizing opportunities. The Italian football world is shaking, and the team is in panic. He also intervened to make the chaos more violent.

"Italy's problems are shocking. I don't know how many problems will erupt. This is as destructive to football as an atomic bomb." Ferguson talked freely, "Everyone should see for themselves whether they are involved in the case?"

Obviously, psychological warfare.

Before the Champions League final, Ferguson took action, which was ruthless.

Jiangshan was not to be outdone, "The league is the league, and the Champions League is the Champions League. We respect this event because the organization of the Champions League is transparent, fair and high-level. I think both sides in the final should treat this issue calmly."

It is not possible not to respond. Ferguson is adding fuel to the fire. Jiangshan must deal with him. The relationship between the two is OK, but it is limited to off the court. On the court? Father and son can fight hard, let alone friends.

In addition to responding to Ferguson's instigation, Jiangshan also gave lessons to the players, which is psychological counseling to put it bluntly, and shifted their attention to the Champions League final. "Don't you guys have any ability to respond?"

"The Champions League final cannot be lost." Jiangshan gave a death order. When the players saw countless fans petitioning to keep Jiangshan, their mentality had actually stabilized a lot.

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