Star Coach

Chapter 408 Boos

The last game of the devil's schedule, the battle is about to begin.

Atletico Madrid welcomes the challenge of Real Madrid at home. The La Liga schedule this season is particularly bad. The order of the first half of the season is the same as the second half of the season, so until March next year, Atletico Madrid will continue to play against Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Compared with the Premier League, the La Liga schedule is not humane enough, and the degree of commercial hype is not enough, so the schedule is anxious.

Atletico Madrid has a somewhat special lineup at home, three defenders. Although Jiangshan has played such a formation in Atletico Madrid, it is rarely used in the strong dialogue in La Liga.

Three central defenders, Pablo, Perea and Ivanovic, midfielder Garcia did not play, Gabi replaced him, with Khedira and Vidal, and Di Maria and Reus on both sides.

Jiangshan especially likes to arrange Di Maria to play against Real Madrid, and then watch him perform well, making Real Madrid fans hate it, and it feels very good.

In the forward position, Aguero and Sanchez partnered. Sanchez has also played as a center forward, but it is still the first time for him to play in a strong dialogue and serve as a starting center forward.

Atletico Madrid has no high points in the frontcourt. You don't need to look to know that their tactics today are mainly on the ground.

Ramos was a little surprised that Jiangshan was so arrogant and arranged a 352 formation. Can their players be trusted? Especially the young Reus, who rarely played in the game, and more often came on the bench. He actually started in the battle of the king of La Liga. Ramos admired Jiangshan's courage.

The formation he arranged was quite standard, and there was not much change compared to last season. The Dutch gang still dominated. Of course, they sold the bicycle prince Robinho in the summer and made a lot of money.

Goalkeeper Casillas, Ramos, Pepe, Cannavaro and Heinze on the back line, Robben, Sneijder, Guti and Higuain in the midfield, Higuain got the chance to play and appeared on the wing, and Van Nistelrooy and Raul started together in the forward position.

But looking at each player, they are very strong, but for some reason, when this group of players get together, their fighting power is not strong. At least it is difficult to break through the top 16 in the Champions League, and there is no outstanding performance.

Jiangshan saw Real Madrid's starting lineup and sat calmly on the coaching bench, "This game still disappoints me a little. Ramos did not play the game as a final. Is their midfield lineup suitable for Van Nistelrooy to start?"

"At least, in my tactical system, if I have Real Madrid's midfield and backcourt lineup, Van Nistelrooy does not need to start." Jiangshan thought to himself.

Ramos, known as the king of the cup, does not have Jiangshan's awareness. He does not have enough control over the Real Madrid locker room and can only trust the existing players. The players in Real Madrid are star-studded and much better than his previous team.

He has the confidence and determination to defeat Jiangshan.

Jiangshan slapped Ramos hard just after the game started.

Just two minutes after the start, Atletico Madrid played a successful cooperation, with fast movements and tricky angles, almost a kick from the sky.

Gabi intercepted Sneijder's pass and sent it to Vidal who was advancing. Vidal led the ball to the middle and passed it to the side. Ivanovic followed and overlapped the side. Reus made a cross pass and the ball returned to Vidal's feet again.

After a few beautiful touches, Real Madrid's defense was turned upside down. Guti, the golden wolf, couldn't defend against these coquettish guys and fell to the ground.

Sanchez retreated slightly and touched the ball. Under Pepe's care, he sent a straight pass and stuffed it straight in. There was no reason at all.

On the other side, Aguero and Reus cooperated in a counter-run. Aguero took advantage of Cannavaro's inability to defend the two of them and quickly moved forward, shaking off Cannavaro and facing Casillas.

A low shot...

It was a calm shot, not fast, but the rhythm was just right. It happened to appear on Casillas' weak side. No matter how strong Casillas was, he would definitely not be able to save the ball without burning chakra.

2 minutes into the game, the ball went into the net.

Atletico Madrid took the lead, 1:0, and had the advantage at home. Real Madrid fell behind at the start, and Ramos was under pressure.

Before they could even play their tactics, they were hit hard by Atletico Madrid. Ramos couldn't help but doubt himself, "Is Jiangshan targeting me on purpose? Has he been studying my tactics?"

"Why? Why can't I get the upper hand against Jiangshan wherever I go?"

He looked at the sidelines, uh... Jiangshan didn't even walk to the sidelines, he was still sitting in the coaching seat, "That guy is so arrogant! He can keep his composure when playing against our great team."

Pochettino was very excited, "Coach Jiangshan, our tactics are great, Ramos is no match at all. I have a feeling that we will win many championships this season."

"The season has just begun, don't talk too much." Jiangshan was very calm, "Our problem is not the opponent, but ourselves. The team's lineup is too thin and it is impossible to maintain its strength throughout the season."

The thin lineup and too few rotation players are the biggest problem of Atletico Madrid. Jiangshan is not unable to recruit some veterans, but the arrival of veterans will squeeze the playing space of young people.

Most importantly, Atletico Madrid's top management has been controlling costs. They only earn 50 million euros, and they want to earn another 50 million euros this season. All in all, it is a net income of 100 million.

Is there such a profitable team in La Liga?

Neither Barcelona nor Real Madrid have this. They don't have to consider the cost. They just need to spend the money when the members pay them. All the income can be invested in recruiting players. The membership system is special.

Real Madrid players suddenly found that they did not lose to Atletico Madrid last season. Even though Atletico Madrid lost Torres, Costa and Garcia, they still abused them.

Gabi is still very young, but his fierce temperament has emerged. With the strong players on the back line, it is very difficult for Real Madrid to penetrate the middle, and they don't have competent wingers on the field.

Robben was taken care of by Khedira early on. As long as he cut inside, three people would surround him and foul him.

Van Nistelrooy played very hard. He couldn't get the ball in the penalty area and couldn't play a role. Raul was also taken care of. Perea's fierce role made Raul very uncomfortable.

He is a player from Atletico Madrid's youth training camp. Now Atletico Madrid is so crazy about him, he dare not yell!

Jiang Shan was calm and composed. "Of the three games in the devil's schedule, this one is the easiest and most relaxing."

"Can we win 5 more goals against Real Madrid?"

Jiang Shan rolled his eyes at Fatty. "Do you think a big score can be easily achieved? In this game, just 2 goals are enough to secure the victory."

The cheers of Atletico Madrid fans resounded throughout the Calderon Stadium, and Real Madrid fans actually imitated Atletico Madrid fans and booed Robben and Sneijder. Was it a self-torture trick? This made Atletico Madrid fans embarrassed to boo the opponent's players.

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