Star Coach

Chapter 353 Just like yesterday

(The workload has been extremely heavy recently, so I can only maintain normal updates. I’m very sorry. Thanks to Dsy~x for the thousand rewards.)

In the second half, Jiangshan took the lead in making personnel adjustments. Inzaghi replaced David Silva, and the veteran stepped in, one against the other.

AC Milan's formation changed accordingly, from a 4141 formation to a 442 formation. Inzaghi and Ronaldo partnered to become a double forward. Vogel behind him moved to the wing to assist in organization and defense. The center of the midfield was controlled by Pirlo and Ambrosini.

The defensive ability of the midfielder all declined, but after the start of the second half, Milan's players became more compact, everyone was closer, the defensive coverage area was smaller, and defense assistance became more frequent.

The overall defensive strength has not declined.

The offensive tactics deployed by Benitez in the locker room were a bit depressing when suddenly faced with a new formation. Kuyt and Gerrard did not perform very well.

On the contrary, without the crazy pressure of Silva and Ronaldinho, Liverpool's wing defensive pressure has become less. Their wingers Pennant and Zenden have many offensive opportunities, and they can advance with the ball more and increase their offensive firepower.

Milan is not worried about wing attacks. Gianluca Zambrotta and Grosso are strong defensive shields. Liverpool does not have a strong center in the middle, so it is difficult to make crosses from the wing effective. Liverpool's offensive threat is still not great.

Benitez looked ugly, "Silva performed so well and was replaced? What does Jiang Shan want to do?"

"As expected, this bastard is guarding my push in the middle. Does he like me? He studies my tactics so thoroughly? This handsome young man is really annoying!"

Of course, Benitez is a very thoughtful head coach. He also sees the team's problem, which is the lack of a strong center. As long as they have a super center, their chances will be greater in this game.

Kuyt is very good, but not enough. He does not need to be at the level of Ronaldo, he only needs someone like Torres, that is enough.

Torres' height and impact made Benitez salivate. "By the way, in the summer transfer window, I must ask the board to buy Torres. He is the hope of Liverpool's revival."

Jiangshan didn't know Benitez's inner shyness. His 4-4-2 formation was just a delaying tactic. Ronaldo was already a little overwhelmed. He has never been able to return to his peak state. After the high-intensity confrontation in the first half, his body was under a heavy load.

Jiangshan does not want to leave a sick number for Simeone. Even Jiangshan is considering his job next season.

If you accept Lao Wang's invitation to join Atletico Madrid, the most important task is to retain Torres first, otherwise it will be difficult for Atletico Madrid to achieve results. Next season, Atletico Madrid can play in the UEFA Cup, but they still lack some strength to compete in the league. The most reasonable idea is to enter the Champions League and then pursue other goals.

The defensive pressure in the middle is increasing. Inzaghi and Ronaldo cannot carry the first line of defense. They are just sharp knives, not good shields.

In the 60th minute of the game, Jiangshan made another personnel adjustment. He originally wanted to use Tovieri to replace Ronaldo, but after thinking about it, he decided to take care of the young people. Vieri has already won the Champions League and did not play in the final, so it is not a big problem.

Give Thomason a chance and this guy will devote his life to defense. Multiple troublemakers in the frontcourt can also disrupt Liverpool's offensive formation.

Substitution, Thomason comes on, Ronaldo comes off.

When Ronaldo came off the field, Milan fans gave him a warm ovation. This season, they vaguely saw Ronaldo at his peak, with his crazy scoring performances.

Especially after Kaká was injured, he and Ronaldinho took up Milan's offensive banner, scoring goals in key games many times and winning the trust of their teammates.

Ronaldo gasped, hugged Thomason, and then hugged Jiangshan. Tears of disappointment rolled down from his eyes, "Coach, thank you, I feel that my life is complete."

The Champions League championship is already close at hand. He believes in Jiangshan's ability and will not let the aircraft carrier overturn. Liverpool? It's just pointless resistance.

"Have a good rest, this championship is just for you."

"Thank you, thank you! If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with you."

"No, I don't like your type." Jiang Shan smiled and patted Ronaldo on the shoulder. Fans will laugh if they are incited.

Seeing that time was running out, Liverpool fans shouted even more crazily. They hoped that the team could cheer up and continue to stage a great comeback. Many Liverpool fans sang Istanbul to inspire the players on the field.

Sure enough, Liverpool players, led by Gerrard, launched a final counterattack.

Benitez began to mobilize his troops, continuously changing players, and constantly increasing offensive manpower. At the last moment, he must give it a try.

"Jiangshan, I will not admit defeat." Benitez was full of drama in his heart. "I want to win the championship, I want to reverse, I want to reverse."

Liverpool went crazy, each of them was burning the universe. At the critical moment, this team's attribute of robbing the rich and giving to the poor was once again stimulated. Start to attack Milan's defense.

The old guys at AC Milan can't get used to it. It's strange that these people are still working hard without any physical exertion? Could it be that he retained his physical fitness in the first half? Save it for the second half to fight? What a strange idea.

Kuyt grabbed Pirlo's pass and tried his best to pass the ball to Gerrard. Gerrard slipped slightly and miraculously avoided Nesta's attack.

How is this going? Are the passive attributes also activated?

Jiangshan was a little surprised to see Gerrard getting up and still controlling the ball. This guy really can't be judged by common sense. He is amazing.

Gerrard faced Maldini and accelerated unreasonably. His legs stepped on the grass and made a snapping sound.

A powerful shot, Gerrard's signature move.

"Break it for me!" Gerrard yelled in his heart, "Go in, my love."

Dida ruthlessly blocked the ball. The squatting toilet posture is not covered, and it works great. But the next moment, he was stunned.

The ball hit Grosso's back, then bounced into the net, and the ball... went into the net.

This is an own goal. AC Milan scored an own goal. In the 80th minute, Liverpool finally broke the duck egg and scored. No, it was the Milan player who helped score.

Jiangshan was helpless. Grosso, this guy, really overexerted himself.

Liverpool scored a goal and tied the score to 1:2. There is still a chance and time. The last ten minutes will decide the ownership of this year's Champions League trophy between the two teams.

Seeing the goal at the critical moment, Liverpool fans went crazy. They seemed to see the shadow of the Istanbul miracle. There is still a chance and time. Liverpool fans sang "You will not walk alone" in the whole stadium.

Liverpool players also went crazy. Gerrard knelt down to celebrate, "Brothers, let's go together, the game is not over yet."

Benitez raised his arms and was excited, "Everyone keep going, don't give up."

Milan players were a little nervous. They were worried that history would repeat itself and they were worried about being overturned again. And Milan fans, they all fell silent unconsciously. Everything in Istanbul seemed like it was just yesterday.

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