Star Coach

Chapter 424: Exceeding Target

The new season hasn't started yet, and West Ham's results haven't come out yet, but they have already reserved a spot for one of the most popular teams in China. This is Jiangshan's influence.

In the past, as long as the team he coached was unparalleled in popularity in China, now that he has his own team, it will definitely become the most popular team in China.

Many operators from China have come together, hoping that West Ham will go to China to carry out tour games and play a few games with Chinese Super League teams, which will definitely bring in a lot of extra income. At least the starting price is 5 million pounds.

Woodward had an idea. He and Jiangshan acted separately, and he negotiated the commercial competition. Jiangshan accepted a special interview with CCTV.

In front of a national audience, he talked about his journey of coaching and buying a team, as well as some advanced football concepts, including suggestions for Chinese football.

Jiang Shan didn't like this scene, but for the sake of five buckets of rice, he had no choice but to give in. Fortunately, the reporter sent by CCTV was good-looking, which made Jiangshan a little more interested and not too boring.

The live program actually had the effect of a news broadcast, and the ratings increased a lot, and many fans and non-fans were very interested.

"Actually, everyone doesn't know that I have been silently supporting the development of youth training in China. I invest millions in domestic youth training every year. It is time to make achievements in the past few years."

"Players such as Zhang Linpeng and Wu Lei who have gone out in the past few years actually grew up with our support. I hope they have the opportunity to go abroad in the future, which will be better for their development." Jiang Shan said eloquently, " This time, I bought West Ham for the long-term development of football.”

"As we all know, West Ham's youth training is excellent. The football academy has provided many international players for the England national team. We have recently invested nearly 10 million pounds to expand the youth training, just to cultivate a few young players. Of course, we I also hope to cooperate with domestic teams.”

Jiang Shan finally showed his fangs, "I have always hoped to contribute to the development of Chinese football. Our youth training system welcomes cooperation with domestic teams. We can provide youth training coaches and even provide them with opportunities to study abroad. , As long as domestic football develops better.”

"Thank you Coach Jiangshan. This news makes us very excited." The host of CCTV was very excited. "You really worried about the Chinese national football team. Everyone remembers that you led the national football team to win the Asian Cup. We all will forget."

Jiang Shan shook his hand, it's nothing, it's nothing, "Don't praise me anymore. My personal power is not enough to change the entire football world. We need everyone to work together."

The host spoke another series of words, very beautiful transition words, and finally smiled, "Last question, what is the outlook for this year's Chinese Super League? Hengda is buying international players on a large scale. They may perform the Kaizerlausten Miracle to get promoted. To win the championship?”

"Of course, Hengda has ambitions and strength, and they will succeed. It is said that they are also preparing to build a large-scale football youth training camp. Lao Xu has ideas, and they will succeed." Jiang Shan hurried to the platform to show off his fortune. one side.

Isn't his purpose to cooperate with Hengda and use their funds to develop his own youth training? No, it’s a win-win concept. With the development of Hengda's youth training, Jiangshan will also make money.

"But their boss proposed to win the AFC Champions League within five years. You know, no domestic club has won the AFC Champions League yet. Can Hengda do it within five years?"

"I don't think the problem is big. Of course, they also need a little luck. It is entirely possible to win the AFC Champions League within five years."

After the interview video was broadcast, it really set off a craze in the country, and Hengda saved a lot of publicity expenses. Within a few days, before Jiang Shan had left the capital, Hengda's negotiators contacted him.

"We are prepared to invest about 1.5 billion to build Hengda Football School. Our goal is to build the world's largest football school." After Liu Yongzhuo arrived in Beijing, he met with Jiangshan immediately and expressed his desire to cooperate.

"Our football school is expected to be officially launched next year, and many European teams have already contacted us. Like Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​they also hope to cooperate with us."

Jiang Shan listened to his bragging without interrupting, just listened to Liu Yongzhuo's talk, and then changed the subject, "Of course, we would rather cooperate with the Chinese people. There was no such partner before, but now there is. West Ham Football Academy is We are a great partner. I believe that as long as we cooperate sincerely, China Football will definitely make great progress.”

Liu Yongzhuo is worthy of being a person who resigned from the government and went to overseas. He speaks in one way and sounds very nice. Jiang Shan had to nod. This guy has brought out all the national justice. What can I do?

He must have thought that I was an intellectual and embarrassed to talk about money. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Jiang Shan smiled in his heart and said straightforwardly, "Youth training is a long-term investment. We have expanded the scale of youth training. Many young coaches have to run on both sides. We also have to provide the equipment here. This is not simple. expenditure."

"It's 2 million pounds a year. I'll give it to you at this price. It's already the best deal." Facing Liu Yongzhuo's cheerful face, the other party didn't expect Jiangshan to ask for money so easily.

It’s hard to answer the phone! I thought it could be done for a few hundred thousand pounds, but I didn't expect it to be so expensive. This was a 20 million yuan contract. He did not dare to make any decision without authorization and reported it to Lao Xu immediately.

I didn't expect that Lao Xu was also a big shot, and he agreed immediately, "Besides, you must have a good relationship with Jiangshan, he still has a lot of courtyard houses in Beijing. These are treasures, and now they are absolutely scarce resources. You can't buy them even if you have money."

Soon, in order to expand and strengthen the youth football training of China, West Ham and Hengda Football School will carry out in-depth cooperation, with West Ham providing equipment and coaches to train young Chinese players. Moreover, starting from 2014, Hengda Football School will arrange a group of Chinese players to go to England for special training every year, and if they are suitable, they will stay in England.

West Ham will also help contact interested teams to facilitate the players' overseas study. As for the adult team, West Ham has also reached a verbal agreement with Hengda. As long as Hengda needs it and their players are interested in going to China for development, Hengda Club will be given priority under the same conditions.

"I believe that before 2020, Hengda will definitely be able to achieve an all-Chinese class, and by then the main framework of the national team will be in Hengda Football School." At the signing ceremony, Jiangshan and Lao Xu held hands together.

Woodward and Jiangshan took a trip to China, and both completed their assigned tasks. Jiangshan got a sponsorship contract of 2 million pounds per year, and Woodward finalized the schedule for next year's warm-up matches.

After a round, 6 million pounds of funds will be deposited into West Ham's account.

"Boss, we have exceeded the task, and the season is about to start. We can finally relax a little." Woodward stretched, "Next, it depends on Heynckes' ability."

"Champions League quota, this is a task that must be completed." Jiangshan narrowed his eyes. Next season, he still wants the team to appear in the Champions League!

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