Star Coach

Chapter 76 The Price of Youth

In the 40th minute of the first half, Monaco still maintained the lead and controlled the situation, with smooth passing in the backcourt.

What they wanted now was to maintain the score of 1:0 until the end of the half, and then continue to defend and counterattack in the second half, so that they would have a much greater chance of winning.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. Although Inter Milan was in a defensive state for a while, they would spit out their bloodthirsty fangs at any time and bite off a piece of meat for Monaco.

Evra rushed across the half court triumphantly, but was intercepted by Zanetti, and then the ball was quickly knocked out and fell into Monaco's half court. Conceicao moved forward and accelerated immediately.

When Evra and Rothen chased back, they were already a beat slower. Givet was taken away by the shuttle Recoba, and the front and rear could not be taken care of. With Crespo's disruption, Monaco's back line was in chaos.

Zicos also couldn't hold Di Biagio who moved forward, and let the ball slip through.

The ball leaked, Crespo suddenly appeared, under the care of Rodriguez, he gently touched the ball, in a very relaxed state, but the ball had already entered the net.

Roma sat on the ground, unable to block the ball, and was pierced by the big and small gates, losing all his face.

Crespo's running, coupled with his clever skills, especially the point grab in front of the goal, is the best striker in Argentina at this stage.

On the bench of Monaco, Drogba saw Crespo's action, his right foot twitched inexplicably, kicked the front seat, and then trembled all over, muttering to himself, "Is this the touch technique of a top striker? It's too similar to Shevchenko's touch. Maybe, I can learn their touch."

Thinking of his skill of stopping the ball ten meters away, Drogba's dark face actually flushed, and the strange congestion state was like a blooming black rose.

Jiangshan shook his head. It is impossible for a top striker to be defended to death throughout the game. As long as they are given a little chance, they can cut off the water.

He transformed into the senior brother Duan Shuiliu, and then called everyone present rubbish.

Crespo celebrated wildly. They were suppressed by Monaco for a half, and finally tied the score at the last moment, releasing excess hormones. Cooper saw the performance of his disciples and also raised his hands high, excited.

"Jiangshan is good, and he has made every plan, but my players are stronger, haha..." Cooper muttered in his mouth. Jiangshan was his assistant, and now he has become his opponent. There is always a thorn in his heart. Especially when the team is suppressed, the thorn hurts.

After Crespo scored, the half ended. The two sides tied 1:1 and entered the locker room.

Jiangshan thought that he was responsible for the loss of the ball. At the last moment, he should have controlled the ball in the opponent's half, otherwise it would be playing with fire after being intercepted.

He did not scold the players, "The opponent's goal was my mistake. I kept forcing you to attack. But it doesn't matter, it's just half a game. In the second half, we can still come back."

He seized the time and arranged tactics. He must win in the second half. Even if Ajax is temporarily behind, they cannot let down their guard. It is too unrealistic to put their fate on others.

Change tactics, keep changing tactics.

At the beginning of the second half, Jiangshan was ready to play on the right side. Ibarra was suppressed for most of the game. The small universe is about to explode, and it can be used.

After Inter Milan kicked off, they also did not attack fiercely. Instead, they passed the ball back, controlled it in the backcourt, and looked for opportunities. Monaco's players tried to grab it several times, but failed, so they had to retreat.

Inter Milan slowly invaded Monaco's territory, gradually pressed over, and was very unreasonable, relying on the personal abilities of the players. What they eat is that your defense on both sides is not strong. Ibarra and Evra are both very young and must learn a lesson.

Therefore, they are under great pressure and the rhythm of the game is a bit messy.

Jiangshan gritted his teeth. This rhythm was wrong and he was restrained. He was still thinking about a strong attack at the beginning of the second half, but he didn't expect Cooper to be a step ahead and catch him off guard.

Zicos tried very hard and finally got the ball, but Inter Milan's defense was very fast. It seemed that the previous attack was a cover, and they only wanted defense.

There was no chance when he reached the front court. After Ibarra pressed forward, he couldn't find a good point to pass the ball, so he could only pass the ball back.

Jiangshan looked at the lineup on the field. It was not bad, but the tacit understanding between the players was still a long way off. Facing Inter Milan, they didn't have a central organizer, and they still couldn't open the situation.

Too little experience! The less experience of the players, the higher the error rate, the greater the pressure on the coach, and the chain reaction. If it was an ordinary team, it would be okay, there would be room for mistakes, and there would be no pressure for results. But Jiangshan needs results, and the pressure is huge.

Cooper was quite proud, "Little guy, I knew you wanted to fight for the start, I won't give you a chance."

Monaco was in chaos for a while, and there was no method in organizing the offense, which then infected the back line. The players on the back line seemed to be short-circuited, and directly pulled down Materazzi at the corner kick.

This guy fell to the ground exaggeratedly, wailing and beating the grass. He was not so miserable even when he was beaten.

The referee decisively awarded a penalty kick. Materazzi jumped up instantly, triumphantly, "Hehe, hehe..."

Penalty kick!

Jiangshan sat back in the coach's position helplessly. He was young and messy. He couldn't swallow the opponent in one breath, and he didn't have the strength to stop the opponent. It was too difficult to win.

At the same time, he also received news that Ajax scored a goal and tied the score. It was raining on the roof.

Roma failed to save Zanetti's shot. They judged the direction correctly, but it was useless. The ball went into the net.

Inter Milan reversed the score, 2:1, and took the lead.

Cooper raised his hands and clapped his hands, leading the fans to cheer. Cooper and Jiangshan are old acquaintances, but the two are only in a working relationship, and they will not play tacitly because of a game. This is not their style.

The team fell behind, Ajax equalized the score, and might even win. If the situation continues, Monaco can only go to the League Cup.

Moratti laughed, "Nothing, nothing, just our normal level. But Jiangshan's team has been dispatched very well."

Campora smiled, "Unfortunately, Jiangshan is still a breath away and can't seize the opportunity."

Prince Albert's face turned black. If Jiangshan loses, not to mention losing his position as coach, his layout in the team will immediately fall through.

After losing the ball, Jiangshan immediately made personnel adjustments. In the 52nd minute of the game, Jiangshan played the first card.

Replaced Pussor with Bernardi, playing three midfielders.

The lineup changed, playing a 433 formation, and the front three were very wide. In this formation, Rothen's crosses were almost useless. Without a center forward, he had a heavy defensive task. His main position was to defend and release Ibarra's forward talent.

After the formation changed, Monaco's offense became active immediately, but unfortunately it was still one step short of threatening Inter Milan's goal, but it couldn't score a goal. The membrane could not be broken.

Cooper was under great pressure and his palms were sweating. In the 60th minute, he immediately changed players, replacing midfielder Zanetti with full-back Coco to strengthen defense.

He also changed the formation from 352 to 442, changing to Jiangshan's opening formation.

Jiangshan smiled and seemed very satisfied with Cooper's reaction, "The reaction is much faster, but the conservative is still so conservative. I'm waiting for your move!"

Jiangshan saw Cooper's change of formation and knew that the opportunity had come. He immediately issued instructions to strengthen the attack.

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