Star Coach

Chapter 73: Sharpening the Knife Before the Battle

Walker blamed himself, "I'm still too young. It would be great if the contract restrictions were better."

"Come on, if you continue to restrict it, no one will sign with you." Jiang Shan teased, looking at Albert in front of him, "Then you agreed?"

"Waiting for your opinion. If you don't agree, we will invite Deschamps from Middlesbrough to coach." Albert bit down the steak fiercely, "Campora is really an old fox. My father is also an old fox. I can't handle it."

Jiang Shan gently shook the red wine glass, staring at the blood-red liquid. It was as bright as a rose, but the thorns were prickly and difficult to pick.

There is only one chance for one game. If you lose, you will lose your position as the head coach of the youth team. If you win, you can still coach until the end of the season. What if it's a draw? It depends on the mood of Ajax and Rosenborg.

But it's hard to count on Rosenborg. They were beaten 5 times by Monaco at home. Can they still expect them to overturn Ajax away? Don't be funny.

"Take it?" Albert saw Jiang Shan in a daze and broke the calm.

"Why not?" Jiang Shan smiled sweetly, "No one knows about this yet, right? Don't make your conflict public. I'll take this challenge."

Jiang Shan is 24 years old. There has never been a head coach of a top team so young, even though Monaco is only a quasi-top team in Ligue 1. Even though they have won 7 Ligue 1 titles and 5 French Cup titles, they have not won any of the three major European cups.

Looking at Ligue 1, only Marseille won the Champions League in 1993 and defeated the arrogant Milan. Of course, after winning the championship, Marseille was exposed to a bribery case, and the Ligue 1 champion of that year was relegated to the second division.

The Champions League title was not revoked, so Marseille is still the only French team to win the Champions League. But in 2006, Edler, who was playing for Marseille at the time, revealed in an interview that before the 1993 Champions League final, they had collectively injected some kind of drug. The only player who refused the injection was Voller from Germany. The news came out, and it was unknown whether it was true or not.

Jiangshan has specially checked the trophies of each year of Ligue 1. The 1993 Ligue 1 championship is still vacant. It is probably to remind the later generations that gambling on football is risky and they need to be cautious when entering the market.

After Marseille was stripped of the Ligue 1 championship, the right to participate in the Champions League was also stripped, but Paris Saint-Germain did not want to play as a substitute, so this opportunity was given to Monaco.

Therefore, Monaco reached the semi-finals of the Champions League in 1994, and lost 0:3 to Milan, which Marseille had defeated.

The Champions League semi-finals is Monaco's best result in the history of the Champions League.

Jiang Shan narrowed his eyes and poured red wine into his mouth. He was unmannerly and his eyes were firm. "I will take the title of the youngest head coach of a top club. As long as we win this game, can we coach until the end of the season at least?"

"Of course, this is a must." Albert's blood was boiling. "I want to get rid of Campora. You must hold on."

"I don't care about your conflicts. I am only responsible for leading the team." Jiang Shan stood up. "There are still 5 days to prepare. It's a bit tight."

In the first round of the match between the two sides, Monaco was defeated by Inter Milan with a score of 2:1. In the second round, they still had no advantage.

The combination of Pussor and Nonda cannot be compared with the combination of Crespo and Recoba. Moreover, Jiang Shan is very clear about Cooper's tactics. The defense is quite solid. It is not easy to break their defense.

Jiang Shan had someone edit Inter Milan's game video before, but it was not enough. Facing Inter Milan, there must be changes. Relying on the old routine alone will still be a losing end.

"Scarlett, help me put together a video to show Shevchenko's technical characteristics. The more details, the better." Jiangshan returned to the office and ordered his assistant to go into battle.

Scarlett is the beautiful assistant arranged by Prince Albert for Jiangshan. She has a nice face and a little charm, but her figure is not flattering. At least Jiangshan doesn't have much desire for her.

Scarlett still knows how to take a penalty kick, and quickly replied, "Shevchenko is a player of AC Milan, not Inter Milan."

"I know. After you're done, let Drogba come to see me." Jiangshan ordered and went out immediately to meet the players.

He had just taken office, and the first game was too short. It was impossible to start over. He could only make some minor adjustments. The most important thing was to make the players refreshed and fight at full speed.

So he met with the main players one by one. Everyone was familiar with him. Jiangshan played as the head coach and asked for support from his brothers.

Yes, it was to win feelings. Jiangshan had a good relationship with the players. Letting these guys with a strong sense of Jianghu help them, the first game would definitely make them do their best.

He envied Sacchi, who had an unparalleled resume and had enough confidence to easily handle any big-name player in any team. Unfortunately, he had too many achievements and was a little arrogant. If he had paid more attention to methods and methods, communicated more with the players, and had more psychological massage, he would definitely not have ended up like this.

Jiangshan did not have an outstanding resume, and big-name players could not obey him. He could only win them over and massage their minds, so that they would let go of their prejudices and concentrate on playing every game well.

"As long as I win a few important championships, my back will be hard." Jiangshan thought involuntarily.

After joining Monaco, he prepared for a rainy day and waited for this day. Although it was a bit difficult, he still waited.

As long as he crossed Inter Milan, which stood in front of the team, it was a big mountain.

Look at Inter Milan's stars, Cannavaro, Coco, Cordoba, Zanetti, Crespo, Recoba, plus Cooper, who has won the Champions League and has a new look, are definitely strong contenders for the Champions League this season.

"Giuli, can you not look for Estrella for a week?" Jiangshan didn't waste words. Giuli was the key move and couldn't fail. "If you can't do it, I won't let you play. I don't want fans all over the world to see you weak."

Giuli didn't even think about it, "This is your first game, I will definitely support you. Don't worry, I am still the electric mouse that makes opponents tremble."

"Okay, after the game, I will let you be electric again."

In the training match, Jiangshan did not change the main framework of the team. It was still Sacchi's formula, but the mobility in the frontcourt was much greater. Giuli and Pussor still started.

Jiangshan arranged to increase the ball holding, using his dribbling and shooting to threaten and harass the opponent's defense. Nonda ran on the side, constantly interspersed, and increased the ball holding points.

Rothen is known as the Beckham on the left, with a strong ability to cross the ball. In addition, he was only given a simple order: aim at the top of Pushol's head and hit it hard. Who cares? It's best to knock him out.

Pushol was also full of energy. Although his movement speed was slow, his shooting skills were not bad, and he was much more reliable than Drogba.

Drogba has a new task. He has been staying at home these days, constantly observing Shevchenko's small skills. Nonda and Pushol are both excellent shooters, but they are still not as good as Shevchenko.

When Drogba was at Chelsea, he only scored about 10 goals in the first two seasons. After Shevchenko came, Drogba's number of goals soared, breaking the 20 mark and rushing to 30.

For the double striker, Shevchenko opened up space on the one hand, and more importantly, Drogba learned a lot of skills from Shevchenko and strengthened his shooting skills. Now Drogba's biggest problem is that his skills are too rough. He has a body but not enough skills.

When Sacchi used Drogba, he often let him rush forward and fight against the opponent's defender. What would happen if he won? Drogba couldn't control the ball at all, and couldn't even pass the ball to his teammates.

Drogba was just a backup plan.

On November 12, the last round of the first round of the Champions League group stage kicked off at the Meazza Stadium.

Thanks to the book friend 161210153643045 for the reward!

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