Star Coach

Chapter 419 Head Coach Selection

It was just over halfway through June 2009, and West Ham had already scored five players. Jiangshan controlled the team's construction costs. The price of each player was not too high, and he could still afford it.

Royce and David Silva were added to the frontcourt. They are also wingers. They are very useful in Jiangshan's tactical system. Of course, Jiangshan has another idea. Adding David Silva can weaken the team. Manchester City's strength kills two birds with one stone.

Modric was caught in the middle of the midfield, the future master of midfield rhythm control. Although his physical condition is average, he can still stand firm in the fierce competition in the Premier League. Having experienced actual combat, Jiang Shan is not worried at all.

On the defense line, Jiangshan has also added Hummels and De Gea. As long as De Gea develops normally, West Ham will have no worries about his goalkeeper position in the next ten years. Hummels is also the anchor of the central defender position.

Jiangshan put his time on signings for a few days. He had to settle the head coach's affairs first, and then add a few more players according to the new head coach's ideas. After all, being his head coach brought great pressure.

Jiangshan will give the head coach enough respect. He circled several names, all of which could become the team's head coach, and they were all quite suitable.

The first stop for finding a coach was when he quietly went to Stuttgart, Germany, and found a bearded man, Jurgen Klopp, the passionate coach.

West Ham wants to regain the support of the fans and play a good game. This is the easiest point to win the hearts of the people. Jiangshan wants to invite this bearded man. His coaching philosophy is similar to Jiangshan.

"No, no, no, I have my own plan, and I don't want to coach your team." Klopp refused frankly, and then burst into laughter, "In my heart, you are my biggest opponent, how can I become an opponent?" Where are his men?"

"I want to beat you on any occasion. But next season, if you don't want to be the head coach, I will secretly accumulate strength and wait for the day when you pick up the coach again."

Jiang Shan smiled bitterly. As a star coach, he has made countless enemies without knowing it. Klopp dared to regard Jiang Shan as his biggest opponent before he had won many honors. Has he defeated Mourinho and Guardiola?

"Well, maybe one day, you will also come to the Premier League and we will become our opponents." Jiang Shan shrugged and agreed with Klopp's approach. "I hope you will continue to work hard and be my opponent. You don't have enough honor to do so." I promise, it’s just a wish!”

"Don't worry, I'm in the Bundesliga and even Bayern doesn't take it seriously. It's a pity that I couldn't stop you when you were coaching Hertha Berlin. Otherwise, I wouldn't have regarded you as a target. I look forward to meeting you in the future."

After failing to win against the head coach in the first stop, Jiangshan seemed to have seen the failure in the second stop. He originally wanted to invite his former assistant, Tuchel. Tuchel also seems to want to defeat Jiangshan, but unfortunately he is not strong enough in Hoffenheim.

"Forget it, I won't invite Tuchel. This guy may not be able to adapt to the intensity of the Premier League. Let him enjoy life in Hoffenheim." Jiang Shan muttered on the plane.

Although a private jet is rented, it is much more convenient than a passenger plane. Catherine smiled slightly, "Tuchel is not strong enough. Hoffenheim has never won honors. This is the biggest problem."

Walker's point of view is similar to Catherine's. Whether the coach is strong, whether the game is good or not is useless, whether there is a championship, and how many honors have been won. These are the most important and intuitive criteria.

Years later, everyone forgets about the beautiful team and only remembers the team that won the championship.

"Who are we looking for as our next target?" Walker looked a little nervous. "We can't stay in the coaching position for too long. Liverpool has already started to transfer players. Do you want me to go back and help?"

Jiangshan has chosen a right back, Glen Johnson. This guy is strong, can go up and down, and is very suitable for the team. But Liverpool stepped in almost at the same time, trying to steal someone from Portsmouth.

"No, this player, let Woodward practice his skills. He has been very comfortable negotiating sponsorships recently, let him feel a different taste." Jiang Shan squinted, "Besides, Glen Johnson is still in West Ham's youth training. If even he has been None of the youth training players will come back, and Woodward’s salary will be cut in half.”

There was a time when West Ham's youth training was the best in England. Compared to Manchester United's Class 92, Southampton's youth academy is not far behind, but in recent years, it has lost its former glory.

In the past ten years, West Ham has also produced youth training strongmen who can rival Manchester United's Class 92. The same group of magic lamp Lampard, the most expensive defender Ferdinand, the invisible man Carrick, Woodgate, Alan Smith, There is also England's most talented Joe Cole, plus the fast horse Defoe. If he had not left, this is a lineup that can compete for championships in Europe.

Two or three years before and after this point in time, there were Governors Ince and Campbell, followed by Terry and Konchesky. Of course, after Terry stayed at West Ham for four years, he switched to Chelsea and was also considered as Chelsea's youth training. players.

In 1966, when England won the World Cup, everyone remembers Manchester United's Sir Charlton, but that England national team was made up of West Ham who contributed the main framework. On the back line, Bobby Moore, the double captain of West Ham and the national team, In the midfield, there is also Martin Peters, an attacking midfielder who was very comfortable in the 442 formation that year; and on the forward line, there is West Ham's Geoff Hurst, who scored a hat-trick in the final and directly Send England to the championship.

Jiangshan knows West Ham's youth training tradition, and he won't be able to spend too much money to buy people in the future. The youth training must flourish again.

"Will Guangzhou Hengda invest heavily in youth training next year? Let's see if we can dig up some resources and come over to help build it." Jiang Shan thought far ahead, and gradually adjusted from the depression of being rejected by Klopp.

After the plane landed, Jiang Shan and his party appeared in Monchengladbach. He wanted to invite an old coach, one of his former opponents in the Bundesliga and Bayern's most famous firefighting coach. In Jiang Shan's impression, he joined Bayern four times, and Three of them were as firefighting instructors.

The gray-haired old man opened the door. Unexpectedly, he was still in good spirits. He was not surprised when he faced Jiangshan. Jiangshan had contacted him a long time ago, "You guys came a little early! What do you want to drink?"

Jiang Shan and Walker walked into Lao Shuai's home. The decoration was warm and they sat down carelessly. "Beer, thank you!"

During this period, Heynckes happened to be unemployed at home and did not serve as the head coach of any team. A few people chatted for a while and got straight to the point, "Join West Ham? To meet new challenges. With Ferguson, Wenger, Bennett It will definitely be interesting to play against each other.”

Heynckes smiled and said, "The invitation from the star coach makes me very happy. However, if I want to coach West Ham, I still have my own conditions."

"First, continue to buy people. I want you to help me find another player in the middle of the midfield, as well as a forward and a central defender. The person you bought earlier can run and jump, and I am quite satisfied." Hai Inks said with an air of air, "Secondly, when I am the head coach, you cannot interfere with my formation. This is the most important thing."

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