Star Coach

Chapter 7 Cracks

The Champions League final is on May 24. Before that, Valencia still has two La Liga games to play, which are also the last two rounds of the league.

If they win against Celta Vigo away and Zaragoza at home, the team can surpass Barcelona in points and occupy the second place. After Barcelona's disastrous defeat to Valencia, they also lost points in the league.

Before the Champions League final, Jiangshan was too busy to even touch the ground.

Find video materials, edit them into videos, and pair them with data analysis and tactical explanations. If he hadn't done it in his previous life, just watching the video of Real Madrid's game would be boring. He is making a last-ditch effort. Whether the team can successfully defeat Real Madrid depends on the final battle.

At the same time, his courses at the university are becoming more and more intensive. Well-known coaches often come to give lectures, and even the top team leaders are invited to give lectures. Jiang Shan also does not want to miss it.

Systematic study was of great help to him, just like studying at the University of Liverpool in his previous life. Without the resume of further studies at Liverpool University, he would not even be able to become a coach at home. After all, the domestic football circle is not big, so it is not easy to become a head coach, especially if he has no background.

After listening to Del Bosque's report at the university, Jiang Shan had a deeper understanding of Real Madrid's tactical concepts. He went back that night to make changes to the edited video and stayed up all night.

He concluded from the information that Bosque inadvertently disclosed that Real Madrid would use the 532 formation in the Champions League final. This formation is the same as the previous generation, but it almost becomes a 352 play style in the game. The two full-backs Carlos and Salgado are used as wingers, unstoppable. This is a formation that can restrain Valencia's 442.

Football tactics continue to develop, and the 4-4-2 formation is both offensive and defensive. It has become relatively complete and has become mainstream. But 352 can restrain him, strengthen the midfield control, and there is a central defender who is responsible for delivering the ball, which has certain advantages against the 442 formation.

It is impossible to change Wallen's 4-4-2 playing style now. Cooper is accustomed to seeking stability in key games and is not bold enough. Even if he changes the formation temporarily, he may not be successful.

Jiangshan thought for a long time, 442 can also beat 352, but the two wingers need strong and continuous impact ability, constantly impact the ribs, and hit behind the opponent's left and right central defenders.

The team's current wingers Mendieta and Gonzalez are very strong, but Mendieta will definitely be taken care of, and facing Carlos, he has little advantage in speed or technique. Jiangshan still clearly remembers that Mendieta was almost invisible in this year's Champions League final.

Herard can play as a winger. His dribbling and passing ability are no worse than Mendieta's. He is perfect for containing Carlos, and the key is to release Mendieta. The question is whether Cooper dares to put the team's attacking midfielder in the winger position, and then let Mendieta, the winger, play in the midfield position.

Cooper's 442, the midfielder's diamond position, with Lopez as the front midfielder, Farinos as the back midfielder, Mendieta and Gonzalez on both sides, has almost never changed. Bosque has strong coaching ability and will definitely make targeted arrangements.

Jiang Shan kept searching in his mind. The 2000 Champions League final was a classic game. He had watched it several times. Looking back now, Carlos played a crucial role in Real Madrid's win.

Real Madrid's first two goals, one came from the passing and receiving cooperation of teammates after Carlos' long shot, Morientes successfully grabbed the point; the other came from Carlos' sideline ball, he threw the ball directly into the penalty area, and the Real Madrid player was blocked Long shot from outside the penalty area.

Jiangshan changed the video and submitted it again, and a heated discussion broke out with Cooper the next day.

"Real Madrid will also be concerned about Mendieta's power on the wing. Carlos cannot press too deep." Cooper was full of confidence.

He has reasons to be confident. This season, Valencia won two rounds against Real Madrid in the league, winning one and drawing one. First, they defeated Real Madrid 3:2 away from home, and then the two sides drew 1:1 at home, with Valencia not falling behind.

Therefore, Jiangshan's opinions made Cooper very dissatisfied. He felt that the finals should be more rigorous and it would be better to follow familiar routines.

Jiang Shan nodded and did not continue. He is not the head coach. At best, he is Cooper's assistant. At worst, he is just a part-time scout. Cooper allowed the aging full-back to step in against Celta Vigo, which already gave Jiangshan enough face.

But the effect was good, and full-back Angelo Ma seized the only chance he had. The team won 1:0.

After the game, the players all took credit for their contributions, and one can imagine Cooper's depression. Now Jiangshan wants to come up with some new tricks, but Cooper is not happy with it. The game against Celta Vigo does not matter. It doesn't matter how you try the formation. The Champions League final is different. If you change the style of play randomly, the team may not adapt.

If he loses the game, Cooper will be criticized, not Jiangshan. Cooper chose to play it safe. Cooper certainly could not have imagined that in his previous life, he would reach the Champions League finals for two consecutive years, then fail both years, and be dubbed the "second-fingered" coach by the media.

Jiang Shan came out of Cooper's office and smacked his lips, "I wish I were the head coach. No matter how I arrange the formation, no one dares to say anything."

It's a pity that he is nothing now and can only stare. And he found that Cooper and he had already created a rift, which was difficult to recover from. Jiang Shan wants to be a coach and has great ambitions, and Cooper will never allow power to be dispersed. It is only a matter of time before he leaves.

Jiang Shan has been feeling very unhappy these past few days and is a little tired. He plans to go to the bar to find a Yangma to vent his anger and relieve his depression.

Yesterday at school, the chairman of the German Hoffenheim team, Hopp, came to give a speech, and he argued with Hopp. Jiangshan believed that capital would dominate the future of football, but Hopp held the opposite opinion, because his team had been promoted repeatedly, won the low-level league championship this season, and was about to be promoted to the fourth-level league in Germany, which was very proud.

Now he quarreled with Cooper again, feeling aggrieved. However, he still wanted to beat Real Madrid and create a different history.

Jiangshan was furious, "Since the coach can't make sense, the players can always talk quietly, right?" He decided to start with the players and try his own ideas.

Who made him have a good relationship with the players and the players trust him? Who made him know the results of the game in the previous life?

Soon, the 38th round of La Liga was underway, and the team had the last chance to adjust.

Valencia played against Zaragoza, which ranked fourth, at home. Cooper was still cautious and played with all the main players. He wanted to be the second in the league.

Jiangshan had been promoted to Cooper's side and had a seat, looking a bit like an assistant coach. The media's camera swept past, and a yellow-skinned face appeared on the TV camera, which was very novel to countless viewers.

Cooper knew that the camera was sweeping, and immediately turned his head and pointed to Jiangshan, "You pay attention to my command, we will definitely win."

Jiangshan smiled and nodded, and did not refuse his face.

Shortly after the start of the game, Cooper appeared on the sidelines and kept directing the team. The team's attack was higher and higher, and the momentum was full. However, Mendieta's attack was frequently blocked, and it was difficult to open up space on the wing. Angulo behind immediately came to respond, crossed the penalty area, and Angulo headed the ball off.

Cooper quickly ordered Angulo to retreat and defend well.

The half was about to end, and the team still failed to break the deadlock. At this time, something unexpected happened to Cooper. Mendieta took the initiative to retract, and Herad pulled the side to play the role of winger.

The team showed a completely different rhythm. This sudden change instantly tore open Zaragoza's defense.

Gerard passed the ball back, and Mendieta in the middle took a step and sent a through ball. Lopez inserted diagonally and shot without stopping. The score was changed. After scoring, Lopez pointed to the stands, as if he was thanking the audience and greeting Jiangshan.

Cooper looked unhappy. He didn't arrange it before the game. Could it be Jiangshan's doing? But it was a good thing for the team to score, so he didn't get angry.

He just thought it was a sudden inspiration of the player. Mendieta was a free man in Cooper's system, and it was normal for him to pass the ball inside. Jiangshan shouldn't have such a big influence.

It was just the last through pass, which he had never arranged before. Was it really a sudden inspiration of the player?

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